V2.Chapter 1166

"Shura, when are you going to be stubborn! Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha

Seeing Shura's angry appearance, Wang Fan once again said frankly, it's not in Shura's hands at all!

"Deceiving people too much, don't talk nonsense!"

Shura said coldly.

The retinue is not in words. He knows that he wants to challenge Wang Fan. Even if he has this murderous bonus, his fighting power will be better than before, but he still dare not be distracted in the face of Wang Fan.

Under the reputation of Wuxu scholar, although his subordinates say that Wang Fan's derogatory words are just a stimulus. Wang fan is just a young man. I hope he can get angry. It's better to lose his mind, but it's a pity that he didn't get what he wanted.

Looking at the immobile Wang Fan, Shura didn't dare to be careless at all. Now his murderous spirit is boiling all over his body. If he doesn't do it again, his murderous spirit will be weakened. On the contrary, it's not good for him.

Murderous Qi is invisible. It should be invisible. It is just like air, which is hard for ordinary people to notice.

However, the murderous spirit of Shura's whole body was too strong. Although they couldn't feel it, the feeling of oppression in the field occupied their hearts, which made the hearts of all the people behind Wang fan sink.

In their reaction, Wang fan is like a boat in the rough sea. In the face of Shura's murderous attack, he may be subverted at any time and buried in the field of Shura's murderous spirit.

With Shura's constant attack, Wang Fan still looks calm. Every time he faces Shura's attack, Wang fan is close to Shura, so he hides with amazing speed. Every time he evades, it's just right. The sharp blade in Shura's hand is almost scratching Wang Fan's hair.

In the eyes of the public, Wang fan is like dancing on the tip of a knife. No matter how violent the Shura's attack is, they can't hit the nimble and evasive Wang Fan. Seeing that Wang Fan has continuously evaded the Shura's attack, the women slowly let go of their worries.

In their view, Wang Fan's evasion is like a blink. Every time they dodge, they are superb and wonderful. If they are in the present situation, they can't escape this kind of attack!

Don't say Dodge, in Shura now violent killing pressure system, they may only have the courage to escape, Shura is stronger than before!

"Impossible, how can you not be affected by the murderous atmosphere, and still have this kind of strength?"

Shura couldn't attack for a long time, and his heart began to be agitated. He kept away from Wang Fan and asked Wang Fan. His face was full of incredible expression.

The combination of murderous Qi and attack first suppresses the enemy through murderous Qi, shakes the enemy's mind, and says that when the other party is in a trance, he is quickly mending the sword. This method has been tried repeatedly. Why did it fail against Wang fanque today?

As long as he is a living person, he has vitality, and naturally can feel the existence of murderous Qi, which is a kind of inexplicable suppression! He could not guess why Wang Fan was not afraid of his attack.

"Shura, put down the butcher's knife. You don't use murderous Qi like that!"

Wang Fan smile, again toward Shura advised said, for Shura question he directly ignored.

"Well! You don't even have murderous Qi. Are you worthy to teach me how to use murderous Qi? This is what I gather after every mission. How long have you not killed people? Are you still murderous? "

Facing Wang Fan's persuasion, Shura said disdainfully.

It's like driving a Wuling Hongguang car to show a sports car driver how to give full play to the car's performance. Isn't that a joke?

"It doesn't matter. I see when you can hold on!"

Shura's eyes become cold, and he pours on Wang Fan again. He doesn't believe that Wang fan is always in this state. He can dodge his attack every time!

The so-called long guard will lose, Wang Fan this is pretending to be a fool, bluff just, once now he does not move like a mountain state disappeared, Wang Fan will certainly show his true colors!

Shura occasionally falls into that temporary state. In that state, all the human perception and potential will be released and sublimated, and the combat power will be doubled. However, this state is not lasting, and no one can be in that state for a long time. In Shura's view, the purpose of Wang Fan's these days is to keep quiet, Is to enter this state of mind!

As long as he continues to attack, Wang Fan will soon fall out of this state. At that time, Wang Fan will no longer have this kind of evasion.

With this idea, Shura became more and more crazy. The murderous spirit of the spectators was oppressed, and his attack method was also extremely fierce. The sharp hearing warrior could even hear the sound of the blade cutting the air! They couldn't see the figure of Shura clearly. They could only vaguely see the figure around Wang Fan.

Three minutes passed···

Ten minutes passed···

The shadow thorn watching the battle behind Shura began to frown. He had a bad premonition.

He can't see the strength of Shura now, but he can feel that the fighting power of Shura has begun to decline. Although it's not obvious, he can feel that Shura was full of energy and spirit before, but now he has shown the trend of exhaustion.

On the surface, Shura is pressing Wang Fan to fight constantly, but seeing Wang Fan move and dodge quietly in the field, he knows that if the current situation develops, Shura will definitely lose. This kind of high-intensity attack is no less than ordinary people running marathons, and the physical consumption is extremely terrible!

"You're ready. Boss Shura is in a stalemate with the other side. We have to help him break this situation."

Shadow stabs slanting head and whispers to the warrior beside him.


"Zero, the other side has an action. You and your brothers keep an eye on each other. If they dare to attack brother fan, they will scuffle and protect brother fan for the first time!"

While watching the battle, Liu Juan has been staring at the forces behind Shura. Now seeing the crowd in turmoil, she hastily tells the killer zero.

"Sister Juan, we're ready. Don't worry. I'm going to guard the outer ring. No one is allowed to enter!"

Ling ran says that the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. She and yingci are the killers of the new generation of wanguku. They are not convinced with each other. Now they finally have the chance to face each other. She resolutely takes over the task of keeping an eye on yingci.

"Zero killer"

Shadow thorn face ugly, looking at blocked in front of him zero, a face gloomy said.

He thinks that his strength is better than zero, but he can't crush the Bureau. If he is dragged by zero, then he has no role in promoting the battle. As the second master after Shura, he lost his help, and the rest of the people are afraid that it will be difficult to open up the situation.

"Shadow thorn, I'm here, you'd better not move!"

Killer zero eyebrow a pick, toward shadow thorn said, at the same time in the hands of the short blade as the chest, as long as the shadow thorn dare to move, she dares to fight!