"Who is it?" asked Zhu Qiushui.

"Tell me, in the southern provinces and cities, which is the only capital city that has not found such pirated cards?" Jia Yapeng said with a sneer.

"It should be... Yes... Yes..." Zhu Qiushui said, "no, I've seen all the provincial capitals. Basically, these pirated cards have appeared!"

"No, you're dark under the light. You forgot to read our own data in Yuzhang!" Jia Yapeng smiled. "Two days ago, I personally took someone around the whole Yuzhang city. I can't even see a set of pirated cards. Do you think it's magical? In so many provincial cities in the south, only our own Yuzhang city can't see such pirated cards!"

"In fact, this is understandable!" Zhu Qiu Shuidao "because our headquarters is in Yuzhang City, the manufacturer of pirated cards doesn't want us to find out this thing too early and affect their money-making plans, so we deliberately avoided Yuzhang city where our headquarters is located, which can be explained!"

"You are right to say that. This is one of the reasons. In addition, there is another reason!" Jia Yapeng said.

"Why?" asked Zhu Qiushui curiously.

"Because not only we are here, but also the pirate dealer of pirated cards. The so-called rabbits don't eat nest grass. They deliberately don't sell it in Yuzhang City, so that others can think they're not here. But unexpectedly, this has become a move to hide their ears and steal bells. All the South wants it, but Yuzhang doesn't, but exposes them!" Jia Yapeng said angrily.

"So that is what it is." Zhu Qiushui as like as two peas in his mind, "if the other party is really in Yu Zhang City, the only company that can print such beautiful, basically identical brand cards, is the only one in the whole city."

Said here, Zhu Qiushui's face showed a very shocked expression.

"Boss, they won't do such a thing!"

"More than 90% of them did it!" Jia Yapeng said firmly.

"But boss, this is just our guess. We have no evidence, and the other party's background is special. We're afraid..." Zhu Qiushui said with some worry.

"I'm not afraid. It's easy to get evidence. As long as there is a little change, there will be evidence soon!!!"


The time soon came to the end of November and the middle of 1991. I don't know if it's the reason why the Spring Festival is coming. Everyone up and down in the state-owned printing factory in Yuzhang city looks happy.

Every face has an expression of happiness and joy, and his face is like a flower.

"Oh, elder sister, what's so happy!" asked one of the passers-by curiously.

"Of course, I'm happy. Today, the factory settled all the wages owed to our workers for more than half a year and gave everyone an extra month's bonus. Isn't this a happy event in heaven?" the eldest sister's smiling face was a little stiff.

"Half a year's salary! I remember there are more than 1000 people in our factory. Our salary is 150 yuan a month, 150000 a month and 900000 in half a year. Has our factory made a lot of money?" passers-by asked with wide eyes.

"Isn't it? The factory is really rich. I heard that it will respond to the national call next year and the salary will rise to 200 yuan, ha ha!" the eldest sister couldn't close her mouth with a smile. "Don't say, I have to go to the vegetable market to buy a piece of fat meat home, ha ha ha!!"

This is really a dialogue full of happiness, but after the elder sister left, the passer-by's face felt a smell of sneer and ridicule.

Soon, the passer-by went directly to the door of the state-owned printing factory in Yuzhang city. It was different from the first time he came here and was driven out by the guard. This time, the guard recognized the passer-by's identity at the first time, hurriedly opened the factory door, bowed and walked out, smiled and said, "boss Jia, why are you here? You came alone, and where's your run?"

"It's all right. There's a panic in my stomach today. Take a walk and eliminate food!" Jia Yapeng said with a smile.

"Oh, I said Mr. Jia, a boss as big as you still needs to eat by walking. Don't you have more than a dozen nannies at home who help you rub your stomach?" the guard said.

"More than a dozen nannies?" Jia Yapeng's expression was stiff. The rumors in the world are really crazy. Why don't they say they have more than a dozen wives in their home?

"Well, I have something to do with factory director Liu. Call me and arrange it. I'll talk to him!" Jia Yapeng said. The guard nodded and immediately returned to the guard room to call. After a while, the guard said that factory director Liu was waiting for Jia Yapeng in the office.

"Ha ha, the shelf is still so big!" Jia Yapeng laughed. He went to other enterprises. When the heads of those enterprises heard that he came, they all went directly to the door of the building to meet themselves and told factory director Liu that they had not changed their style for more than a year and had been waiting for themselves to meet him in the office.

"Oh, Xiao Jia, you're here. I've made you tea. Come and sit down quickly!" at the door of factory director Liu's office, the factory director finally welcomed Jia Yapeng in with a little enthusiasm. They sat on the sofa together, and sure enough, they had made tea.

"Yo, West Lake Longjing, uncle Liu's life is getting better and better!" Jia Yapeng said with a smile after taking a sip of tea.

"Haha, that's right. Thanks to you, if it weren't for your business, I wouldn't say it was West Lake Longjing. Even a cup of boiled water would be too much to drink, haha!" Liu said with a smile.

"Uncle Liu is right. If it weren't for us, I'm afraid your factory would close down soon. You really want to thank me!" Jia Yapeng said with a smile, while director Liu's face changed and his smile faded.

"Boss Jia has really made a lot of money, and his temper and tone have become big!" factory director Liu said faintly.

"Where, no matter how big my temper and tone are, I'm not as big as your factory's face!" Jia Yapeng turned back impolitely.

"Boss Jia, are you here to quarrel with me today?" director Liu's expression completely changed.

"Quarrel or something will be discussed later. Uncle Liu, please feel your conscience and calculate an account for me. We have cooperated since June last year. It has been one year and four months so far. How much business have I done for you in these 16 months?"

"About... More than four million. I don't know the specific number. I'm not financial!" factory director Liu said after hesitating for a while.

"The exact figure is 4.32 million. I promised you last year that I would let you do 1 million business in three years. Now I have done 4.32 million for you in just over a year. I didn't lie to you. I didn't apologize to you!" Jia Yapeng stood up and asked loudly.

"Jia Yapeng, don't yell at me. What are you trying to say?" director Liu also stood up.

"Can't you guess if I don't say?" Jia Yapeng sneered.

"How can I know if you don't say!" director Liu lowered his head involuntarily.

"Well, then I'll ask your factory to give me a way to live, take back all the things you produce, and give me a way to live?" Jia Yapeng finally had a showdown.