It rained again early in the morning, and the air in the mountains was damp and cold. Sumani lay motionless on the messy bed.

The child was crying outside. Mother Liu was coaxing the child. After coaxing the child for a while, there was no sign of stopping. Mother Liu also lost her temper.

"When are you still lying dead on the bed? I've never seen such a lazy thing. Other people's daughter-in-law gets up early in the morning to cook, but you are the only one who is lazy and cancerous, and has no use except eating and drinking!"

This is not the first time Mother Liu has scolded Su Manni. The second morning she came here with Liu's second mother, Mother Liu began to pick her nose and eyes and dislike her.

Su Manni retorted a few words, her nose was bruised and her face was swollen by Liu Lao Er's slaps, she no longer dared to talk back to Liu's mother.

Mother Liu scolded outside for a while and saw that Su Manni hadn't moved. She opened the curtain and came in to scold.

Seeing that Su Manni covered her ears, Mother Liu became more and more angry, and rushed over to lift the quilt and pull Su Manni.

During the pulling process, Liu's mother grabbed Su Manni's hair and pulled it cursingly. Su Manni was in pain and pushed hard.

Mother Liu fell back and knocked on the corner of the cabinet in the room. She let out a muffled groan and fell limply to the ground.

Su Manni came over and was startled when she saw Mother Liu lying on the ground, so she got out of bed immediately to check.

Mother Liu lay motionless on the ground, with blood pouring out from her head. She stretched out her hand and pushed Mother Liu, but there was no response. Then she put her hand under Mother Liu's nose and tried, but she couldn't feel breathing. Su Manni's mind was buzzing. There was a bang.

Mother Liu won't be thrown to death, right?

Liu's mother is dead, can Liu's second child spare her?

Su Manni was in a hurry, she had already experienced enough of Liu's second child's violence towards her during this time.

That bastard's attack doesn't matter how serious it is, it's all about hitting to death.

She suffered a miscarriage on the second day after she arrived here, and after three days of rest, this bastard started to touch her.

Su Manni has always felt that she is different from others. She was born to be cared for and to enjoy the glory and wealth. She never thought that she would be brought to live in this poor country.

What's more, she didn't expect to suffer endless violence from Liu's second child. Liu Liu's second child forced her to use her mouth in order to satisfy her, and she would beat her if she refused.

Su Manni hated and was angry, but she had no choice but to obey.

In the past few days, as soon as she was cleaned, Liu's second son started to toss.

Such a life would be worse than death, Su Manni regretted it very much, she didn't know how long this kind of life would continue, she always hoped that Liu Laoer's family would die soon.

But this kind of hope is not for her to do it. Now that Liu's mother fell to her death, she pushed it. Can the murderous second child Liu let her go?

When Su Manni thought of this, the curtain was lifted, Father Liu came in, and saw his wife lying on the ground at a glance, Father Liu hurried over, stretched out his hand to try it, and glared at Su Manni: "You killed her?"

"No! It's not me! It's her..."

"It was you who killed it, you have a big problem! I'll tell my second brother right away, you are waiting to go to jail!"

Su Manni took a step forward and grabbed Father Liu's hand: "Don't...don't tell's none of my business, it's her... accidentally..."

"Anyway, you killed someone, and if you are going to jail, even the second child will not let you go!"

"I...I beg you!" Su Manni begged, she didn't wear much clothes, Liu's father's eyes fell on Su Manni, swallowed, and said, "It's not impossible for me to help cover up, but you have to promise me one thing."


"Sleep with me!"

" dare you?" Su Manni gasped in anger.

Father Liu completely disregarded his wife who died on the ground. The old woman was too old and ugly to do anything. She died to save food. His blood boiled with the cry, and he felt that he was more than ten years younger.

He stared at Suman and sneered, "What's wrong with me? The second brother said that you are a bitch who sleeps with others in the city. Since you are sleeping with others like this? I can tell you, if the second child knows that you killed her Mom will beat you until you lose your arms and legs. And she will definitely send you to jail!"

Liu Er is indeed a person who can do such a thing. Within a few minutes of struggling between being beaten and disabled by Liu Er in prison and concealing this matter, Su Manni agreed to Liu's father's conditions.

Father Liu touched Su Manni a few times with his hands and feet, and at Su Manni's urging, he helped clean up the scene. He faked a picture of his wife accidentally falling to his death and called Liu Er.

Liu Er was also very annoyed by his own old lady. He didn't have any doubts when he heard Liu's father said that he fell to his death. He was cremated and buried at the crematorium.

The day after Liu's mother was buried, Liu Er had something to go out, so Liu's father went into Su Manni's room to beg for sex.

Su Manni held back her boredom and dealt with this old bastard, she hated it to the extreme.

Such days lasted for less than two days, and she and Father Liu were stuck on the bed by Liu Er.

After Liu's father saw Liu Er, he put all the blame on Su Manni: "It was this shameless thing who seduced me. She killed your mother, so she seduced me and didn't let me speak out. I just listened to her when I was confused. "

Liu Er slapped Liu's father a few times, and punched and kicked Su Manni.

After being beaten up by him, Su Manni was tied up with a rope and paraded naked through the streets. She was so ashamed that she wanted to die when she was spit on and thrown vegetable leaves by so many despised country folks.

This is not over yet, she heard Liu Er call Bai Haifeng's bodyguard: "This bitch killed my mother, he is vicious and shameless, we can't let her go, we must let her pay with blood!"

Su Manni knew that there was no way out, and she couldn't sit still.

Su Manni found the rat poison that Liu Er's mother used to poison mice and put it in the water tank of Liu Er's house.

Liu Er's father and Liu Er drank water and bled from their orifices. Su Manni dropped the child and fled outside in the dark.

She ran for several hours on the mountain road where she was unfamiliar, and finally collapsed on the ground from exhaustion.

The sleepy and tired Su Manni slept on the winding mountain road overnight, and the next morning she woke up and fled again. After two days of fleeing, on the third morning, the tired and hungry Su Manni looked at the deserted wilderness and felt desolate. .

She doesn't know where this is, how can she get out of here?

Even if she walks out of here, if she kills someone, she will trade her life for her life no matter what. Since she will die sooner or later, she might as well just call it a day.

Su Manni took a look at the environment she was in. There were bottomless cliffs on both sides of the road.

She walked to the side tremblingly and glanced down, her legs were limp and she collapsed to the ground.

Not daring to jump down, she didn't even have the courage to commit suicide. Su Manni held her head and wailed on the road. Just as she was howling, a car stopped beside Su Manni.