"Playing games? Are you crazy? Now the normal sports games in China are not popular. You still play games. Don't you throw your money into the ditch?" Chen Liren said angrily.

"It doesn't cost much to play the game. It's just to rent a venue, set up a few tables, arrange some referees, and finally prepare the prizes!" Jia Yapeng narrowed his eyes and said.

"But not all students can participate in our competition. First of all, you have to have at least 20 new Tiangang cards and 40 new dikui cards. In addition, you have to have 10 equipment cards and 10 military division cards to sign up for the competition!"

"Equipment card? Military division card? What is this?" Chen Liren was stunned.

"This is a new version of the card to be launched. The military division card can launch special effects, and the equipment card can be equipped on the hero. These specific rules will be reflected in the second animation!"

"In addition, the main plot of Part 2 is the China Cup championship. The formation of the plot is also the story of the protagonist participating in the China Cup. He has gone through all kinds of hardships and won the runner up!"

"Wonderful!" Chen Liren touched his head and suddenly understood, "are you going to use the Huaxia cup in the animation and the Huaxia cup in reality to interact and hold the two competitions together, so as to maximize the enthusiasm of children to participate in the competition!!"

"Not bad!" Jia Yapeng nodded.

"Did you ignore a very serious problem?" Chen Li Ren said with a frown.

"What's the problem?"

"Parents' objection!" Chen Liren sighed. "Now it's not better than before. Now parents pay very much attention to learning. It's OK to play cards at ordinary times, but if you want these children to seriously participate in your competition, it will certainly delay a lot of learning time. Parents won't agree!"

"Maybe you will cause some social contradictions. If you get on the social news and are labeled by others to lure children to learn bad, our reputation will be bad!"

I have to admit that Chen Liren's idea is still very comprehensive and fully takes into account the problems.

"I've also thought about this question, so as long as our game is used to guide children to learn, isn't that ok?" Jia Yapeng said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Chen Liren couldn't understand.

"First of all, the positioning of our game must be clear. We are not a game game, but a game to test intelligence. Only children with superior intelligence and learning ability can win our game!" Jia Yapeng smiled.

"Wonderful! Parents will oppose children playing games, but they will never deny that their children have low IQ, which will reduce a lot of parents' resistance!" Chen Liren's eyes lit up

"This is only the first step. The whole competition will be divided into national competition areas, provincial competition areas and competition areas of various prefecture level cities. The reward for winning in each competition area is really irresistible to parents!" Jia Yapeng smiled.

"What reward will make parents irresistible?" Chen Liren shook his head and didn't believe there would be a reward that parents could not resist.

"If you win the competition, you can enter the local key schools?"

Jia Yapeng's words made Chen Liren's hair stand up in an instant. "What are you talking about?"

"We can publicize the children who can win the competition at all levels, that is, the children with strong intelligence and strategy. Such children can be recommended and reduced to enter the local key junior middle school or key senior high school. Do you think if so, these children's parents will refuse their children to participate in the competition?"

"No, not only will they not refuse, they will even take the initiative to send their children to participate in the competition. Not many parents can resist the temptation!" Jia Yapeng smiled.

"It's impossible!" Chen Liren shook his head crazily and thought Jia Yapeng was crazy. "It's against the rules. Recruitment in public schools depends on the test scores. How can you send people in directly!"

"How come it's impossible? Now many schools are publicly collecting school selection fees to accept students who fail to meet the test results? In fact, our reward is to help those winners pay a school selection fee!" Jia Yapeng said.

"School selection fee... Yes, how can I forget the school selection fee..." Chen Liren felt that his head was a little pit.

The 1990s is the time when school selection fees in China have just appeared.

Originally, according to state regulations, school selection fees violate educational fairness, cannot appear, and are illegal.

However, the national economy was bad in the 1990s, and the limited financial budget had to be put where it was more needed. The financial subsidies received by public schools at all levels were simply low. Many schools were too poor to uncover the pot, so the school selection fee came into being naturally.

If the state completely bans school selection fees, many schools will not operate normally at all, and teachers' wages will be in arrears all the time, which will do more harm to the education system.

Therefore, the state can only turn a blind eye and acquiesce in the existence of school selection fees. However, education departments at all levels have set an index, that is, the number of students who pay school selection fees shall not exceed 10% of the total number of students. We must ensure that most people get fair education opportunities as much as possible.

This has led to extremely high school selection fees. In an age when the monthly salary is only 150 yuan, a municipal key junior high school can receive 3000 yuan.

A municipal key high school is even more exaggerated. The school selection fee can reach tens of thousands of yuan.

Of course, many school dregs can't afford to pay this amount, so there is a design of reducing the school selection fee. If you pay 1000 yuan, the admission score can be reduced by 40 points.

You can reduce 60 points by paying 2000 and 70 points by paying 3000. Anyway, there are all kinds of routines, depending on how much money you have.

In fact, for this school selection fee model, Jia Yapeng thinks it is quite good, because compared with the school district housing model 30 years later, the school selection fee is simply too cheap.

Buying a school district room is equivalent to paying millions of school selection fees. It's almost unlimited.

"So my plan is that as long as we can get the top 16 in the provincial competition, we can help the winners pay a school selection fee! The first place is to ensure that they enter the best local key junior high school or high school."

"No. 2 to No. 3 can help them get 100 school choice points!"

"The 4th to 8th places can help them get 50 school choice points!"

"The 8th to 16th places can help them get 30 school choice points!"

"I've calculated that the cost will not be too high. The whole country adds up to millions, but I promise it can drive tens of millions of profits!"

"In addition, there is the national finals. I'm going to make more trouble and send them directly abroad to study. We cover all the expenses of the winners. The first one can study in the United States, the second one in the United Kingdom and the third one in New Zealand... Anyway, we'll stir up this matter completely. At that time, all Chinese parents will not support us!" Jia Yapeng said, while Chen Liren began to wipe the sweat on his head.

Meow, this guy is really terrible. What's in this guy's head!

"In other words, your boy suddenly came to the imperial capital this time. He didn't come to discuss this matter with me!" when Chen Liren wiped the sweat off his head, he looked at Jia Yapeng strangely.

In fact, he suddenly learned that Jia Yapeng was coming to the imperial capital. There was no news before, so he was very curious about the purpose of Jia Yapeng's sudden arrival.

"I'm actually here to invest!" Jia Yapeng said with a smile.