[PS: I'm sorry, "you..." factory director Liu suddenly became dumb. After a while, he said, "you are powerful now. Don't laugh when the results come out!"

"Don't worry, no matter what the result is, I'll admit it!" Jia Yapeng sighed slightly. To be honest, although he has done everything he can and put all kinds of evidence on it, Jia Yapeng himself is not fully sure, or Jia Yapeng doesn't even have 50% confidence.

As director Liu said, he is a wild child and the other party is his own son. Can this sacred and solemn place really give him a fair result?

Jia Yapeng himself was not clear.

"Well, if I lose, I'll make money at ease. After emigrating to the Middle East, at least I can marry four wives!" Jia Yapeng thought wistfully. A bell rang in the court, and the presiding judge and other members of the collegial panel poured in.

Everyone nervously returned to their seats and waited for the judgment, of which factory director Liu and Jia Yapeng were the most important.

The presiding judge knocked on the hammer and said solemnly "The court session continues. Through the court hearing just now, the court heard the defendant's statements. The witnesses requested by the plaintiff to appear in court gave evidence in court, read and presented relevant evidence materials to the court. The prosecution and the defense cross examined the evidence and fully expounded their debate opinions at the debate stage of the court. The collegial panel carefully reviewed the case After deliberation, it is considered that the testimony of the witness in court and the testimony of the witness who did not appear in court presented by the public prosecutor in court are legal in form and source, mutually corroborated in content, and can be used as the basis for the final decision, which is confirmed by the court. The case is hereby adjudicated

At this point, the clerk shouted, "all stand up."

The presiding judge continued, "the court held that the defendant Yuzhang state-owned printing factory wantonly produced pirated products for the purpose of profit and to facilitate the production of the plaintiff's products in its unit, which seriously damaged the interests of the plaintiff and should be punished."

"The court believes that the facts of the defendant Yuzhang state-owned printing factory's crime of infringing intellectual property rights are clear, the evidence is indeed sufficient, the accusation is convicted, and the amount of loss is huge, so it should compensate the plaintiff Yuzhang Daqian food factory for property losses. After accounting according to law, the defendant caused a total loss of more than 11.58 million yuan to the plaintiff, plus other expenses, and should pay compensation of 12.39 million yuan."

"At the same time, according to the confidentiality and anti plagiarism provisions in the contract between the two parties, it is determined that the defendant actually compensated 10 times the total loss, totaling 123.9 million yuan."

"This judgment is oral, and the judgment will be delivered to both parties within five days. If you don't agree with the judgment, you can get it after receiving the judgment, but the money and wealth move people's hearts. Your own factory has finally embarked on this road of no return. 12.39 million, this digital factory can not afford to pay, bite your teeth, but can take it out.

But the huge compensation of 120 million yuan, even if you sell all the factory, you can't afford it. God knows what the ultimate fate of yourself and the factory will be.

Jia Yapeng breathed a sigh of relief on the spot, and his heart suddenly became happy and excited. The world was still bright in the end. Until later, Jia Yapeng knew that the result of the penalty was very controversial in the collegial panel, and the leaders in the city took the initiative to call, and the final result was even unfavorable.

But another phone call came from the imperial capital. An old man didn't know how to hear about it (in fact, it was Chen Liren's credit). He asked his secretary to call and say, "China has always been a country of etiquette, and China is about to integrate into the world. We can't let a case completely destroy the face of the whole China in the world. The overall situation is the most important!"

Then the result was completely settled and unchangeable.

After that, of course, Yuzhang state-owned printing factory was unconvinced. Director Liu was dismissed on the spot by the meeting, and then appealed again. The original judgment was still upheld in the second instance.

With the end of the trial, it is reasonable to say that if Yuzhang state-owned printing factory feels unconvinced at this time, it should go to the intermediate people's court to appeal.

If you are not convinced, there is also the provincial high court. Finally, you can go to the Supreme Court. Anyway, if the other party wants to delay, it can really delay for several years. Only God knows what will happen in a few years. Maybe there will be so little vitality.

But each other's brain circuits are very strange.

It is said that as the news of losing the lawsuit spread to the factory, factory director Liu, who was in charge of leading the team, was scolded by the Secretary on the spot. He said that he was the bastard who led the wolf into the house and introduced Jia Yapeng, the disaster star. He should bear all the responsibility for this matter.

Then factory director Liu was directly ordered to think behind closed doors and wait for the decision of the organization.

Of course, Secretary Nian has his own ultimate trick