Boss Jia was busy. After attending the launching ceremony of the Titanic, boss Jia had to go all the way to Fusang, because two invitations were sent to boss Jia at the same time.

One is from Nintendo, a good friend of boss Jia and a happy game console manufacturer. The other shocked boss Jia because it was an invitation sent by Sony.

Nintendo's invitation invited boss Jia to a mysterious press conference. However, the words "the world's most sci-fi and advanced game console release conference" were written directly on the invitation, which attracted enough attention.

Of course, boss Jia guessed with his ass that this is the VB press conference that Nintendo has been brewing for a long time.

Sony's invitation letter is also an invitation letter for a press conference, which reads the publicity copy of "new power, new hardware and the coming of the next generation", which also doesn't write clearly what is released.

But boss Jia's ass also knows that this is the release conference of the first generation PS.

Fortunately, these two invitations are held on the 24th and 25th respectively. One is Christmas Eve and the other is Christmas. Obviously, both sides want to attract the attention of children all over the world on this most important festival.

"Are you going?" after returning home, Zhu Qiushui looked at the two invitations and asked with a frown.

"Of course!" boss Jia smiled and nodded.

"Where are you going?" Zhu Qiushui asked curiously.

"Hey, hey, since the invitations from both families have been sent, how can I advise? Of course, I have to go and have a look!" boss Jia said with a smile.

"If you both go, will you offend both families?" Zhu Qiushui asked with some worry.

"Ha ha, clam!" boss Jia couldn't help laughing. "Wife, we're not the Qian who went to Fusang for the first time a few years ago. Now Daqian's capital is not afraid to offend anyone. Nintendo and Sony should consider whether they will offend me."

In this way, on the 23rd, boss Jia set off for Fusang again. After a slight rest for one night, boss Jia personally appeared at the door of Sony headquarters that afternoon.

However, before entering Sony headquarters, boss Jia dialed a phone first.

"Jia Jun, have you arrived in Fusang? I happen to have a dinner today, and I'll send a car to pick you up!" after the phone was connected, there was a surprised voice of Pu in shannei.

"President Yamauchi, I will eat at the press conference tomorrow, but not today. Today I have to eat Sony's!" boss Jia said with a smile.

"You're at Sony's press conference!" Yamauchi's voice suddenly changed, a faint surprise and impending anger.

"Yes, I'm right outside Sony headquarters, but I thought, I have to call you, otherwise it's inappropriate!" boss Jia smiled.

"What does it matter to me if you go to Sony's press conference? What's inappropriate?" Yamauchi said in a strange way.

"Hahaha! President of the mountain, I just went to see the monkey opera. I know myself and the enemy, and I won't be defeated in a hundred battles. Since the enemy has the courage to send me this invitation, if I don't go, you don't look like I don't have the courage!" boss Jia smiled more happily.

"Oh, I see!" hearing what boss Jia said, Pu's tone in the mountain would be better. He also smiled, "then please Jia Jun to attend the visit for me. If you see anything interesting, you might as well tell me in person tomorrow. Let's have fun together!"

"Ha ha! Yes! Yes!" boss Jia hung up the phone with a smile, and then swaggered to Sony's headquarters with one or two of his secretaries.

Today, Sony headquarters is decorated with colorful flowers, large posters are pasted at the door, and there are all kinds of racks and girls to greet guests. Anyway, there are countless publicity materials. It can be seen that Sony attaches great importance to today's press conference.

At the door, more than a dozen middle-aged men in suits warmly welcomed the guests, and then led them to Sony's press conference hall.

These middle-aged men are basically Sony's cultural and entertainment executives. These people came to the door as guests. Sony really paid a lot for this press conference.

"Hello, please show me your invitation letter." just as boss Jia approached the door, a beautiful guest greeted him gently and said.

Well, it seems that she doesn't know our boss Jia. At least she hasn't seen boss Jia's TV program.

"Here!" boss Jia smiled and handed over the invitation to the guests. According to the rules, the guests will be divided into journalists, partners, third parties and so on according to the name on the invitation, and handed over to different senior managers to meet.

It was only when the welcoming guest saw the name Jia Yapeng that the whole person lost color in an instant. Only then did she understand which great God she had met.

"You are really the chairman of Daqian group, Mr. Jia Yapeng!" the welcoming guest asked cautiously with some disbelief.

"Ha ha, can I pretend to be myself?" boss Jia smiled. "Can I go in?"

"Wait... I..." according to the rules, the welcome is to give boss Jia to a senior to entertain, but the problem is that she doesn't know which kind of guest to put boss Jia in.

The reporter certainly isn't

Neither are partners. Both sides want to strangle each other

The third party has never heard of the lineup of Daqian game this time.

For a moment, the welcome was stiff in place. I didn't know what to do. Boss Jia smiled and said, "forget it, give a word to elder Jing Yanzhi, otherwise I don't want to stand here all the time!"

"Hi!" Yingbin suddenly realized, but she had no authority to find Jing Shenzhi. She could only find her supervisor and tell each other the news of Jia Yapeng's arrival.

"What! This guy really came!" the supervisor was also shocked. He knew that he sent an invitation to Daqian this time, but it was just to disgust Jia Yapeng. They never thought that Jia Yapeng would really come to the press conference. He was also in a mess.

Finally, there was only one phone call to Nobuyuki Inoue. After being silent for more than ten seconds, Nobuyuki Inoue began to sort out his appearance and appearance, confirm that his temperament and aura were perfect, and stepped out with great strides to personally meet the opponent whom Sony hated most at present.