"Why are their VCDs still on sale? They have occupied a full 5 million households, and the whole market is only 20 million. What are you doing in the past two months? We gave up so much, you give me this result!!" at Sony's board meeting in November, outstretched was scolded bloody, because in these two months, Daqian's VCD sales have never been interrupted, and they are selling better and better. Finally, they are even sold to the door of Sony headquarters!

Less than 20 meters away from Sony headquarters, Daqian group set up a temporary marketing network and directly pulled people nearby to join the light and shadow supermarket.

But at this time, Sony VCD, which Sony had already begun to hype, never appeared, which made many viewers laugh silly, let alone the anxiety of Sony shareholders.

The reason why they shamelessly stuck the whole market on the chip was that they could seize the whole VCD Market of Fusang. For this reason, the Chinese people are all right. What's more, they even offended the Americans.

Thanks to the strong influence of boss Jia, many American and European enterprises that originally despised VCD enterprises in history also found VCD profitable, so they found Sony and also said they would order a large number of VCD decoding chips.

But he thought it might be a cover for Da Qian, so he refused.

This made Sony offend many American and European enterprises at one go, and then these enterprises went to their respective governments to cry.

European enterprises are easy to operate, but American ones are not good-looking, which puts considerable pressure on the Fusang government, which has always regarded the United States as its father. They began to put pressure on Sony and said they wanted a free market or something.

As early as these enterprises were small enterprises, the American government just shouted a few words and did not make any substantive action, otherwise Sony would have been unable to carry it.

However, Sony's blockade did not seem to block Daqian. By November, Daqian had sold nearly 3 million VCDs in two months, which gave Sony a great headache, and Kui was scolded by the board of directors twice in a row.

There's no way. It's just what offends the United States. The worst thing is that these rejected chip orders add up to more than 2 million. If they are sold at the original price of 40000 yen, each chip will have a profit of 30000 yen, and 2 million is a profit of 60 billion yen, which makes the painful teeth of Sony's board of directors itch.

This makes him always show no choice, just like Kong Ming's out of the well in the world, and his expression is like a monkey. Since October, he has vowed to tell the board of directors every day that Daqian's goods will soon be sold out.

As a result, thousands of sales are sold every day, like slapping Chui Yanzhi's face one after another, swelling Chui Yanzhi's face.

What I said was really swollen. It is said that at a board meeting, an angry director slapped him in the face. He didn't dare to resist. He had to be beaten and apologized desperately.

"What the hell is going on!" he returned to his office and thought with sweat. He wondered where Daqian got 3 million VCDs.

At this time, the phone on his desk rang. When he answered the phone, he immediately showed an impatient expression on his face and said, "Shi Pingjun, come in quickly, I'll wait for you in the office."

A few minutes later, a greasy guy with a round head like a ball came in.

The reason why he scolded so hard when this guy came in was that he wanted to obtain Fusang nationality and gave himself a Fusang name called Shi pingtaro. Unfortunately, Fusang has always ignored this guy. He can't see Fusang for nothing. It's so pathetic.

However, the more so, Shi Ping scolded more and more fiercely, trying to get his dog to be liked by the dog owners of Fusang earlier.

Don't say, this time Shi Ping was really liked by Sony. After discovering that Daqian VCD couldn't be sold out, he was helpless. He sent someone to find Shi Ping and asked him to go back to China to investigate what happened to Daqian VCD.

Then he promised Shi Ping that as long as he could complete the task, he would help him get Fusang international.

At that moment, Shi Ping was full of chicken blood. At the same time, there was no target for traitors like Shi Ping in China at that time, and the information was not developed. Most people, including many domestic officials, did not know that Shi Ping was actually a traitor. Instead, they gave Shi Ping all kinds of preferential treatment and told Shi Ping nothing, Finally, Shi Ping was really allowed to investigate the truth.

"The situation is like this..." Shi Ping told him all his investigation results!

"What! You said Daqian bought all the VCDs of all the competitors in China and sold them to our Fusang market!" Fujii asked with wide eyes and disbelief.

"Yes, the result is absolutely true. I met the boss of a VCD enterprise through local officials. He told me that almost all the inventories of VCD enterprises in China were sold out by a mysterious force."

"Then I tried my best to get to know a senior manager of GS bank. He told me that Daqian borrowed a full 10 billion yuan from ICBC, setting an unprecedented record in China!"

"I calculated that Daqian bought about 2 million VCDs in total, and the cost is about 9 billion yuan, which can explain why they have to borrow 10 billion yuan in a hurry!"

"Moreover, after their loan was approved, all VCDs in the market were swept away immediately. These times are right!" don't say, Shi Ping's ability is still quite good. These situations have been investigated by him.

"Come on, transfer the shipping records of all our chips to me!" Ooi shouts to his secretary immediately. But in 10 minutes, all the shipping records are put in front of Ooi. Then Ooi starts to calculate the VCD chips he sells to other VCD enterprises in China. Finally, he finds that all the data are basically correct, This should be the truth!

"My God, how can they do this? They actually buy the finished products of their competitors and sell them to us. They are not afraid to fatten their competitors. Are they not afraid of losing money?" he said suddenly.

"I can't lose money!" Shi Ping shook his head "The purchase price of Daqian VCD is 4600 yuan, which is converted into Japanese yen, that is, 115000 yen. However, the price he sells to consumers is full 300000 yen, so even if he buys all his competitors' VCDs, each VCD can make a net profit of about 150000 yen after removing tariffs, and he will not lose money!"

"As for fattening competitors, it's even more impossible, because Sony's supply is cut off and all the inventories of competitors are sold out. These competitors have been unable to produce VCD, and most enterprises have begun to switch to other products. There are only about two or three VCD manufacturers who insist on it, and Daqian has killed seven or eight competitors!"

"How could there be such a thing in the world..." he screamed, then his pupils turned fiercely, and then the whole person fell in the back. Others couldn't react, so he watched him fall to the ground, and there was even blood flowing on the ground.

That night, there was a rumor that the chairman of Sony Group was in a coma and hospitalized because of a high blood pressure attack.

This makes many people sigh. No wonder Fusang's enterprises and economy are so developed. It's really hard!