"Teacher, how long will it take for our decoding chips to be mass produced?" asked boss Jia.

"We have been preparing for this for a long time!" Ni Guangnan took a deep look at Jia Yapeng. In fact, after they came back from the Netherlands, boss Jia directly ordered the company to start preparing for the mass production of lithography machine and decoding chip. Up to now, it has been September. After half a year, Daqian has indeed prepared almost.

After repeatedly manufacturing three 200 nm lithography machine prototypes, all the technical problems of mass production have been solved, and the production line of the lithography machine has even been prepared. The 200 nm lithography machine can be mass produced at any time, and the monthly output can reach about 30 at that time.

Don't think this number is too small. In fact, the production speed can be compared with that of AML.

After all, the process and materials of lithography machines are too cumbersome, and the market is not too large. There are only a few lithography machines in need all over the world, with a monthly production of 30 units. It is estimated that it will not be easy to sell them at that time!

The key is the production line of decoding chip, which requires a lot of key equipment. It can not be produced at home, but can only be imported from abroad.

At the same time, to be honest, Ni Guangnan pays far less attention to the decoding chip than the lithography machine. All the funds are "going to the department store!" boss Jia is still not in a hurry to go home, but asks his driver to drive to the department store, a place that boss Jia has not been to for a long time.

Although it is hot and dark, the department store is still brightly lit. Now it is the time when the business of the department store is booming. People who have had enough to eat begin to wander in the department store.

There are far more people in the department store than in the street.

Boss Jia's goal is quite clear. He didn't go to any clothing area, clothes, hats and shoes. Boss Jia went straight to the home appliance area and to the home appliance area at the same time.

The most crowded place in the whole household appliance area is the TV area, because in order to show its display effect, the TV in the shopping mall generally keeps all the TVs on, continuously plays movies, and then attracts a large number of viewers who are full and have nothing to do.

Boss Jia noticed that the one who is playing the movie now is a Daqian VCD.

Unfortunately, boss Jia didn't watch TV more, but went straight to the VCD area. This is about the second prosperous place in the whole household appliance area, because the TV here is also playing movies, which is different from the movies played in TV dramas. More importantly, there are seven or eight different VCD brands, and each of them is playing different movies.

The first one is the counter of Daqian VCD.

However, at this time, the counter of Daqian VCD has been dark. A publicity notice is pasted outside the counter, saying that "Daqian VCD is temporarily out of stock because of its hot sales and insufficient production capacity."

Of course, this is bullshit. The reason why Daqian VCDs are out of stock in China is that boss Jia has transferred all the 1 million Daqian VCDs in domestic inventory to Fusang market, plus 200000 decoding chips in inventory, so boss Jia actually has 1.2 million VCDs in stock.

But as a result, Daqian stopped the sales of all VCDs in China, which made the whole domestic Department of Daqian entertainment in a completely ignorant state, and all salesmen were unemployed.

Of course, other VCD brands don't know the changes of Daqian. They only know that their biggest competitor committed suicide, so they have to sell their VCD quickly.

Boss Jia's eyes began to stop on VCDs of other brands, and then boss Jia found that in order to compete in the market, these VCDs have basically reduced the price to the extreme, all maintained at about 4800 yuan a set.

The production cost of Daqian is 4000 yuan, and these VCDs sell only 4800 yuan, of which more than half of the profit of 800 yuan should be distributed to dealers. The competition of these domestic brands is really fierce to the extreme.

"Sir, how many VCDs do you have in Xijiang province?" boss Jia gave a color, and his secretary took the initiative to find a sales manager present and asked.

"Who are you?" the sales manager immediately asked warily. How can normal customers ask for inventory.

"I don't mean anything. I'm just curious!" the Secretary quietly sent out 10 100 yuan tickets. The sales manager swallowed his saliva and said, "I don't know the specific number, but there are more than 10000 units!"