[PS: Keke, we continue to install the machine today and finally complete it. Congratulations, so the addition of Chapter 8 is postponed to No. 31]

Harvey Waynes is a real scum, but he also has his own ability, that is, in the operation of the Academy Awards, Harvey Waynes is unmatched.

When it comes to Oscar, the first impression of many people may be that it is a fair, internationalist and the most prestigious award in the film industry. If you can get an Oscar, for a filmmaker, it is basically standing on the peak of achievement.

But is Oscar really an award that is absolutely fair and just and can only be won by virtue of ability rather than other methods?

Of course, this is not the case. In fact, the Oscar can be influenced by many means, and Harvey Waynes is one of the best, also known as the Oscar promoter.

Harvey Waynes was a director and made many films 90 years ago, but after 90 years, Harvey Waynes basically stopped making films and mainly worked in Hollywood as a producer.

The reason why Harvey Waynes made such a change was that in 1990, Harvey Waynes conducted public relations for the film my left foot, and then helped the film win the Oscar for best actor and supporting actress.

Afterwards, everyone thought that the film did not deserve the award, but it gave Harvey Waynes unimaginable pleasure.

He found that compared with making movies, he seemed to have a more sense of achievement in sending a film that didn't deserve the name to the Oscar.

Since the 1990s, Harvey Waynes has stopped making movies. Instead, he focuses on becoming a film producer and is responsible for sending his films to the Oscar.

Among them, the most famous are known as the three major grievances in Hollywood.

First, in 1998, Harvey Waynes spent $5 million to win six awards, including the Academy Award for best picture.

Then in 2011, he helped the film "the king's speech" beat his rival "social network".

Finally, the artist beat Hugo

Harvey Waynes can always surprise the audience anyway.

Boss Jia also likes Harvey Waynes very much, because with the operation of Harvey Waynes, the subsequent Oscar awards are less and less credible and the influence is weaker and weaker, which makes boss Jia appreciate Harvey Waynes very much.

However, in this era, the influence of Oscar is still very amazing, so boss Jia needs Harvey Waynes to help send farewell my concubine to the position of best foreign language film Oscar.

Farewell my concubine in a previous life is very regrettable. It has almost won global awards, but it has not won an Oscar.

Some people may say that this is the quality problem of farewell my concubine. If you don't get the award, you can't blame others.

If farewell my concubine met an opponent such as the silent lamb, it would not be unfair to lose, and boss Jia had nothing to say.

But the problem is that "Farewell My Concubine" lost to a Spanish film called "four thousand gold lovers", which is very bullshit.

It is said that the old counselor was very surprised after seeing the film "four thousand gold lovers". Because this film is mediocre, let alone with the World War I of farewell my concubine. There is still a few steps away from farewell my concubine. How can such a film win an Oscar?

Later, the old counselor found a lot of judges who voted for the "four thousand gold lovers" and asked them. I thought these judges said that "Farewell My Concubine" was inferior to their opponents in what details, so it was a fiasco.

Or foreigners can't understand Chinese movies.

However, these judges told the old Mou Zi that they actually understood farewell my concubine and did believe that the quality of farewell my concubine was better than that of 8000 gold lovers.

But the film has won the Golden Palm Award and Golden Globe Award. They think farewell my concubine may be satisfied and no longer need the Oscar, so they gave the award-winning quota to Brazilian films that need more support.

This answer made the old counselor silly on the spot. He repeatedly asked the real reasons of these judges. Some judges were tired of asking. Finally, he said reluctantly, "farewell my concubine doesn't seem to want to win the Oscar, because during the Oscar voting, they didn't see the publicity of farewell my concubine."

This sentence sounds inexplicable. Shouldn't we choose the best film according to the quality of the film rather than the degree of publicity?

But the answer made the old counselor understand that he was not entangled.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the so-called publicity is not to stick a poster at your door, but whether you have held a private banquet to make the judges deepen their impression of farewell my concubine.

Later, Ang Lee's crouching tiger, Hidden Dragon learned well, used all the routines that could be used, and paid Harvey Waynes to operate it. Finally, he successfully won the award of Oscar Grand Slam.

However, Lao Mou Zi's hero was reluctant to spend money, and he had a glimmer of expectation for the sweet air of the American people, so he lost the election again.

To get down to business, boss Jia is determined to send farewell my concubine to the Oscar this time, so after shaking hands with Harvey Waynes, boss Jia smiled and said, "I don't know who Mr. Waynes is more optimistic about this year's Oscar for best foreign language film?"

"Well, I can't say that!" Harvey Waynes twitched slightly in the corner of his mouth and smiled.

"I think our farewell my concubine is the best choice!" boss Jia looked at Harvey Waynes and said, "but I think the American people may not know much about Chinese culture and need someone to help us publicize our farewell my concubine. I wonder if Mr. Waynes can help me with this little favor?"

"Of course there is no problem!" Harvey Waynes laughed. "But Mr. Jia, in our country, any publicity costs money."

"I understand!" Jia Yapeng nodded. "I don't know how much publicity money it needs?"

"I can't give you the answer for the time being!" Harvey Waynes counseled. "You have to wait until I finish watching the film. After all, some films need more extra help, which should be calculated according to the actual quality of the film!"

"OK, let's talk after the premiere!" Jia Yapeng nodded, and Harvey Waynes smiled. He didn't expect to make an unexpected fortune!

The dinner lasted more than an hour. Boss Jia and many Hollywood stars and bosses got acquainted, and then the premiere of the film finally officially began.

Three hours later.

"It's really moving!" Ivanka Ivana, beside her, wiped her tears from the corners of her eyes after the film.

The whole cinema was silent. It was not until a few minutes later that the applause sounded like a storm, which seemed to shake the whole Dolby theater.