Chapter 1257

Name:Infinite Rebirth Author:浅悠凉
I don't know whether it was because of Benyuan yuzhibo Sasuke or other reasons. Ye Siyu didn't meet anyone chasing him on his way back to Benyuan level. He returned to level space safely under the escort of supporters sent by Benyuan level.

"Thank you for your escort.", Ye Siyu thanked several cosmic God level warriors who came to support.

"This is what we should do."

"We should thank you."

The several cosmic God level warriors were full of joy and thanked Ye Siyu in turn.

This is because there is no enemy along the way. These level soldiers who come to support are completely making soy sauce, but even so, ye Siyu still has to pay the level soldiers who come to support.

However, because there is no enemy, the reward they can get is not as good as the escort of the enemy. The total amount is about 5% of Ye Siyu's level harvest this time. However, you know, ye Siyu has obtained a cosmic God level level level level this time, which is also very rich, For the ordinary cosmic celestial level, it is enough to compare with the benefits of one or two or more plane invasions. Of course, they are happy.

In this regard, ye Siyu did not feel loss or regret. This is what they deserve and what he should pay.

After farewell, ye Siyu directly returned to the plane space to determine the reward this time.

Because ye Siyu was the one who got the fire shadow plane this time, after counting the 5% employment fee to be paid, ye Siyu can get 95% of the resources obtained from the plane invasion.

Of course, it's 95%, but ye Siyu knows very well that there are not so many resources to get.

Although Ye Siyu is now a level soldier who can move freely and can be regarded as an independent entrepreneur, the level space is not a company, but a country. He still has to pay taxes.

Ninety five percent of a plane's resources are huge. It will take at least tens of thousands of years to fully digest this 95 percent of resources with Ye Siyu's ability, but ye Siyu has destroyed the plane's will of the fire shadow plane. The whole plane can't last for tens of thousands of years, or even a hundred years.

With Ye Siyu's current strength, in a hundred years, he can only consume 1% of the resources of the fire shadow plane at most, and the remaining 94% of the resources will be wasted. Therefore, he must use the plane space to quickly transform these plane resources into resources that can directly enhance his background and strength, or give the plane space to help him save these plane resources.

During this period, a certain conversion fee and storage fee shall be charged for the plane space.

It can be said that no matter what method, we should give the harvest to part of the plane space, and we can't bargain.

However, ye Siyu doesn't think there is any problem. If he is a plane space, he will do the same, just charging some handling fees. Moreover, the plane space is not a profiteer and won't excessively exploit Ye Siyu's interests. Otherwise, the plane space won't exist for so long.

All level warriors are selfish. Although the source level is the level where they were born, most people, like Huiye and others, have no feelings for the source level. Without the concern of their relatives, the source level is not inseparable for many people.

If there is not enough interest, it is difficult to keep the plane soldiers who have seen the world, so the service charge for the plane space will not be too excessive.

"Red Queen, contact the plane space. I want to sell the plane I have."

Soon, a light curtain appeared in front of Ye Siyu, which showed what ye Siyu could exchange the resources obtained this time.

According to the plane space calculation, the plane warrior can trade from the following options and can carry out multiple transactions.

1、 At present, the convertible points are 439.6 billion points, and the total amount decreases with the decrease of potential resources.

2、 Props, level warriors can customize specific attribute props. Level space will require attributes to make props. The specific consumption depends on the attributes. At present, the remaining level resources are 100%.

3、 Save, the level warrior can pay points to save the level resources. The consumption depends on the total level resources. At present, 100 million points are required to save every day.

4、 Teaching, level warriors can spend to apply for high-level level level level level warrior teaching for level resources, and the specific consumption changes in real time.

The whole panel is very simple and clear to show what the plane resources can do.

Although the four choices are not only one, but can be used together, for ye Siyu, the useful choices are only the second and third options. As for the first integral and the fourth teaching, they are of little use to Ye Siyu.

More than 400 billion points of points look very much. All the points obtained by Ye Siyu in the past add up to less than the current fraction, but these points have little effect on Ye Siyu's current strength.

The price of cosmic celestial props in the surface space is 100 million. It seems that ye Siyu can buy more than 4000 cosmic celestial props at once, but in fact, the price of a casual cosmic celestial props can easily exceed 1 billion. This is still the most garbage cosmic celestial props. If all powerful cosmic celestial props are 100 billion, And there is still a price without a market. Once someone sells, it is definitely the rhythm of being robbed by seconds.

If these more than 400 billion points can buy one or two props that can improve Ye Siyu's strength, he will snicker.

The stronger the strength, the smaller the role of integration. If ye Siyu is still at the cosmic level, the more than 400 billion points can easily help Ye Siyu's strength break from the cosmic level to the cosmic God level. However, ye Siyu's strength has reached the cosmic God level and is still at the middle level of the cosmic God level. Although the integration is not completely useless, the role of integration is minimal.

It's better to use it to make some props than to exchange the hard come plane resources for useless points. It's more useful. Anyway, his current points are enough.

The fourth choice is teaching. Ye Siyu simply checked the data and found that the teaching cost is high, and it is not calculated according to the number of times, but according to the time. The main god level teaching that improves Ye Siyu's strength needs 100000 points in one minute, while the single universe level and far universe level above the main god level need even more terrible points, The single universe level directly reaches 10 million one minute, while the multi universe level is one billion one minute, which is very expensive.

Of course, 10000 points a minute is not much for ye Siyu. If he converts all plane resources into points, he can learn for several years.

According to Ye Siyu's inference, if you really use more than 400 billion points to learn, according to his estimation, you will certainly be able to quickly improve to the main god level.

But teaching has a disadvantage, that is, teaching does not transfer memory, but requires Ye Siyu to go to the place where the teachers are located to study, which completely cuts off Ye Siyu's idea of trying to use his infinite rebirth ability to learn. Otherwise, the fourth option is definitely Ye Siyu's first choice at present.

After removing the first and fourth options, there are only the props and preservation of the second and third options, which are useful for ye Siyu.

After determining how to use the obtained bit plane resources, ye Siyu began to test the consumption of using bit plane resources to make props. Ye Siyu's first attempt was to make the main artifact.

As for the cosmic celestial level props, ye Siyu has not considered it. The promotion of Ye Siyu can only be regarded as icing on the cake, which can not help as much as the main artifact, so there is no need to consider making cosmic celestial level props at all.

At present, ye Siyu has two main artifact, namely, the top main artifact infinite that can improve Ye Siyu's ability in all aspects, and the ordinary main artifact legend bracelet that can make ye Siyu reach the main artifact level in a short time.

There are two main artifacts. The former is still very helpful to Ye Siyu, while the latter is much worse than the former. The latter only improves the energy quality, not the laws owned by the real God level.

Before long, the legendary bracelet will be eliminated. At that time, ye Siyu will only have the main artifact of infinity.

Infinity is a master artifact that can improve the holder's ability in all aspects. It improves each ability of Ye Siyu, but the strength that can be improved is not as strong as those master artifact with single attribute. What kapok stick Ye Siyu lacks most is not a variety of abilities, but rolling power.

This plane invasion just robbed a cosmic God level plane and provoked a heaven level existence. It was yuzhibo Sasuke who didn't embarrass himself in his mysterious time family identity and gave himself a plane.

If he meets a grumpy person next time, ye Siyu will definitely lose his life, so he needs a powerful main artifact to help himself.

"Hiss, so much."

With Ye Siyu's decision to customize the level of props, the originally displayed 100% plane resources were reduced to 30% in an instant.

You should know that ye Siyu has not added the most important rule of the main god level for the props. A single embryo consumes 30% of his resources. It can be imagined how precious a main artifact is. It is really a very lucky thing that ye Siyu can get unlimited.

"Add the law of darkness.", Ye Siyu added the first attribute.

The total number of plane resources immediately decreased from 70% to 40%. Obviously, a rule, like the embryo, directly consumes 30% of Ye Siyu's plane resources.

"Add the law of light.", Ye Siyu added another attribute. This time, 30% of the plane resources are still deducted, and only 10% of the plane resources can continue to be used. It has to be said that it is really difficult to obtain the main artifact.

Ye Siyu continued to put forward some attributes. He found that the resources needed to add the law are determined according to the rarity of the law. The rare and wide-ranging law of light and darkness needs to consume the most resources, especially time. This can be called the law of the supreme law. With Ye Siyu's current plane resources, it can't be produced at all, This shows how precious the main artifact of time is

As for wind, fire and mine, these common laws are much less than those of light and darkness. One law will consume 10% of plane resources, which is within the range acceptable to Ye Siyu.

However, it is a pity that ye Siyu needs two laws of darkness and light. As for other laws, ye Siyu can't improve much strength.

If you want to make props that can improve your strength, ye Siyu needs to consume at least 90% of the resources.

Suddenly, ye Siyu thought of something. Instead of remaking a main artifact, he might as well continue to strengthen infinity. Anyway, Infinity has strong compatibility and can withstand any law. If you add the law you need to infinity, the consumption is definitely less than that of a new artifact.

"Can I provide my own equipment to transform it?", Ye Siyu will report his ideas to Fei level space to see his views on Ye Siyu's doing this.

In less than a second, the answer came from the plane space. He can use the second option to strengthen infinity.

With Ye Siyu's decision, the original 30% resources needed to make the embryo fell to zero%, and there was no need for plane resources at all.

"Add two Lord God level laws of light and darkness.", Ye Siyu once again put forward his request. The plane resources are only 50% left in an instant, 10% less than before. This also includes the cost of transformation, which can be said to reduce a lot of resources. It seems that the law of light and the law of darkness are very suitable for the main artifact of unlimited.

Of course, it does not rule out that there are two laws of light and darkness in infinity. Now it is just to strengthen the two laws,

But anyway, it's good for ye Siyu.

After deciding how to use the plane resources, ye Siyu did not immediately create the main artifact, but planned to drag the original world of Huiye, Zuo liangna and others into his own inner world, so as not to take away this part of resources when he made the main artifact.

In order to speed up the progress, ye Siyu wanted to integrate some fragments of Marvel world into his body in the past, and spent some points to let the plane space help him integrate the fire shadow world, and then refine it slowly in the future.

After all this, ye Siyu gave way to the infinite space.

With Ye Siyu's decision to strengthen, two laws representing light and darkness suddenly appeared and disappeared into infinity in an instant. The infinity originally emitting colorful light has more light in black and white, and its power has been improved a lot in an instant, at least by 10%.

Moreover, this is just beginning to strengthen. The laws of darkness and light are not really integrated into infinity, otherwise the power of ascension will be more. However, according to the hint of plane space, infinite strengthening will take at least hundreds of years to complete.

In this regard, ye Siyu is not anxious. The length of a hundred years returns to a long time, but it just allows him to refine the part of the world integrated into the inner world before he comes.