T.K looked at Jack with a strange expression, putting his shotgun down

"Wachu need young 'un?"

Jack smiled and coughed a bit of blood

"I'm going to collapse for a bit. Don't worry about me!"

T.K's eyes widened as the young man fell limp to the ground, blood leaking from his mouth, ears, nose, and everywhere else blood could come out

'Shit..' He thought before getting off of his chair and limping over to the guy

Just because he has a peg leg, doesn't mean it's practical...

For the next couple of days, T.K used his (Limited) medical skills and sent some messages to Zed for help trying to keep this kid alive

Meanwhile, outside of Fyrestone, a bus rolled up to road of the abandoned rest station and stopped for a few minutes before rolling off, leaving four people on the side of the road

The first was a tall African-American man, well built and wearing a set of dark Dahl issued armor along with a beret. On his belt was a box, likely a Dahl manufactured deployable turret. In his hands was a worn assault rifle

Next to him was a giant. Literally... The man was all muscle, 7 feet tall, and bald. He didn't have any sort of weapon on him other than his fists - likely legally a military grade blunt weapon. The only thing that was holding his muscles back was a 'large' tank top, colored black

The next, and last man, was a tall, lanky guy. He was wearing a mask that covered his eyes and most of his hair, leaving his nose, mouth, goatee, and dark dreadlocks free to view. On his back laid a sheathed sword, likely used and worn many times. Laid on his hip was a Jakobs Revolver, and on his arm was a large, Falcon like creature

The last member was a woman with fiery red hair. Her build was slim, not too well endowed, but she definitely did not need it. On her right arm was a blue tribal tattoo that stood out on her pearl skin. The tattoo looked similar to the one that had grown on Jack

"You sure this is the place Roland? It looks like a shithole..." The masked assassin asked Roland, the Soldier, skeptically

"This is the closest we could get to New Haven, Mordecai. Any closer and we would have been attacked by waves of bandits" Roland replied

"Whatever. As long as I get to punch some stuff, I'm good! Haha!!" The body builder shouted out, punching his fist

"Be patient, Brick. I'm sure we'll have some bandits to kill later" The woman told Brick (Fitting name)

"Lilith is right. Plus, we have a little guest..." Roland cut them out of their chat and pointed out the robot rolling towards them. It was short, shaped like a box with a wheel at the bottom, along with an antenna on top, glowing with a green light

"See you next time! HA!!" It's voice was obviously programmed to stay cheerful no matter what, making it seem annoying as hell

The group didn't react much as the thing rolled up in front of them

"Welcome to Fyrestone! I~ am C-L-4-P-T-P! You~ may call me by my locally designated name - Claptrap!"

The four shared looks and you could feel the mental sighs from the area

"Before continuing, please accept this ECHO communication device and heads-up display, provided free of charge by the Dahl corporation!"

The robot, Claptrap, handed out four rectangular objects that looked like a futuristic Walkman

Brick, Mordecai, and Lilith gladly took the tech, but Roland visibly tensed as soon as Dahl was said

"Roland? You good amigo?" Mordecai snapped his fingers in front of his face, snapping him out of the trance

"Huh? Yeah, I'm good..." The soldier took the device and walked ahead

The other three shared a look. They obviously didn't believe him, but didn't pry. They had secrets themselves after all

"Great! I have detected your ECHO device is fully functioning! This way please!" Claptrap began rolling off to a tower in the distance

The group followed at a brisk walk

"Step right up! This is the New U station. When you use this device, your DNA profile is automatically identified and stored. Please activate the station now!"

Mordecai went up first and typed a few buttons before setting his palm on a square outcrop at his waist. The machine pricked his finger, storing the first bit of DNA before flashing green, back to red

The process continued with Roland, Lilith, and finally brick, though it took an second for the machines needle to get through the man's skin...

"Excellent! Now that your DNA is registered, you have the best horrific death and dismemberment insurance! Should an unfortunate fatal incident occur, your 'New you' will appear at the nearest station, however, you will be charged for every death, so make sure you have cash on you!"

The robot began rolling off towards the gate

"Now, we can head into the peaceful town of Fyrestone!"

A few buttons were pushed on the panel for the gate before the group heard a noise


"Wait... is that?... Oh no, not again! RUUUUUNNN!!" Claptrap began rolling around in circles, weirdly not falling on its side...

From behind, off a rock formation, bandit technical cars began ramping over the gate into the town, or at least the outskirts

Five of them ramped over, driving out of view. The last one decided it wanted to do some doughnuts in front of the gate, however

...That was a mistake


The car suddenly crashed and exploded into the wall, a bloodstained window being the only sign of it happening

Behind the gate, Mordecai was kneeling, sniper rifle out and smoking before holstering it as the gate opened

"KILL THEM ALL!" A bandit shouted from inside

Mordecai grinned

"You a best get moving before I pick em all off!"