No one can imagine how a new entertainment video like mad will have a huge impact when it appears in TV advertisements.

After watching the advertisement, the audience seemed to be immersed in the fierce battle of fist after fist and intertwined with the drums. As a result, when the mall opened the next day, thousands of VCD salespeople who used to stand at the counter every day were surprised to find that there were more people in front of the counter these days.

And this time, the number of people who are willing to pay for VCD has doubled or so.

Originally, a counter could sell up to five or six VCDs a day, which would be the top day. But as a result, a full 10 VCDs were sold in one morning, and nearly 20 VCDs were sold in one day. The performance was more than four times, which shocked all the salespeople.

At 7:30 p.m. the next day, after the news broadcast, many viewers who habitually wanted to change channels and skip these two minutes threw the remote control aside, and then watched TV eagerly, waiting for the end of the news broadcast film, and then the beginning of the advertisement.

To be reasonable, this is probably the first time in their lives that these viewers look forward to a TV advertisement.

So, when the wonderful mad from boxing to meat appeared on TV, the audience was like an old smoker who had been banned from smoking for a day. They were excited to watch this advertisement again. Some people began to practice boxing with the lens of Bruce Lee in the film.

At the end of the advertisement and the beginning of the opening music of the weather forecast, the audience showed disappointed expressions on their faces. They also looked forward to it for the first time in their life. Don't end an advertisement like this.

At this time, China already had several rating survey companies, and through the survey of these survey companies, CCTV finally saw an incredible report that the name of the advertisement appeared for the first time in the time program that occupied the first place in ratings between January 1 and January 5, 1994.

Yes, that's right. The 10000 sample surveys conducted by the survey company show that on January 3, the ratings of news broadcast and weather forecast were 42% and 36%, while the ratings of Daqian group's advertising were 43%, 1% higher than that of news broadcast. This has never happened since the establishment of CCTV.

The audience rating of an advertisement can exceed that of the largest news program in the country. It's too simple and terrible.

But the more terrible story actually happened on January 7, because on that day, the audience rating of advertising reached a staggering 56%, surpassing the audience rating of news network by a full 12%.

The reason is very simple, because on January 6, the advertisement of Daqian VCD was updated again. This time, the updated mad name was called kiss everywhere

The GBM behind this mad is said to be composed by boss Jia himself, and then invited a silent and unknown female singer named Yang Qianhe to sing the song.

By the way, after boss Jia made it clear that he would not get involved in the film industry, Daqian entertainment decided to enter the recording industry. Then, under the command of boss Jia, Daqian entertainment found a large number of singers to join. At the same time, boss Jia also wrote more than 20 different songs in person.

Well, it's not so much created by boss Jia himself as sung by boss Jia himself, and then a dozen composers around him quickly recorded the music scores.

To be reasonable, these composers are really too difficult, because boss Jia's song is seriously out of tune and has five tones. It's a cruel torture to want to analyze the score under such a song.

What's more annoying is that boss Jia was very dissatisfied with the score they finally recorded. After they performed it again according to the score, they said that they remembered many places wrong.

So boss Jia took the trouble to sing several times until these composers whose heads were about to explode finally recorded the music correctly, and then nodded contentedly.

It's reasonable that these composers would not be willing to endure such torture if they didn't see the cost of up to HK $5000 per song given by boss Jia.

Kiss everywhere is such a song. It is said that boss Jia repeated it more than 20 times before finally determining the version.

Then this song became the second mad theme song of thousands of VCD advertisements.

The theme of the clip is very different from that of Part 1.

If the first one belongs to Bruce Lee's world, then the second one belongs to those gorgeous beauties. Under the personal command of boss Jia, countless classic beauty stars in Hong Kong and their most amazing scenes in the film have been edited into this mad film.

One of the most popular scenes is about the time when such lyrics appear.

You are careful to turn all sentient beings upside down with a kiss

A kiss saves a man

Give you the temperature to save

Always donate it to someone again

A kiss steals a heart

Kill a man with a kiss

An inch of kiss is an inch of gold

A rugged journey

Leave her she kisses him he kisses her kisses him kisses her

He's so happy to continue the happy process

Next she she kisses him he kisses her kisses him kisses her

You can calculate how many kiss words appear in this lyrics. With a perfect kiss word, a classic kiss lens is bound to appear on TV.

In just 10 seconds, more than 13 kissing scenes were stuffed into the advertisement, and all of them were the kissing streets of different beauties.

At this time, the atmosphere in China is still relatively conservative. When the audience in front of the TV saw such two dense kissing scenes, many people were intoxicated, indulged and burned.

So that when the ads are over, they still look at the TV screen.

[PS: this mad is actually a video produced by the serious little Fang of the up Master of station B: 【 everywhere kiss 】 why come in white x? If the author is dissatisfied, please go to QQ group 1047683844 and contact me (the group master is the author). Infringement must be deleted]

This everywhere kiss version of the advertisement shocked all TV viewers far more than Bruce Lee before. No wonder on the second day, that is, January 7, after the everywhere kiss advertisement was broadcast again, the ratings of this advertisement directly hit 65%, completely shattering the Three Outlooks of all TV people.

However, it was in 1994 after all. It is conceivable that this advertisement at this time will have a great impact and temptation on the conservative Chinese people. After all, this is an era when swimsuits are banned from books!

The direct consequence of this advertisement is that kissing everywhere has instantly become the most famous song in China. Almost all men will hum a few words. Wherever they go, they can hear someone humming kissing everywhere.

As a newcomer to the first release of records, Yang Qianyi actually achieved an unprecedented 13 million tape sales in the mainland, which directly promoted her to the height of a first-line singer.

More far-reaching, that is, hundreds of old scholars, artists and intellectuals in China have written to severely denounce this behavior of chaotic social atmosphere, demand severe punishment for advertising manufacturers, and immediately stop broadcasting this advertisement.

In this regard, the above reaction speed is still very fast. All the country stopped broadcasting everywhere kiss advertisements, but this order is not very necessary, because it is already the 13th after the order came down. Daqian automatically stopped the second advertisement and broadcast the third MDA of great victory.

This is a classic domestic film shot of the war of resistance against Japan and the war of liberation, coupled with the mad produced by the song "Chinese military soul" created by boss Jia with passion. Who dares to ban it!

As for the severe punishment of Daqian, it was really severe. It was announced that Daqian group would be punished for 100000 yuan. Daqian immediately accepted the punishment and sincerely regretted. He took off all the advertisements of everywhere kiss, and then put on the MV of everywhere kiss alone at counters all over the country. This is an MV that expanded the mad originally only 1 minute and 40 seconds to 9 minutes and 30 seconds.

As a result, Daqian VCD sold out again. The sales volume of the whole January exceeded 50000 units, and the sales volume of "everywhere kiss" MV exceeded 300000 copies. Daqian VCD achieved the amazing achievement of monthly sales of more than 100 million for the first time.

Between 1994 and 2020, the MV of everywhere kiss was reprinted, and 27 different versions of MV were produced successively, that is, a new version of MV was produced every year. Finally, the cumulative sales of all versions of the MV reached an unprecedented 1.5 billion copies, creating a new world record.

Because later, the revision of kiss everywhere became to select the classic pictures of beautiful women in new films and TV dramas released every year at home and abroad, and then make them into a new MV in the second year.

Therefore, a large number of regular customers will buy the new version of MV every year. What's more strange is that later, whether those new female stars or famous female stars have boarded the everywhere kissing MV in the second year as one of their most important goals. After all, as long as they get on the MV, they basically represent more than a dozen of the most beautiful stars of last year.

Later, this also evolved into a business. If a female star wants to spend money on MV, she has to start at least 10 million yuan, otherwise she won't even think about it.

But even at such a price, countless female stars are really broken. After all, there are only 12-20 places for an MV at most. In order to take into account the quality of MV, boss Jia strictly ordered that 12 of them must be the most beautiful women at real prices. Only three or four can be sold. Of course, the competition is fierce.

With the hot sales of VCD again, an undercurrent began to surge under the background of sweeping the country.