Chapter 795

Name:Infinite Rebirth Author:浅悠凉
"What? The will of the earth tells you not to destroy monsters?! ", I thought Ye Siyu would have any reason. In my dream, when I heard Ye Siyu's answer, I screamed. Then he looked around. He forgot that this is not a place to say such things. His scream will certainly attract other people's attention.

"Don't worry, they can't hear us.", Looking at the nervous appearance of my dream, ye Siyu said faintly.

As soon as I heard my dream, I immediately observed it carefully.

Sure enough, no one in the restaurant looked at him as if nothing had happened.

After confirming that the guests in the restaurant didn't pay attention to themselves, I was relieved and thought of something. I immediately asked, "Mr. Ye, is this also Altman's ability?"

"Sort of.", Ye Siyu nodded.

"No wonder you dare to appear so swaggeringly in the downtown area.", With Ye Siyu's confirmation, I suddenly realized the Tao in my dream.

You know, in recent days, ye Siyu's reputation has been heard all over the world. He is reporting news about ye Siyu and such gossip all the time. Especially, the video of Ye Siyu when he changed from Altman to human body is often broadcast on TV. It can be said that no one does not know ye Siyu.

Ye Siyu, who is more famous than an international star, swaggered in the downtown area without causing riots. In my dream, you suspected that ye Siyu used abilities such as magic to make others invisible. Now, as soon as he heard it, he determined his inner thoughts.

At the same time, it also makes Gaoshan dream more sure of my inner thoughts, that is, to study Altman's power.

"By the way, ye Siyu, you haven't told me what is the will of the earth.", However, Gaoshan also knows that this is not the time to think about these things. His purpose of looking for ye Siyu today is not to ask Altman's ability, but to ask Ye Siyu why he released the monster that day with the order of Xig commander Ishimura.

"My dream, why do you think the earth will do this?", Ye Siyu did not explicitly answer the question of my dream, but asked a rhetorical question.

"Why does the earth will do this?", Seeing ye Siyu, I didn't understand the reason. I dreamed of thinking with a frown, but I couldn't think of a reason for it for a long time.

"The reason why the earth will stop me is very simple.", Seeing the mountain, I haven't figured out the reason yet. Ye Siyu said directly.

"Very simple?", Gaoshan my dream looked at Ye Siyu suspiciously, waiting for ye Siyu to answer his doubts.

"Yes, my dream, what do you think a monster is?", Ye Siyu did not make a clear answer, but asked in reverse.

"Monsters should destroy human civilization.", Gaoshan's dream is somewhat uncertain. Because of Ye Siyu's involvement, Gaoshan's dream has only contacted a monster like gobu, so he doesn't know much about monsters.

"What about the earth?", Ye Siyu once again raised a question.

Hearing my dream, he fell into meditation.

He was indeed asked by Ye Siyu.

"Do you understand?", Ye Siyu looked at the contemplative mountain and asked me in a dream.

"Yeah.", I nodded with a serious face.

With the IQ of my dream, he suddenly thought of the answer to this question.

Although the monster that day left less than ten minutes after it appeared, Xig still had some information about the monster.

According to the data, the monster, like humans and animals, is a creature on earth, not an alien intruder.

I didn't think about this before in Gaoshan's dream. Now, after ye Siyu said, I thought of it in Gaoshan's dream.

But he didn't know what to say.

He was Altman who was given the light of the earth to deal with monsters by the earth's will, but the earth's will is now protecting monsters, which is contradictory to each other, which makes me tangle in my dream for a moment, and I don't know what to do next.

"In my dream, in fact, you don't have to worry so much. You just want to understand whether you are human or Altman.", Looking at the mountain, my dream tangled like a chrysanthemum, ye Siyu said.

"Am I human or Altman?", After listening to my dream, I suddenly fell into meditation.

"Let me tell you a story. There was Altman in the last world I traveled. He was a human who inherited the light of the super ancient warrior... The super ancient warrior in that world did not intervene in human choices because of Altman... When the disaster of extinction reappeared, he chose to fight as a human...", Ye Siyu simply told Gaoshan some of Dagu's deeds. I dream I know.

I listened very carefully to Gaoshan's dream. When I heard Ye Siyu say that Dagu risked being hated by humans all over the world to prevent global humans from indulging in dreams as human beings, his mouth opened wide, and he was restrained by Dagu's decisiveness and determination.

"Do you understand now?", After a while, ye Siyu looked at the mountain and asked me in a dream.

"I see.", Gaoshan my dream nodded firmly. He had figured it out.

Although he is very grateful to the will of the earth for giving him the light of Gaia, he is human first, and then Altman. He just needs to do it according to his own heart.

"Any questions?", Seeing the mountain, I dream to understand, ye Siyu continued.

"Yes, Mr. Ye, your quantum recovery that day..." Gaoshan told me a series of questions in my dream. Today, in addition to helping ishinomo ZhangXiong ask Ye Siyu why he let go of the monster, he also has many questions to ask Ye Siyu.

Two people are communicating with each other one by one.

Facing the question of my dream, ye Siyu answered what he could answer, and perfunctory the past directly if he could not answer.

About half a day later, the communication between the two ended. Ye Siyu left with qilai Lisha, and Gaoshan my dream was also satisfied to return to Xig air base and report the contents of their communication with Ye Siyu to Ishimura ZhangXiong.

Of course, these contents are limited to what can be said. As for Altman or something, I dare not say it at all.

"The will of the earth stopped his behavior?", Ishimura ZhangXiong frowned slightly.

"Why? Isn't he summoned by the will of the earth to help us resist the broken body? ", Staff Chiba asked.

"Mr. Ye said that the monster that day was not a broken body, but a creature of the earth, which was not within the scope of his elimination.", I answered immediately.

Hearing Gaoshan's answer to my dream, both Akio Ishimura and staff Chiba frowned tightly, which was not good news for them.

You know, with the current weapons of human beings, unless they are those top weapons, it is difficult to cause any effective damage to monsters. Now you know that ye Siyu may not attack monsters, which makes them headache.

"The other Altman?", After rubbing his forehead, ishimuro asked. In addition to letting Gaoshan dream about ye Siyu's release of the monster, he also wanted to know about another Altman.

"About another Altman, Mr. Ye said he didn't know. He only knew that it belonged to our planet. By the way, the name of this Altman was Gaia.", I replied simply.

I didn't ask Ye Siyu about shimuro xiongzhang's question in Gaoshan's dream, because Altman is himself, so there's no need to ask Ye Siyu.

Of course, he didn't ask anything. In terms of hiding his identity, Gaoshan's dream still learned from ye Siyu, an elder, to avoid being discovered.

"Ottoman Gaia of our planet.", After knowing everything from Gaoshan's dream, ishimuro ZhangXiong fell into silence and didn't know what he was thinking.

Seeing this, Gaoshan said goodbye to my dream and left the command room. He got a lot of inspiration from ye Siyu. If he had not to report to Shi Shimu ZhangXiong, he would have run back to his room to sort out the knowledge he got from ye Siyu.


"Doodle doodle!"

"Emergency alert, emergency alert, the air base immediately enters" Tunzi, and immediately transmit the data from the European division. ", Di chengichiro said directly.

"Yes!", Sasaki Dunzi immediately replied, and then began to mobilize information.

"What is it this time?", At this time, staff officer Chiba with a pair of panda eyes came to the command room. He had just finished an all night meeting with senior leaders of various countries and was ready to go to bed. Now he was awakened and in a bad mood.

No one answered staff officer Chiba's question, and they didn't know what the situation was now.

"The image has been transmitted. I'll cut the image to the main screen.", Before long, Sasaki Tunzi said.

As soon as they heard this, they immediately turned their eyes to the big screen in the command room.

I saw a piece of blue sea on the original dark main picture, and on the sea, a silver object passed the picture quickly.

Seeing this scene, the Chinese people looked at each other. The speed of the thing was so fast that they couldn't see its true face.

Different from others, I soon thought of something in Gaoshan dream. I went directly to Sasaki Dunzi and pushed it away.

"What are you doing?", Sasaki Dunzi, who was pushed, was very unhappy. This was already my dream of Gaoshan. Yesterday, although he learned a lot about Altman from my dream of Gaoshan, most of them were very simple materials. For example, Altman had no ability.

So after yesterday, he asked Sasaki Dunzi and George Linlan to establish a database about Altman, specifically recording Altman's ability and data.

"I see.", Sasaki Dunzi immediately replied that while recording, she said the latest information: "according to the information of the European division, the metal life will contact brilliant belia Altman in ten seconds."

As Sasaki Tunzi's voice fell, people once again focused on the big screen.

Sure enough, a few seconds later, the silver metal life body had come not far from brilliant belia.

With a wave of his right hand, brilliant belia fired a light bomb and instantly hit the metal life body, causing it to fall into the desert and set off billowing dust.

Seeing this, everyone was happy. They thought that the metal life had been solved by Guanghui belia.

But their smiles collapsed before they lasted a few seconds.

At the place where the metal life body fell, a large amount of silver liquid came out of the desert, and finally condensed into a cyclops who looked like muscle tissue in armor. There was an energy timer in the center of his chest, which looked similar to the size of the shining belia opposite.