Chapter 386: Choice

Name:Inhuman Warlock Author:
"I know it'll be hard. People don't like him here, but I'm sure you can understand. He can be a great asset when facing the Warlock Council. So I want you to make the others understand. You can do that, right?"

"Sigh, I myself don't like him roaming free. What if he hurt anyone else?" Kellian asked, not giving in so easily. 

"Don't worry. He won't hurt anyone from the Uprising. I made sure of that. Also, you can confirm it from Veracity. There's no risk of having him around. He won't attack anyone unless he is attacked first," Lucifer explained. 

Kellian looked at Lucifer briefly, looking at the seriousness on his face. 

"Fine. I trust you. I'll convince others too," he agreed ultimately.

"Perfect. I knew I could trust you," Lucifer exclaimed, smiling. "By the way, did you bring the man I asked you to bring!"

"He's on the seventeenth floor, room number seven," Kellian answered. 

"Good." Lucifer stood up and left the room, leaving a sighing Kellian behind. 

Kellian called everyone from his team to his room to inform them that Salazar was a part of them from now on and that no one was to attack him.


"Let's go," Lucifer left with Salazar, going back inside the lift, leaving Veracity outside. 

Lucifer had told Veracity to go and talk to Kellian. 

The lift started going down while the constant music kept playing. 


The door opened on the seventeenth floor. The two of them stepped out. 

Lucifer stopped in front of room number seven which was being guarded by two Warlocks as well. 

Seeing Lucifer, the Warlocks opened the door and stepped aside. 

Lucifer and Salazar stepped inside the room. The door closed behind them.

The room was pretty ordinary, not having many times inside. Only a bed was kept there. Everything that was removed. 

The light from the window was coming inside the room, filling it with brightness.

A man was lying on the bed who stood up as soon as he saw Lucifer enter. 

Lucifer stopped in front of the man, who looked extremely beaten. The man didn't have hands as if they were sliced. His body was still wrapped in bandages to stop the bleeding. 

"Greetings, Mr. Adam Turner."

"What do you all want from me? Why are you all doing this?!" The silver-haired man asked Lucifer weakly. He didn't even have the strength to scream.

"What do I want from you? I'm sure you'll know that soon enough," Lucifer smirked, sitting on a nearby chair. 

"Who is this guy?" Salazar asked, not recognizing the man. 

"This is Adam Turner, a Warlock from the Rank 1 Guild," Lucifer answered. "And also the man I hate the most..."

"I don't understand anything! I didn't do anything! I was just sitting in my home when your people came and kidnapped me! They even cut my hands so that I couldn't use my power. After all that, I should be the one hating you, not the other way around!" The silver-haired man responded. 

"Huh? You didn't offend me at all. I just told them to bring you here because I was a big fan of yours. I heard you make really great poison. Isn't that right?" Lucifer asked solemnly. 

"P-poison? I don't make any poison. You might have a misunderstanding!" Adam retorted. 

"Huh? I don't think there's a misunderstanding. You made some really great poison when killing my parents. I wanted to experience the same as well. Why do you deny me the opportunity to see your magic?" Lucifer asked, pretending to be actually disappointed. 

"Wait, you mean he...?" Salazar understood everything now. He now knew who this guy was and why Lucifer hated him. 

"W-who was your father?" Adam asked, having a bad feeling. 

"How many parents did you poison to ask that question?" Lucifer asked, surprised.

"Did you poison Zale Azarel?" Salazar asked directly. 

Hearing the question, Adam grew shocked. It was clearly written on his face that he was scared now. 

"So it was true. You bastards really did poison them and the whole team? The footsteps that were seen coming out, they were yours, weren't they?" Salazar asked. 

"I-i didn't do it!" The man firmly stated. 

"You don't have to keep the charade. Varant already told me everything. About how you poisoned their water," Lucifer stated immediately. "Any other excuse? You have five seconds if you want to give any.'

"I-i was forced! Zeiss and Varant forced me to do it! I really didn't want to do it! I'm so sorry, but I had no choice. It was my life or theirs, and I chose mine! You can't kill me for that!"

"Ah, you had no choice. That's a good one. Maybe, I would've done the same if I was in your position," Lucifer agreed. 

"Exactly! They are to blame, not me. F-forgive me. I'm really ashamed of what I did," Adam apologized while getting on the feet of Lucifer. 

Since he didn't have hands, he couldn't finish Lucifer's feet, so he simply placed his head on his feet. 

"That's true. They are to blame. They forced you. Those cruel people. How could they not give you a choice? Don't worry; I'm not like them. I'll give you a choice," Lucifer said. 

"Huh? What choice?" Adam asked, raising his head, looking at Lucifer's face. 

"I'll give you a choice between life and death," Lucifer said calmly. 

He brought out a small bottle from both his pockets and placed them both on the ground near Adam. 

"What are they?" Adam asked. 

"There's poison in one of them while there's medicine in the other. As for which is which, I won't tell. I'm giving you a choice. Select any of the two bottles. I'll feed that to you."

" If it's medicine, you'll survive, and you'll be free to go. I'll also help you get your hands back." 

"And if I select poison accidentally?" Adam asked. 

"Then you'll simply face what my parents faced. I'm already pretty generous with this choice. You did kill my parents, after all. So be glad you're getting a choice and select," Lucifer responded, sitting on the chair more comfortably. 

Salazar didn't interfere in the conversation. He simply watched from a distance. 

"Select fast. I'm not here to waste my time. If you don't select any of the two choices, I'll select the third one for you," Lucifer warned Adam.

"What's the third choice?" Adam asked, conflicted. He didn't know which bottle to choose. 

"Third choice is flying," Lucifer answered. 

"Flying?" Adam grew confused. What did flying mean?

"If you don't select from the two bottles, I'll simply throw you out of the window. You can experience flying before your head is smashed at the landing. Select fast."