Chapter 1078

Name:Infinite Rebirth Author:浅悠凉
"Dad!", Seeing Maori xiaowulang yelling after digesting Ye Siyu's memory, Xiaolan felt very ashamed.

She clearly knows that the beer duck in Maori xiaowulang's mouth is not a Chinese specialty, but a magical creature. No matter what liquid it is, as long as it swims by them, it will slowly become beer. The longer it swims, the better the quality of beer. It can be said that it is the treasure of the wine loving family.

"I've decided! I must buy a beer duck! ", Maori xiaowulang said excitedly.

"Mr. Maori, beer ducks are very rare magical creatures. They are almost extinct now. According to statistics, there may be no more than ten beer ducks. It takes at least 100000 gold gallons to buy them.", The newspaper employee said.

"So expensive!", Maori xiaowulang exclaimed.

A gold gallon is about 700 yen, and 100000 gold gallons, that is, 70 million yen.

Such a large amount of money is absolutely sky high for Maori Kogoro, who has only a few cases a month. Even if he decides to save money now and doesn't spend money on drinking and going to Kabuki Town, he will have to save it for several years to save enough. At that time, the price of beer duck will certainly be more expensive.

"I'd better learn magic.", Maori Kogoro said dejectedly that it would be better to learn the magic of making beer than not drinking or playing a few years ago. From the memory instilled by Ye Siyu, we can know that the magic of making beer is a very simple magic, which can be used by apprentices who have just learned magic.

Ye Siyu, who knew about Maori Kogoro, smiled and said nothing, but looked at Xiaolan and said, "Xiaolan, if you have any questions, you can ask me now."

"Teacher, I have no problem.", Xiaolan shook her head. Although she digested the knowledge instilled by Ye Siyu, the digestion here allows her to read these knowledge without side effects. It doesn't mean that she needs time to master these knowledge slowly.

"If you have any questions, you can contact me with this magic prop.", Ye Siyu gives Xiaolan a stone with communication magic.

After continuing to chat with Xiaolan and arranging for the newspaper staff to record Xiaolan's living problems when learning magic, ye Siyu left without staying much. The preparations have been made. Now we just need to wait for Xiaolan to learn magic.

Next, he is going to collect the magic props he found in his previous rebirth.

The first place is Mermaid island.

There was a ripple in the space. Ye Siyu's figure appeared in the mermaid tomb. With a wave of his right hand, those Mermaid bones and Mermaid scales on the ground floated neatly, and then floated into the small bag where ye Siyu performed the space extension technique together with the only drop of mermaid tears.

Although Mermaid bones and Mermaid scales can not provide Ye Siyu with the lowest planetary level in the world, they are valuable life prolonging materials for magicians in the world. Many people will be willing to spend planetary magic props to exchange with Ye Siyu.

Because these Mermaid bones are real bones, not those fishmen in the Goblet of fire. They are very rare.

When this bag comes down, not counting the drop of mermaid tears, bones and scales can at least exchange Ye Siyu for two planetary props, and those who are lucky can also exchange for stellar props.

After putting everything away, ye Siyu didn't leave in a hurry, but used deformation.

The next second, ye Siyu changed from human to Mermaid at the genetic level.

The right hand with a layer of translucent web waved several times in the void, and a space portal appeared in front of Ye Siyu.

In addition to the mermaid tomb, there is also a mermaid treasure house hidden on the mermaid Island, but this Mermaid treasure house is not built on the mermaid Island, but is built in another space like Hogwarts magic school and Diagon lane, which needs Mermaid blood to feel.

Although Ye Siyu, who first entered the world, became a mermaid through Daobao Junhui, he didn't become a magician recognized by the world at that time. Even if he had Mermaid blood, he couldn't feel the smell of the space portal. He didn't find it until he was reborn for the first time to collect Mermaid eye tears.

This Mermaid treasure house should be the treasure house of Junhui Island bag. It is full of magic props collected by Mermaid mages, including one star level magic wand, twelve planet level magic props, and several magic props and materials that do not reach the planet level. If these things are exchanged according to the degree of maximizing benefits, Enough to make ye Siyu's world origin reach 0.03%.

Ye Siyu Kwai quickly and quickly put everything in the bag, emptied the treasure house completely before leaving.

However, he did not immediately go to the next location of ownerless magic props, but helped Junhui shimako activate the mermaid's blood and teach the other party some knowledge of the magic world in the way of instilling memory, so as to help the other party avoid exposing himself when taking revenge in the future.

After all this, ye Siyu left Mermaid island and went to other places to collect magic props.


"Teacher, grandma Jenny, I'm ready!"

One day, in the Maori detective office, Xiao Lan, holding a water blue wand in her right hand, looked seriously at the cups placed on the table in front of her.

"Let's go.", Ye Siyu said after glancing at the old lady Jenny, a newspaper employee who was also ready to record magic.

It has been more than half a month since Xiao Lan learned magic. Three days ago, Xiao Lan condensed magic, and then spent three days learning a magic.

At first, Xiaolan wanted to learn the most common element of shaping magic taught by Ye Siyu. However, Maori xiaowulang's father kept making suggestions. Finally, she could only choose more complex wine making techniques.

However, even if it was wine making, it took Xiaolan only three days to master the use of wine making.

Of course, the main reason is that ye Siyu gives Xiaolan the wand obtained from the mermaid treasure house. Otherwise, even Xiaolan needs a lot of time to really use such an advanced magic as wine making.

"Xiao Lan, come on!" Maori xiaowulang stared at the empty cup with wide eyes and clenched his fists to cheer Xiaolan up.

"Bubble ~ beer ~", Xiaolan nodded, then took a deep breath, then waved her wand and whispered a spell, ready to use the magic of making beer.

"Gulu Gulu!"

With Xiao Lan's spell, a burst of bubbles appeared in the empty cup, and then the yellow liquid rose from the bottom bit by bit. After the liquid rose to the top of the cup, Xiao Lan stopped the spell.

"Let me try the real beer.", Maori xiaowulang couldn't wait to put his hand to the cup. As soon as he took a sip, his eyes lit up, and then he drank them all.

"Dad, how's it going?", Xiao Lan asked nervously.

"Although the taste is not as good as those beers on the market, Xiao Lan, you succeeded!", Maori Kogoro put down his glass and congratulated.

"Great! teacher! I succeeded! ", Hearing her father's answer, Xiao Lan jumped up with excitement. She finally learned how to use magic.

"All this is true... Muggles can really learn magic..." old lady Jenny, who recorded what just happened, murmured dully.

Although she knew Xiaolan had magic a day ago, she couldn't help being shocked when she really used a magic. She knew that it would definitely make the whole magic world boil.

"Ms. Jenny, I think you should know which news to publish.", Ye Siyu, who congratulated Xiaolan, looked at the old lady Jenny and said.

As a reborn person, ye Siyu clearly knows that the prophet Daily has prepared two reports on this matter, one is failure, the other is success, and the other is success. Ye Siyu is a miracle maker in the history of magic.

"I'm sorry for the previous question.", Old lady Jenny immediately saluted Ye Siyu. She knew very well that after this day, ye Siyu would become a hot existence in the magic world, and her reputation would even surpass the greatest magician Albus Dumbledore.

In the face of such existence, Jenny is quite respected.

"Human nature.", Ye Siyu smiled and said.

Old lady Jenny nodded, then hurried away, personally sent the things recorded for more than a week back to the prophet daily and wrote the news herself.

"Teacher, which magic should I learn next?", After Jenny left, Xiaolan looked at Ye Siyu and asked.

"Master, you can learn any magic you want to learn. I won't limit you. I have only one suggestion for you, that is, to learn basic magic that doesn't consume much magic, such as mage's hand and cleansing, so that you can get twice the result with half the effort when you learn high-level magic later.", Ye Siyu suggested.

Facing Ye Siyu's opinion, Xiaolan nodded seriously.

Although Ye Siyu has appeared two or three times in this half month, she sincerely regards Ye Siyu as her teacher, second only to her parents and a few good friends.

"Teacher, can I tell my mother about it?", After learning about the future learning direction from ye Siyu, Xiaolan asked nervously. She wanted to tell her mother the news that she had become a magician.

"Of course, there's no problem. There's nothing to worry about.", Ye Siyu replied.

"Great!", Xiao Lan was delighted when she heard the speech, and then picked up the landline to tell her mother the good news.

"Mr. Ye, why haven't I sensed the magic you said so far?", When Xiaolan happily told her mother about her disappearance as a magician, Maoli xiaowulang came forward with a depressed face.

He was very happy that his daughter learned magic so that he could drink beer without money in the future, but he preferred to use magic to make beer, but he studied according to Ye Siyu's method for more than half a month. Let alone use magic like Xiaolan, he couldn't even feel magic, which made him quite depressed.

"Mr. Maori, learning magic is not urgent. Not everyone is as smart as Xiao Lan.", Ye Siyu smiled and changed the subject. He didn't want to hear Maori Kogoro's complaint.

"Of course, Xiao Lan is my daughter.", Hearing Ye Siyu praising Xiaolan, Maoli xiaowulang's depressed face immediately turned into complacency. Then he grabbed Xiaolan's plane and began to show off to Fei Yingli at the other end of the plane.

Seeing this scene, ye Siyu smiled.

He knew very well that the wine making technique Xiao Lan had just used was successful, but the glass of wine was not so much beer as distilled wine with the appearance of beer. The degree was very high and it was stuffy. Even the barrel of Maori Kogoro was drunk.

In the rebirth of letting Xiaolan learn magic for the first time, ye Siyu was complained by the drunken Maori xiaowulang for most of the day. Finally, he couldn't resist this guy and directly fainted him.


"Does anyone know how to make Muggles learn magic?"


"Even the prophet Daily has become like those small newspapers. I'm disappointed with them."

Early the next morning, the magicians in the whole magic world were attracted by a news published in the prophet daily, which occupied a whole page of the prophet daily.

You know, the last time this happened, it was Harry Potter who defeated Voldemort's news.

Now there is such a person occupying the whole page. Of course, people in the magic world are curious.

It was just that I didn't care. I was startled at the sight, and I was all frightened by the content on the page.

Muggles can learn magic, which is definitely the first in the history of magic. Everyone's first reaction when they see this news is not to believe it, but it is the most authoritative prophet daily in the magic world that publishes this news, not those small newspapers that look for small stories to deceive people all day.

This made them want to read even if they felt ridiculous. This reading turned everyone's doubt and disdain into shock. They can imagine what a huge uproar the whole magic world will raise after this day.

Not far from Maori detective office, ye Siyu's apartment appeared one after another.

"Are you Siyu ye?", A middle-aged magician in a magic robe looked at Ye Siyu seriously and asked.

"That's right.", Ye Siyu nodded.

"I'm Shiro Maehara, director of the Department of neon International Magic cooperation. I hope you can come with me. We need your assistance in investigating something.", The middle-aged magician said seriously.

The Department of neon International Magic cooperation is the Ministry of foreign affairs of the Ministry of neon magic. It mainly deals with foreign affairs, coordinates and coordinates matters related to ministries of magic around the world, and cooperates in various types of exchange activities. Such departments also exist in ministries of magic in other regions.