The whole scene was extremely cold and embarrassing.

Su Ze didn't even know how to cooperate with the performance of elephant head country to make the scene less embarrassing.

Bombers carrying nuclear bombs also fell

The nuclear bomb didn't explode. Fortunately, the nuclear bomb didn't explode. It's not the trigger type. Otherwise, it's estimated that the nuclear bomb of the first country explodes its own capital, which is another strange news in the world.

In the battle conference room in the capital of the elephant head country, the president of the elephant head country parliament with glasses and beard always has a tough attitude on his face, which is deep in the hearts of the elephant head people.

Now his face was as green as a leaf and he patted the table vigorously.

"The country's military expenditure exceeds the sum of the country's education expenditure and health expenditure every day, and has always been working towards the world's second-largest power. Our nuclear bomb, our power, is already very strong. Why are there problems at this time! "


"It is clear that both Yingtou and Luocha should respect the strength of our country. Why does a person in China dare to challenge our great national dignity!"

"Where is the second bomber? Where? We're going to bomb that man, bomb that man called Maitreya! "

"Speaker, all bombers have been dropped in the past few years." Someone said.

The speaker of the elephant head country was surprised: "we just bought it for a few years..."

"We are the cheapest retired bomber we bought. One fell from the year we bought it, and then two fell after being repaired by our national maintenance company..."

"But we bought it according to the highest price and the highest configuration -" the speaker suddenly realized that the confidant who purchased from the equipment department made a lot of money at that time?

The confidant nodded: of course, he got it this way.

"But what now?"

"How to deal with this Maitreya?"

While they were talking, they found that the Maitreya had reached over the capital, just above their heads.

The whole Council was in a panic. Some shouted and ran out, others hid under the table, and others were frightened. They shouted that it was better to surrender.

"Surrender is impossible..." said the speaker.

If he is beaten to surrender by Maitreya, of course, his always tough image will be completely destroyed.

In the future political career, it can not be said that it will be regarded as a negative image in the history of elephant head country. It doesn't matter what traitorous policy you sign secretly as long as you don't surrender. You can muddle through and hide it by fooling the people.

"Send someone to talk to Maitreya. We won't surrender, but we can accept his suggestion in private."

A congressman said, "then, speaker, what is our attitude and bottom line?"

The speaker's eyes lit up, pointed to him and said, "just negotiate. Our goal is not to surrender, resist, apologize or compensate."


The congressman's eyes were a little dizzy: it's understandable not to surrender. After all, the elephant head country always wants face. It's understandable not to resist. After all, we really can't beat Maitreya at present.

However, "no apology" and "no compensation", he thought about it himself. As a Maitreya, he specially called and defeated the whole country of the elephant head country. He could not even achieve these two points, which was obviously impossible to accept.

What else are you talking about?

The speaker's statement immediately made other members nod their heads and quickly nod their heads to make a noise.

No surrender, no resistance, no apology and no compensation have become their prepared negotiation conditions. The member appointed to negotiate has also figured out that if he does not suffer a loss on the face of it, he can only double the compensation secretly.

With this idea, the congressman took a plane and went to the Maitreya in the sky.

"Mr. Miluo, I am a member of the parliament of the elephant head country and the plenipotentiary representative for this negotiation."

"If you have any requirements, please communicate with me directly."

Su Ze didn't rush to attack when he saw the people from the elephant head country. He listened carefully to the translated words.

"I ask the elephant head country to compensate and apologize to the little crescent country and to China, and admit that it failed to deal with goblin and try its best to eliminate goblin." Suze said.

Not asking for surrender? That's great!

The congressman quickly said with a smile, "we can promise this, but there is a little difference. For example, can our compensation and apology to the little crescent country and China be transformed into a more private compensation and apology?"

"We are personally willing to apologize and make compensation, but we are willing to take it out, but only one thing is that we can't make it public..."

"Can't you apologize publicly? Is that an apology?" Su Ze asked, "without the testimony of other countries, it means that you elephant head countries have not admitted their mistakes at all. No matter how many mistakes you admit in private and apologize, you can repent at any time, which is meaningless."

"Well... Please think about it. We can give some benefits appropriately." The congressman winked.

Su Ze sneered: "don't do these messy tricks for me. This time, I'm here to make you admit your mistakes and realize how absurd your actions are. As for your dirty methods, I have no interest in trying them. "

"However, this is related to the current domestic and foreign policies of our elephant country." The member of Parliament of the elephant head country said, "if we apologize, our people in the elephant head country may not be able to bear it, which will affect the overall strength of the whole country."

"You know, our propaganda to the domestic people has always been that our country is one of the most powerful free countries in the world and the overlord of the whole Asia. Without that country daring to provoke us, we will not apologize and say that we are wrong. "

"Once this thing starts, the image of our country will suffer a great setback... The cohesion and popular will also suffer a great setback..."

"What does that have to do with me?" Su Ze asked faintly, "or do you think you really deserve this level of publicity? You don't really think so? "

Members of Parliament like touguo are a little embarrassed: under the influence of their ears and eyes, of course, they all have this idea more or less. For example, the domestic people support the invasion of xiaoxinyue country. Sometimes they also make wild remarks such as "it's time to teach China a lesson" and "punish the eagle country".

Other countries may feel that such words are ridiculous. In fact, they are the real mentality of many people in the head countries.

"How is your situation in goblin, the elephant country? Are there still a lot of Dalits going to deliver food to Goblin? " Su Ze asked again.

"They are all ignorant people. From the general social understanding of our head country, they are even people they should not contact." "It's not surprising to do such a ridiculous thing," said the head of Parliament

"Bitch? The people of your country still have Dalits? They are not people? "

"Legally speaking, the concept of people should be normal social citizens. These Dalits are obviously not normal from birth. They should not be normal social citizens at other times except when they are counted in the population statistics..."

After asking and answering, Su Ze sneered even more: "so, the fact is that you have no hope of tossing the Dalits. You are eager to go to Goblin and die. You think that if you are eaten by goblin, you will be able to reincarnate and be a normal social citizen in your next life."

"And looking for goblin is your previous advocacy..."

"Not exactly. We have no more publicity now."

Said the elephant head Councilor.

"Shut up!" Suze shouted, "you moths, damn it!"