"What is a mobile phone?" at the moment of opening the live broadcast, a huge picture was projected on the main stage of the press conference, just like the screen of the cinema.

Mobile phone press conference, high-end promotional film, concept film first!

This is the conclusion reached by boss Jia after reviewing the press conferences of various mobile phone brands such as Xiaomi, apple, Huawei and so on. Therefore, boss Jia spent a lot of money, a full $1 million, and produced such a TV promotional film by American production companies and imperial special effects animation studios.

Therefore, the audience at the scene first saw the projection of the promotional film, while the audience in front of the TV directly began to watch this promotional film.

"Telephone, in 100 years, has been evolving!" a male voice, which is a little light, but full of knowledge and sexuality, is introduced in the promotional film.

"In 1876, with the efforts of Mr. bell, the first telephone in the world was born!" bell and the telephone developed by him immediately appeared on the screen, but it was not a simple picture display, but a middle-aged man with beard and blond hair, experimenting with a huge telephone.

At this time, bell was carrying out his final experiment. Just as he was leaning on the speaker and preparing to speak, his arm accidentally touched the sulfuric acid at hand, and then a small half bottle of sulfuric acid hit Bell's left leg. Under severe pain, bell shouted, "Mr. Watson, come and help me!"

Mr. Watson on the other end of the phone clearly heard this sentence, and then hurried to Bell's room to help Mr. bell clean up his wound. At the same time, this sentence has become the first language spread by telephone in the world.

The next promotional video is basically the development history of the telephone, listing all important nodes of change and development. At the same time, like bell before, each important node is matched with a unit short play.

Although it took only 15 minutes to introduce the development history in the end, because each unit short play was very exquisite, exquisite, and full of drama and interest, the audience enjoyed it with interest, and there was no boring place in the advertising film.

"As early as 1976, the first mobile phone was born, but even now, we still need to use it like this!" with the end of the explanation, we entered the part of the unit short play, and then we saw that a person kept making a huge sound when making a phone call with his mobile phone, but we couldn't hear each other's voice.

"Hey, I have a bad signal here. You let me climb higher, clam!" said the caller, standing on the table.

"No, I still can't hear clearly here. You wait for me to climb higher!" then the man tried to climb to the roof on one side, but he still can't hear clearly.

Then, the mobile phone caller climbed from the top of the tree to the roof of the three storey building next to him, and then climbed to the roof of a seven storey building. Then he climbed on the glass outer wall of a 20 storey building, then a helicopter, and then a supersonic fighter. Finally, the mobile phone caller stood on the satellite in space and found that, The phone is completely silent.

"Ha ha!" when the audience saw this short film, they couldn't help laughing wildly.

However, after laughing, many viewers could not help sighing, because this is their daily use of mobile phones. Because the signal of mobile phones is not good, they have to speak loudly and raise their mobile phones. Sometimes they really have to climb up the table or climb to the roof to talk. This is an exaggerated short film, It's an embarrassing scene when you use your cell phone on weekdays.

"Now, it's time for telephone evolution!" the voice in the video said loudly. "Mobile phones should always evolve in the direction of smaller, clearer calls, more stable sound and more sufficient battery power."

"So we need a cell phone, that is, a smaller cell phone!" said, doubling the size in the video.

"A little smaller!" then the cell phone doubled again.

"A little smaller, so small that one hand can hold it completely" and then the cell phone is twice as small.

"Well, that's not enough. We need him to change the call mode to make his voice more stable. Maybe CDMA is a better choice!" then countless electronic accessories in the small mobile phone flew out, and then replaced with more other electronic accessories, which is equivalent to all the internal systems were updated.

"Oh, I also need more stable and continuous power, or a lithium battery that can be charged is a better choice!" so the huge dry battery carried by the mobile phone flew out and replaced with a smaller lithium battery.

"Oh, this screen is a little too small. We need a bigger screen." then the big brother's screen is twice as large as the original.

"It's not enough just to display dial numbers. I think he should be able to display more things!" then English and Chinese characters appeared on the screen, and even time was displayed.

"Oh, I think he should be more beautiful in the end, just like the ancient jade of China!" so, finally, the shape of the big brother was completely changed, and the ugly black hard shell plastic became a plastic like white jade... Well, this is a plastic like white jade.

At this moment, both the on-site guests and the audience all over the world are shocked to see the change of the mobile phone in the TV and how an ugly mobile phone turns into a small and exquisite Daqian mobile phone like white jade step by step.

"Well, that's about the same!" the voice in the video said with a smile, "but I think cell phone can't properly describe this little cute at this time. Let me think, handset may be a better name!!"

During the live broadcast, Daqian specially made two versions of the video, which is naturally the Chinese version for domestic viewers, while all the foreign viewers see on TV are English versions.

So you see the words mobile phone and handset respectively.

The word "handset" originally meant a telephone receiver, but boss Jia took him out alone and became a special term for mobile phones. This is also the first time that handset, as an English word for mobile phones, has appeared in global occasions.

Later, as thousands of mobile phones continued to use this word to describe this small mobile phone, handset gradually became a real word of mobile phone.

This is also the first time in history. For the first time, Chinese invented the most commonly used English word. At first, no one found any problems in it. It was not until a few years later that an American professor wrote a paper on the word handset. Then the world was surprised to find that mobile phone has become the most important word in the world in the future, The English word of electronic equipment owned by everyone was invented by a Chinese.

This makes the whole western world very sour. Some people even proposed to change a word for the mobile phone, but the problem is that after seven or eight years, everyone has been used to using the word handset to describe the mobile phone, and there is no way to change the word at all.

When this matter spread to China, boss Jia became a hero in China. There was even a Chinese reading comprehension of the college entrance examination. Boss Jia invented English words as the national college entrance examination questions, which boss Jia never thought of.