Chapter 680

Name:Infinite Rebirth Author:浅悠凉
"Here we are.", The Warring States on the first warship narrowed his eyes, and then opened his mouth to a messenger next to him: "send the order, let all warships prepare their cannons and wait for my order to shoot."

The order of the Warring States period fell, and one cannon after another appeared on the deck of the warship, aiming at the approaching group of beasts and pirates.

With the approaching of the beast Pirate Group, a suffocating breath suddenly filled the sea. All the navy soldiers couldn't help holding the weapons in their hands and staring at the beast Pirate Group.

All the people who can participate in this war are experienced naval elites. In the face of the fierce beast Pirate Group, they have no fear, but only the desire to fight.

They all know that the next battle is about the future of the world, and they will never shrink back.

Once they retreat, the world will be chaotic. Their family and friends are likely to be persecuted by marine scum such as pirates, so they won't retreat even if they know that the battle will be very difficult.

And as a righteous Navy, they are not allowed to retreat.

Soon, the beast pirate regiment entered the range of the naval cannon.

"Fire!", The Warring States roared loudly.

The Warring States command was communicated to all warships by telephone bug.

"Boom, boom!"

The deafening shelling broke the originally silent sea in an instant. One after another, dark shells with fire light bombarded the beast Pirate Group in the distance, which also started the prelude of this war.

In order to deal with the beast pirate regiment, the Warring States directly equipped each warship with a heavy artillery, which is the latest artillery developed by berga punk. Both range and firepower are stronger than the previous artillery.

Even the most advanced artillery configured by marinfando at this stage can't compare with it, not to mention the pirate who lags behind the navy in all aspects of technology.

The first round of shelling seems to be dominated by the Navy, but it is not.

The artillery of the beast pirate regiment is indeed far behind the Navy, but the members of the beast pirate regiment are not vegetarian.

Members of the four emperor pirate regiment have their own ways of promotion. White beard depends on family affection, red hair depends on friendship, and aunt depends on soul.

The beast Pirate Group is not so troublesome. There is only one way for them to be promoted, that is, strength. Whoever has a big fist and who is in power will not be weak.

Although these naval shells are powerful, they are not enough to cause any effective damage to the beasts and pirates.

Before many shells fell, they were resisted by members of the beast pirate regiment and fell on the nearby sea area, setting off a towering wave column.

"Boom, boom!"

The beast pirate regiment advanced while resisting the naval shelling.

"Kuzan.", Seeing this, the Warring States looked at kuzan on the warship next door.

"Ice age!"

Kuzan nodded knowingly, then jumped up and fell directly on the sea. At the same time, a cold air burst out from him.

In an instant, taking kuzan as the starting point, the originally rough sea was frozen by the terrible cold, and a frozen continent appeared between the Navy and the beast Pirate Group.

The emergence of the frozen continent made the beast Pirate Group, which originally wanted to quickly approach the Navy and fight back, passive and unable to move forward. It could only defend, not attack.

"Damn Navy!"

On a huge seagoing ship headed by the fleet of all beasts and pirates, a tall and burly man with black hair and shawl, a diagonal, a long beard like a dragon's beard on his mouth, and a scale tattoo on his left arm. The upper body is naked, with a purple coat hanging on the waist, and the lower body is wearing dark green wide pants. There is a note connecting rope around the waist, just like the roar of an ancient demon God.

This man is no one else. He is the target of the Navy's Crusade this time, kaiduo, one of the four emperors.

After blowing off a shell, kaiduo jumped up and landed on the frozen continent made by the Green Pheasant.

"Click, click, click!"

The smell like a wild beast suddenly burst out from kaiduo. There were countless cracks on the solid frozen continent. Starting from his foothold, it quickly spread out. It was not domineering, but it was better than domineering.

"Boys, get off the boat! Kill this rubbish! ", The falling mouth roared.

With the voice of kaiduo, one figure after another jumped from the fleet of beasts and pirates to the ice.

"Kill, kill!"

Under the leadership of kaiduo, members of the beast pirate regiment directly carried shells and rushed towards the Navy. As they ran, they gradually showed the appearance of all kinds of animals. All these people are capable of fruit of animal system.

"Kuzan! Sakaski! Porusalino! "

Watching kaiduo rush over with so many animals, the Warring States immediately shouted.

Hearing the words of the Warring States period, the Yellow ape directly turned into a streamer, disappeared on the ice and came to the air.

"Two thorn spears!"

"Whew, whew, whew!"

Countless ice spears were formed beside the Green Pheasant, and then quickly shot at the beasts and pirates.

"Eight feet Qiong gouyu!"

"Whew, whew, whew!"

In the next second, the light bomb formed by the condensation of countless photons was emitted from the Yellow ape's hands and poured down towards the beast pirate group below like a shower.

"Go to hell! You scum of the sea! Meteor volcano! "

"Boom, boom!"

On the other side, the red dog was unwilling to be outdone. He waved his fists quickly. The huge magma fist shot into the air and burst into a meteor of magma in the sky.

A large number of meteor shaped magma fists, together with the ice spear of green pheasants and the light bomb emitted by yellow apes, fell towards the group of beasts and pirates.

These magma fists, ice spears and light bombs cover an extremely wide range, enveloping all the people of the beast Pirate Group, rather than just attacking the high-level of the beast pirate group such as kaiduo.

After fighting with the beast Pirate Group for so many times, the Green Pheasant, red dog and yellow ape are very aware of the strength of kaiduo and others. This degree of attack, especially long-range attack, is unlikely to cause any effective damage to kaiduo.

So the target of their attack this time was not kaiduo, but the men behind kaiduo.

The beast pirate regiment is powerful, but the main reason is kaiduo and the high-end combat power of the three major disasters. As for the remaining pirates, they are ordinary pirates. Even if they can't be wiped out, they can cause great casualties.


Looking at the rapidly falling magma fist and light bomb in the sky, kaiduo snorted coldly, the fist suddenly became dark, and a powerful shock wave visible to the naked eye appeared.


The ice spears, light bullets and magma fists in front of kaiduo were empty in an instant, and no one could fall on kaiduo.


When kaiduo started, the wind disaster and ice disaster behind him also took action. The hurricane blew and the air conditioner was cold.

The attack of Green Pheasant, red dog and yellow ape was instantly resisted by two-thirds, and the remaining one-third was resisted by the remaining members of the Pirate Group. Only a few people were injured by the attack.

However, the injured people also rely on the strong resilience of animal fruit ability to recover quickly and continue to move towards the Navy.

For this war, kaiduo directly sent out all his animal fruit ability, which can be described as playing cards.

"It's terrible."

Seeing that his attack with the red dog and the Green Pheasant was resisted by the people of the beast Pirate Group, he didn't cause any effective harm. The Yellow ape showed an obscene smile and said in a relaxed tone, but his dignified and fearful eyes betrayed his current mood, which was not as relaxed as he appeared.

Originally, he thought that he and red dog would make joint efforts to kill and injure the beast Pirate Group, but he never thought he would miss, but it also showed the strength of the beast Pirate Group.

"Kuzan, sakaski, porusalino can do it!"

Just as the beast pirate regiment crossed the shell coverage, the Warring States opened its mouth again.

"Whew, whew, whew!"

The voice of the Warring States period fell, and the three green pheasants shot again.

The three jumped up and jumped directly into the air of more than 50 meters.

The next second, ice spear, photoelastic, magma fist appeared again.

But this time, the target of these attacks was not the beast pirate regiment, but the ice in front of the beast pirate regiment.

"Click, click, click!"

With the three men's attack falling, a burst of fragmentation sound sounded, and countless huge splitting cracks appeared on the ice, and quickly extended to the position of the beast Pirate Group.

"Poop! Poop! "


"Boss, help me!"

The crack extended very fast. Before the members of the beast Pirate Group reflected, the ice under their feet broke.

For a time, many members of the pirate group fell into the water and sank directly into the sea.

"Damn it! I'll kill you! ", Seeing his men fall into the water, kaiduo's face showed a ferocious look. It took him more than ten years to gather so many animal fruit abilities.

He is really angry that he has lost dozens of people in an instant.

Different from kaiduo's anger, a smile appeared on the Warring States face when he saw all this.

This is the plan he specified. First, let kuzan freeze the sea, so that the beast Pirate Group had to get off the ship, then use artillery to deal with those ordinary pirate group members, so that they could not get close, and then let the three red dogs bombard the deliberately thin ice, so that those who can bear fruit of the animal system fell into the water.

Because of shelling, the number of ordinary pirates is not large, so those who fall into the water will only drown.

In addition to the Warring States period, the faces of the other navies also showed an extremely excited look.

Although this trick was very despicable, none of the Navy present felt there was a problem.

Because this is a war, and the target is marine garbage such as pirates. Even if they are despicable, they won't feel any problem.

"Ice disaster! Freeze the sea! I'll break the heads of these navies! "

Kaiduo roared at the ice disaster, one of the three major disasters in the rear.

As kaiduo's voice fell, a middle-aged man standing behind kaiduo nodded. A very cold breath emerged from him. The cracked ice was frozen and solidified together. As for the members of the beast pirate group who fell into the water, he didn't care at all.

"Kill! Kill me! "

After the ice recovered, kaiduo roared that he must kill all these navies, some of his anger.

With the roar of kaiduo, the remaining members of the beast Pirate Group held high their weapons and rushed frantically forward with kaiduo and the remaining two disasters.

"Major general level personnel ashore! The rest continued to shoot! ", Seeing that kaiduo and others were getting closer and closer, the Warring States ordered that he knew that the next battle could not rely on wisdom, but on hard power.

Suddenly, the generals above the rank of rear admiral jumped down from the warship and fell on the frozen continent made by kuzan. Everyone pulled out their weapons and looked at the beast Pirate Group which was getting closer and closer with a serious look.

"Siyu, no problem? If there is a problem, we can carry out the second plan. ", When everyone got off the ship, the Warring States period looked at Ye Siyu nearby and asked worried.

Because what ye Siyu is going to do next is very dangerous. The Warring States period does not want to make mistakes, which will lead to any danger in the future of Ye Siyu's navy.

If he dies, it will be a loss to the Navy.

"No, marshal of the Warring States period, just follow the original plan.", Ye Siyu said faintly.

"Good boy! Brave enough! ", Kapp on one side praised.

Seeing ye Siyu's confidence, the Warring States period nodded, then stood in front of kuzan and others and said, "Karp, kuzan, saakashi, porusalino, let's cover Siyu together!"

"I see."

Kuzan nodded after hearing the speech, and there was no objection, because this was the plan they had made before.


With a soft drink in the Warring States period, Karp, Green Pheasant, red dog and yellow ape immediately led Ye Siyu to run in the direction of all animals and pirates.

"Go to hell! Navy! "

Seeing the Warring States period and others coming, kaiduo roared, and his huge body rushed over with a fierce momentum.

"Sakaski, you contain the ice disaster, porusalino, you contain the wind disaster, kuzan, you contain the rest of the people! Kapp and I came to help Siyu! ", When he was about to contact kaiduo and others, the Warring States opened his mouth.

As the voice of the Warring States period fell, kuzan, Sakaki and porusalino immediately dispersed and dealt with others according to the arrangement of the Warring States period. As for ye Siyu, he met kaiduo with the Warring States period and Karp.

In other words, ye Siyu met kaiduo alone, while the Warring States period and Karp covered Ye Siyu to prevent others from hindering the battle.

"Siyu, you really have no problem alone?", The Warring States reaffirmed.

"No problem.", Ye Siyu nodded definitely.

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