To become a model or a Hollywood star is not Ivanka Ivana's dream. Otherwise, she will not study at Wharton Business School, nor will she become an excellent senior vice president in the future. Finally, let alone once be able to hold a senior position in the State Council and become a real official.

In fact, many people believe that Ivanka Ivana in the future is a woman who is really likely to become the first female president in American history.

So Ivanka Ivana's real interest and wildness lie in business and politics. Just because her relationship with her father is very bad now, she has never really had the opportunity to participate in some business activities.

Now Jia Yapeng, a billionaire, invited her to serve as a business secretary. Although this is only temporary, it still makes Ivanka Ivana yearn very much, so Ivanka Ivana showed greater enthusiasm than before.

"Hmm!" even boss Jia was shocked by Ivanka Ivana's enthusiasm.

"Boss, what's our next task?" Ivanka Ivana asked curiously.

"Accompany me to the opening ceremony of Pokemon in the United States!" boss Jia said with a smile, and then took Ivanka Ivana to the headquarters of Nintendo's U.S. branch. Today is the day when Pokemon starts simultaneously in the United States and Europe.

"Oh, dear Mr. Yamauchi, it's like three autumn after a day's absence!" at the door of Nintendo's American branch, Jia Yapeng and Yamauchi gave a warm hug.

"I miss you too! Jia Jun!" Yamauchi Pu also gave boss Jia a warm hug, and Ivanka Ivana looked at the old Fusang man in front of her in shock. He was the legendary Yamauchi Pu, the chairman of Nintendo.

In the United States, especially among the young people in the United States, Nintendo's reputation can be described as thunderous, no one knows, no one knows.

After all, now the children of the whole United States have been completely conquered by Nintendo's game console. In this era of computer game Xiaohe, Nintendo represents the fun and dreams of all children.

The growth years of Ivanka Ivana are basically Nintendo's growth years in the United States. Especially in 84, Nintendo's biggest competitor in the United States, yadali game console, completely dominated the entire North American and European markets due to the collapse of the ET event.

If Sega can barely compete with Nintendo in Fusang, no game console manufacturer dares to compete with Nintendo in the United States and Europe. Nintendo has virtually monopolized the whole Western game console market.

This is also an important reason why boss Jia has to endure nausea and shamelessness and work hard to send Pokemon to the Nintendo platform, because without the support of Nintendo, Pokemon can never reach the level of future generations, and it is impossible to realize boss Jia's final plan.

Of course, Ivanka Ivana doesn't know this. She just admires Yamauchi Pu, the man who controls the dreams and happiness of countless children.

"Jia Jun, this is..." Yamauchi Pu felt Ivanka Ivana's eyes and asked with a smile.

"Oh, this is my American Business Secretary!" boss Jia said with a smile.

"Jia Jun is really lucky. No matter where he goes, there are beautiful people to accompany him!" Pu in the mountain patted Jia Yapeng on the shoulder, then introduced a thin man around him to Jia Yapeng and said, "introduce him, his name is Yashi Arakawa, general manager of the North American branch!"

"I've heard a lot! I've heard a lot about you!" Jia Yapeng complimented.

But this is not a compliment, because boss Jia has really heard about Arakawa.

In the eyes of outsiders, Arakawa may just be Yamauchi's son-in-law. Later, when competing for Nintendo's successor, he lost to Iwata Cong, an outsider. He is completely a loser.

But these people didn't see that in those years, Pu in the mountain left Arakawa alone in the United States and in the market that originally belonged to Yalida. He didn't see the process of Arakawa's arduous step-by-step development of the whole market and becoming bigger and stronger in North America. Finally, taking advantage of the trend of ET aliens, he successfully pushed down Yalida, a weak giant.

At this moment, Nintendo's total performance in the North American market is about three times that of the local market. It can be said that these are basically the credit of Arakawa, but they don't see it, including Yamauchi.

Or Yamauchi Pu saw it, but he was unwilling to admit it.

"Hello, Mr. Jia, I've been playing your Pokemon for more than 100 hours. It's really a great game. It's our luck that this game can join Nintendo!" Arakawa warmly held Jia Yapeng's hand and praised Pokemon until Pu in the mountain couldn't help coughing, Arakawa really just reacted and stood back behind Pu in the mountain.

But then again, "Pokemon" really deserves such praise from Arakawa, because the stamina of "Pokemon" in Fusang is really terrible.

Boss Jia left Fusang in early July. Now it is mid October. It has been more than three months.

In these three months, the sales of Pokemon continued to rise in Fusang, creating 3 million terrorist sales in July.

I thought this was the limit, but after the news of the hidden elements of Pokemon green came out in August, the sales volume in August actually exceeded 4 million, of which 3 million were players who repeatedly bought Pokemon green.

In September, although the sales volume decreased, there were also 1.5 million sales.

Finally, by mid October, Pokemon had sold a total of 12 million amazing data in five months after it was listed, and undoubtedly became the first selling game in GB history.

Even the original GB sales have increased by 1 million, and this 1 million GB sales are even more important than 10 million Pokemon sales in Nintendo's eyes.

Because this means that Nintendo has 1 million more users, and these users will continue to buy game cards in the future, which will bring Nintendo a steady stream of benefits, expand the market and make Nintendo's dominant position unshakable.

So now "Pokemon" is Nintendo's treasure. Under the pen of many Fuso media, "Pokemon" has won the throne of the first game in the 1990s. At the same time, it has also oppressed its competitor Sega. It is dying. It is really dying.

While making shannei Pu proud, he also paid more attention to the sale of Pokemon in the American market. He even went to the United States to attend the press conference in person in order to ensure that Pokemon can achieve excellent results in the American market.

You know, according to the traditional law, the performance of the American market can often reach about three times that of Fusang, because the price of game cassettes in the United States is often about twice that of Fusang.

For example, in this Pokemon, Fusang sells for 3999, which should be $30 in US dollars, but the final price in North America is $59, which directly doubles the price.

But it doesn't matter. Americans have plenty of money, which is nothing to Americans.