"Good morning, audience friends. Today's morning news includes..."

"The Tiangang army cleaned up Northern Xinjiang yesterday, successfully wiped out two goblin dens and found traces of orcs... The random erosion of the reincarnation world is still difficult to completely remove."

"Major General Han Jie, the forerunner of the reincarnation world customs clearance, announced that several new reincarnation worlds have arrived, ranging from the third level to the fifth level. Fortunately, it has not begun to erode so far and poses little threat to the real world..."

In front of the dinner table, Su Ze, who was carrying a job, thought deeply.

For him who has just passed through the past two days, everything is so unfriendly that he hasn't recovered until now.

From an ordinary young man who loves movies, animation and novels and comes from a peaceful world, he suddenly comes to a world of fighting and killing and becomes a senior three student who is about to participate in the battle. The whole person's feeling is that he doesn't adapt at all.

Fortunately, Su Ze was at home on holiday, not at school, otherwise he would be confused.

This is a world completely different from the original earth!

The area of the world is about several times that of the earth. It is called the blue star of life, or blue star for short.

About a hundred years ago, wonderful worlds began to contact with blue star. After the wonderful world contacts blue star, there will be all kinds of trial tasks for people over the age of 18 to complete.

These wonderful worlds are called reincarnation worlds. Each reincarnation world has a level, ranging from level 1 to level 9, and is repeating a story. The first level reincarnation world is at most boxing, murder and fighting within the limits of the human body, and more ancient or modern emotional and life conflicts. Generally speaking, the second level reincarnation world is an ordinary gun war world or an ancient large-scale war, but there will be strong people beyond human limits, super powers, martial arts, energy and so on in the third level world.

After the fourth level, it is enhanced to this extent. So far, there is only the seventh level world in the world, which is completely powerful beyond human imagination and completely subverts common sense.

If the stories repeated in the reincarnation world are repeated too many times, the creatures, humans, monsters and even some rules in the world will be released randomly and distort the blue star. This is the so-called "erosion" phenomenon.

Until this story is completely solved, the random erosion brought by the reincarnation world will stop and there is hope to be completely eliminated. This is also the only way to stop the repeated performance and erosion of the reincarnation world story and save the blue star.

Therefore, all countries are organizing forces to make every effort to solve the reincarnation world related to their own countries.

Because senior three students happen to be the age qualified to enter the reincarnation world, all senior three students will be tested before the college entrance examination to screen the combatants qualified to enter the reincarnation world.

According to the previous experience, if you do not enter the reincarnation world to obtain the qualification in that year, the difficulty of obtaining the qualification later will obviously double. This is why senior three students must enter the reincarnation world for testing.

When exploring the reincarnation world, combatants will be rewarded with the test task of the reincarnation world and bring the items in the reincarnation world back to reality; Even the abilities and skills learned in the reincarnation world can be used in reality.

Logistics personnel are responsible for serving the combatants. Except for a small number of elites, most logistics personnel will eventually become ordinary people and become the most common screw in the social machine, which can be replaced at any time.

From the positioning of both sides, we can see the special and powerful status of combatants. It can even be said that it is for the whole blue star to resist the erosion of the reincarnation world and obtain the power and technology that blue star should not have.

It can be said that becoming a combatant is a direct step to become a man. From then on, he has the privilege and ability to surpass 90% of the people in the world!

However, to Su Ze's surprise, these reincarnation worlds that erode the blue star, from his memory and understanding, are completely literary, film, television and animation works of human beings on earth——

At present, the reincarnation world of blue star has been cleared publicly and will no longer erode: white horse roaring west wind, seven weapons, Han river monster, Busan trip, tomato richest man, etc... these are all earth films or novels that Su Ze has seen or heard.

But these reincarnation worlds, even if they have been cleared, the combatants of blue star countries often don't understand the context of the whole story, what's going on in the story and who the original protagonist is. The detailed process of customs clearance is described, which is more like a mistake.

Because blue star has never had these stories, they know nothing about these reincarnation worlds.

Every time they explore the reincarnation world, they risk their lives. They may die if they can't complete the trial task, and they often have to go through countless hardships to gain some results.

Su Ze has long known the reincarnation world, the protagonists and villains, and the key points and key characters of the plot at a glance.

"Is it difficult to reincarnate the world? Is it difficult to be a fighter? "

After throwing away the confusion of crossing at the beginning, Su Ze even couldn't wait in his heart.

With the advantage of knowing the plot in advance, he doesn't have to worry about becoming a fighter at all.

After dinner, Su Ze said hello to his parents and went to school.

Out of the community, a whirlwind suddenly flew in front of me. It was a flying car flying at a low altitude. Not far away, more flying cars flew like bees. Even occasionally, someone jumped from one roof to another, and someone in the distant sky passed quickly by with a flying sword.

All this shows the difference and wonder of the world.

After arriving at the school, Su Ze heard the students talking as soon as he came to the class and sat down.

"Have you heard that the reincarnation world tested for us today is the third level! It's called "Mr. zombie!"

"How could it be the third level? In previous years, it was a first-class world without too much danger?

"Last year was the first level reincarnation world, called the iron fist of shame. As a result, it was cleared by major general Han Jie of the reincarnation department. That reincarnation world does not have the qualification to test combatants. At present, China's lowest reincarnation world has only the third level, so it can only be changed to the third level world."

"What is a zombie? Is it dangerous? "

"Hey, what are you afraid of? If you can't get the qualification of a combatant, you will be judged to be transmitted by logistics personnel. It's estimated that you won't have a chance to see the real battle. "

Students, you look at me and talk to each other. The first class passed so noisily, and there was no teacher to maintain order.

When the second class order sounded, a bald man in a striped shirt walked into the classroom: "the third class next door has started the test. It will be our class in 20 minutes. Line up in order and come with me!"

This is Hao Jun, the head teacher of class 3.4 of senior high school.

The students quickly lined up and followed head teacher Hao Jun to the wide sports hall of the school.

The atmosphere on the basketball court in the sports hall is polarized. The students of class 1 and class 2 of senior 3 are lining up to leave. The students of class 3 have just finished the test. Some people are happy and surrounded by congratulations, while others are dejected and even have tears in their eyes.

"Hahaha, I'm a fighter!"

"How could I be a logistics officer? How is it divided? I refuse! "

Seeing this scene, the students of class 3 and 4 of senior high school couldn't help getting nervous and standing in line one by one.

How dangerous is Mr. zombie, the third level reincarnation world? Is it possible for them to become combatants?

Only Su Ze lowered his eyes and smiled at the corners of his mouth.

The world, he fully knows.

Hao Jun, the head teacher, stopped and said to the students, "maybe everyone knows that it is difficult to obtain the qualification of combatants this time, because it should have been tested in the first-class world, but now there is no first-class reincarnation world or even the second-class reincarnation world, so it can only be changed into the third-class reincarnation world."

"In the face of the dangerous third level reincarnation world, probably many people feel uneasy, but they can't give up. Once we give up the test this year and wait until the next level of reincarnation, the world doesn't know how long it will take! At that time, it is basically impossible to rely on the combined strength of the state and major groups to test for free, and the difficulty will soar. It is not worth many times, and it is almost impossible to pass. "

"Therefore, even if there is a dangerous third level reincarnation world, you must test and qualify as a fighter as much as possible!"

Many of the students turned pale.

Hao Jun continued: "what I need to emphasize again is that whether you can obtain the qualification of a fighter or not is the most important thing to survive. The third level world is extremely dangerous. You must not take risks, let alone stay!"

"As the first person to enter the reincarnation world, you all have temporary passes, which is also your biggest means of life protection! So that you can interrupt the test at any time and urgently return to the real world. Even if you can't become a fighter, at least you have to come back alive. "

He kept telling and arranging, and the students gradually recovered their composure from the tension.

The staff in blue overalls came forward and instructed all 48 people in the whole class to stand in a blue aperture.

The blue aperture rotates rapidly. After the earth turns, everything around has become strange.

It is the first time to enter the reincarnation world. At present, the reincarnation world is the third level world Mr. zombie.

Temporary pass generation: Su Ze.

(combatant status: to be determined)

Comprehensive assessment of strength: F

(strength is comprehensively evaluated according to strength, speed, endurance and sensitivity, and other factors such as weapons, abilities and skill methods will be added.)

Charm rating: e

(charm affects luck and reincarnation, world character attitude, and opening identity)

Finally entered the reincarnation world.

Su Ze looked up and looked around. In the streets of the Republic of China, people in a hurry looked very green, and few were confident.

This is the world of Mr. zombie, the street of Renjia town.

Generated according to level E charismatic identity: Su Ze, member of the security team.

Temporary personnel verification task: find the real protagonist of Mr. zombie within one day.

Through the temporary personnel verification task, you can become a combatant.

The real protagonist?

Su Ze couldn't help smiling. This problem is not simple for blue star people. It's impossible to find the real protagonist from Renjia town with thousands of people.

But for Suze, this is also called a task? Can you become a combatant through this mission? It's a wasted qualification as a combatant.

"Suze, shopping?"

Smiling, Su Ze walked down the street. I don't know who shouted to him.

"Well, shopping."

Su Ze naturally didn't know each other, vaguely agreed, walked slowly along the street, and felt all the terrain of Renjia town clearly.