Chapter 29

Name:Infinite Rebirth Author:浅悠凉
"Brothers! Ap Jie Lop! That's fake! Let's go! " After hearing his boss's words, the first little brother immediately shouted to his companions.

The little gangster who was afraid was coaxed by this. Everyone took their own steps again and was ready to teach Ye Siyu a lesson.

"Love when you die ~! Not incisively and vividly, not happy ~! "

Just when the group of gangsters were about to rush to Ye Siyu, a deafening song suddenly sounded in the box. The sudden noise made everyone in the box have to cover their ears. They just felt that their eardrums were about to be broken.

Taking advantage of this moment, ye Siyu moved. The whole recognition was like a cheetah. He immediately passed the gangsters covering their ears and came to Zhang Ling. His left hand grabbed his collar and his right hand pistol against his temple.

"Brother... Brother... This... Toy is not fun?" Zhang Ling, who was held by Ye Siyu against his temple with a pistol, stammered. He could clearly feel the cold metal texture of the pistol. Although he didn't believe that the gun in Ye Siyu's hand was a real gun, even being shot into his temple was not a fun thing.

Ye Siyu raised the muzzle of the gun against Zhang Ling's temple slightly, turned to the ceiling, and then clasped his fingers gently.



A loud gunshot and the sound of things breaking answered Zhang Ling's question. He only felt the buzzing sound in his ears and the whole head was hit hard by a hammer.

"Ah!" Although the noisy music in the box was much louder than the gunshot, the gunshot still changed everyone's look in the box, and everyone was stunned for a moment.

Especially those gangsters, looking at Ye Siyu's eyes is like seeing fierce beasts. They have never thought that the gun in Ye Siyu's hand is a real gun, and dare to shoot so blatantly.

When everyone was shocked, the deafening music in the box decreased to the initial size.

"Don't look sad and smile. Do you still think it's a toy?" Ye Siyu smiled and patted Zhang Ling's face, which had already been scared out of his wits.

"No... it's not a toy..." Zhang Ling replied with a smile worse than crying.

Although he is only a gangster leader in a small area and can only deal with others with knives and fists, it doesn't mean that he is a fool. He has seen the real gun. With the sound of the gun and the smell of gunsmoke close at hand, he can be sure that the gun in Ye Siyu's hand is a real gun.

However, he was afraid because he knew it was a real gun. This is not the United States where everyone has a gun. This is China. On the face of it, only official people can own guns.

Even the kind of black forces who are all hands and eyes dare not show up guns in a blatant situation. They do things more secretly. Ye Siyu dares to shoot so blatantly without saying that he has a gun, which makes him feel very afraid. In his opinion, ye Siyu is a complete madman.

"Do you still want to cook my brother now?" Ye Siyu continued to ask.

"No! Elder brother, you have a lot of people. Let go of your younger brother... "Zhang Ling begged for mercy with trembling legs.

"Take your people away!" Ye Siyu sneered.

"Thank you, brother! Thank you, brother! " Hearing Ye Siyu driving himself away, Zhang Ling only felt that it was the sound of nature. He didn't dare to stay here. He immediately left the KTV box with his little brothers.

"Brother... Is that... Is that a real gun?" After Zhang Ling and his younger brothers left, ye Siwen stuttered and looked at Ye Siyu and asked.

As soon as ye Siwen's question was finished, ye Siyu pointed a pistol at ye Siwen and others, frightening ye Siwen and his classmates back several steps.

"If I had a real gun, do you think your brother would still be the owner of a small convenience store? This is an imitation gun. I bought it online. I heard Xiaohua say you provoked some people, so I brought it up. I didn't expect the effect to be so good. " Ye Siyu said with a smile.

"That's right." Hearing Ye Siyu's answer, his face was full of panic. Ye Siwen and his classmates showed a suddenly realized look one after another.

Because ye Siyu's convenience store is near their university, and they are all ye Siwen's friends, they also know ye Siyu and know that ye Siyu is a convenience store owner. In addition, their hearts are a little flustered by what happened before. For a moment, everyone believed ye Siyu's explanation full of loopholes.

"How did you get into trouble with these little gangsters?" Ye Siyu didn't want the topic to be on his gun all the time. He immediately changed the topic and asked.

"At that time, we were..." ye Siwen and others immediately explained the course of things one by one.

They originally came to celebrate a partner's birthday today. Suddenly, one of the little gangsters accidentally walked into the wrong room and broke in. When they saw that several girls in the box were beautiful, they immediately became lusty and wanted to hook up.

Ye Siwen and others were all men of blood, not to mention that they had drunk a lot of wine before. When they saw someone seducing their girlfriend, they couldn't help but scold the gangster and drive him away.

Who knows, the gangster came in with a large group of people soon after he left, and started fighting without saying a word. It wasn't long before ye Siyun came to solve the matter.

"You... Forget it. If you are injured, go to the hospital. If you are not injured, send the female students back to school. I will deal with the next things." After listening to his brother's explanation, ye Siyu wanted to scold, but when he saw the tragedy of his brother and his little partners, he didn't say it at last, but reluctantly shook his head and asked them to leave here.

After ye Siwen and others left the box, ye Siyu went to the corner of the box and squatted down. There was a deformed bullet lying quietly among some broken glass. It was the bullet shot by Ye Siyu before.

Ye Siyu directly picked up the bullet and received it in the storage space of the plane watch.

"After red, how long will the police be here?" After picking up the bullet, ye Siyu said.

"Master, they'll be here in three minutes." The voice of the red queen came from the plane watch.

"That's enough." Hearing honghou's answer, ye Siyu nodded, then took out a knife from the storage space and scratched it at the bullet hole in the wall. He wanted to destroy the evidence of shooting in the box.