Flying over the walls of the torost District, there is a large area of blank wasteland.

This area was occupied after the wall of Maria was broken by the armored giant in 845. It is the original living area of the wall of rosette and the wall of Maria.

According to Su Ze's conjecture, beast giant, chariot giant and Warhammer giant should be not far away at this time. Of course, these people of the Malay Empire have contacts and agreements with each other. They can't break the wall arbitrarily, nor can they sneak into the Investigation Corps arbitrarily.

They are all giant warriors under the control of the Malay empire. They can't act at will without orders.

The picture of the super giant being killed is outside the wall of toloste district. They should have seen it. Now about half an hour has passed, they should not have guessed that Suze turned around and killed the female giant and the armored giant.

It will not be evacuated quickly in a short time

With this judgment, Su Ze turned thousands of meters in the place where the super giant was killed by the Green Magic aircraft. Suddenly, if he felt it, he looked at a huge tree standing tall.

On the branches of the tree stood three people, a man with blond hair and beard and glasses, and the other two were a woman with hair tied and dressed as a maid and a woman with shawl hair.

Suze fell to them in a green magic aircraft.

"Do you want to change?" The woman with hair tied and maid clothes said uneasily.

The man with blond hair and Beard said, "it's not that time. See what he's coming for, pike. Get ready for battle."

The woman with shawl hair, pike, the successor of the power of the car giant, nodded silently, not as nervous as the woman with hair.

The man with blond hair was Jik Yeager, the chief soldier of the giant warrior of the Malay Empire, who denounced his parents.

"Hello." Suze stopped the Green Magic aircraft and was at the same height as them.

"Hello, stranger." Jick Yeager said, "where are you from?"

"I'm not going to answer this question, but there's a question that lingers in my mind. Jik Yeager, why did you betray your parents?" Suze asked curiously.

Jik Yeager was stunned: "who the hell are you? From Marley? "From the eldia restoration organization?"

"Answer my question and I'll answer yours." Suze said.

"Ha ha..." Jike Yeager covered his hair and laughed, "do you want to know the answer? I've heard of my betrayal of my parents. I feel so angry that I don't think there are children like me in the world, right? "

"Well, I'll tell you the answer. No matter where you get the news, I can tell you the answer."

"When I was very young, I was not treated as the son of my parents, but as a tool for restoring my country. My father Grisha Yeager and my mother Dana Fritz are like-minded couples and husband and wife, and I'm just the meat ball they gave birth to for the restoration of the country, a person with the same tools. "

"To revolution and restore the country, remember the oppression of the Malay empire on our eldians? We must restore our country before there is hope and everything can be better. Every day, every day, the meaning of my life seems to be to complete my mission and restore my country. "

"Until I was numb myself, they sent me to Malay's barracks with satisfaction and asked me to be a giant soldier and steal the giant power of Malay Empire - ha ha!"

Jik Yeager suddenly laughed louder and attracted some giants under the big tree.

"Is it different that they stole the giant power of the Malay Empire and now the Malay Empire recaptured the power of the original giant? No, there is no difference. They are more cruel to me, because they make more despicable use of their son and me in childhood. "

"So, in order to protect myself and love my grandparents' lives, why can't I report them? In particular, they have actually been targeted by the people of the Malay Empire, and the plan has been exposed. Shouldn't I protect myself? "

"Really..." Su Ze couldn't help feeling, "your family's story is still ups and downs, twists and turns. I thought only you were a 'big filial son', but I didn't expect that your father was also a wonderful flower. "Is it you who are said to be kind and filial?"

"If I say such sarcastic words in sarcastic language, I will take it seriously if I'm not careful."

Jik Yeager drew out his dagger and said, "now, you should answer my question. Who the hell are you?"

"Me? I am the one who calms down the war. At least let the power of giants stop appearing for the time being. The Malay Empire has no hope to do anything against the eldians in a few years. " Suze said.

"What a arrogant tone." Jik Yeager said, "don't you know that the technology of the Malay empire is the best in the world? The eldians will never be able to resist the marai empire! "

"Really? If your giant power disappears and returns to the eldians, can the Malay Empire still pass through a large number of scale free giants to attack the eldians on paladi? " Suze asked.

Jik Yeager sneered, and the dagger crossed his palm: "start fighting!"

With his cry, the two women around him raised their hands and bit their palms. In a moment, three giants appeared in front of Su Ze.

Hairy head and hairy face, a giant of animals like primitive people in ancient times; A vehicle giant on all fours and crawling on the ground; And Warhammer giants with strange crystalline substances on their faces.

As soon as the three giants appeared, the beast giant skillfully raised his long arm and fished it towards Su Ze's Green Magic aircraft, trying to catch him and crush him to death.

The green devil aircraft flew backward for nearly 100 meters. A light yellow crystal suddenly condensed in the hand of the Warhammer giant and jumped to assassinate Su Ze!

The green devil aircraft had to withdraw from the distance of 100 meters. Su Ze also felt a little tricky about the three giants - the beast giant reacted flexibly, the Warhammer giant's condensed and crystallized weapons could carry out ultra long-range attack, and the vehicle power giant had not made a move. Even if he didn't make a move, now only the beast giant and the Warhammer giant are not the opponents that Su Ze can easily solve.

In the original plot, the protagonist Alan can fight with them again and again because he has the ability to become a giant. As long as he is not hurt to the point, he can quickly recover from the injury in the sunlight.

Su Ze, however, did not have the ability to recover from his injury, nor did he have an equal volume of combat, so he had to retreat one after another.