The forced palace of the third-party manufacturer faced by heaven is over under the tough treatment of Yamauchi PU.

After the end, Iwata Cong was worried about finding Yamauchi Pu and said tactfully that Yamauchi Pu's attitude should not be so tough, maybe a little gentle.

"Gentle!" Yamauchi Pu sneered. "These guys are like Edo geisha. If you are gentle to them, you can get nothing but money. But if you are a little violent, they will take off their clothes. You can make fun of them. They are just such a group of bitches!"

Hearing his boss say such a dirty metaphor, Iwata Cong can only pretend that he can't hear it, and then worried, "if these third-party manufacturers switch to PS, I'm afraid we'll really..."

"Don't worry, these guys won't turn to PS!" Yamauchi began to laugh wildly and said confidently, "PS has sold 8 million units in a year and a half. We ordered 5 million units in a month, and Nintendo is still the king of the mainframe industry!"

"This point has been explained from the order quantity. Fools can see it. Otherwise, those guys won't find me to force the palace. Don't they just want CD and platform, both?"

"Although I have rejected them now, they will certainly continue to stay on our platform for the future revenue and sales of the game. Five million units a month. I don't even know why I refuse Nintendo, ha ha!" Yamauchi Pu was very proud.

"It's the president!" hearing what Yamauchi Pu said, Iwata Cong knew that he could not convince Yamauchi Pu anyway. Maybe he would be scolded by Yamauchi Pu, so Iwata Cong chose to close his mouth on this matter.

"But President, there's another thing I need you to confirm!" Iwata turned.

"What's the situation?" Yamauchi Pu asked curiously.

"That's the order of Pokemon gold and silver. Not only our N64 host has an order quantity of 5 million units, but also the order quantity of Pokemon gold and silver has reached 5 million!"

"This..." Yamauchi Pu couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this data. He ordered 5 million N64, and as a result, he also ordered 5 million copies of Pokemon gold and silver. Doesn't that mean that all people who ordered N64 also bought a copy of Pokemon gold and silver.

Further think, is it all driven by Pokemon gold and silver that N64 has such sales?

Well, you can't think more about this problem. If you think about it, Yamauchi Pu will explode.

"What's the scheduled number of Super Mario 64?" Yamauchi asked.

"At present, there are less than 2.5 million copies..." Iwata said with his head down.

"Baga!" Pu in the mountain couldn't help scolding.

"President, I think it's necessary for us to win over Jia Yapeng. He and his game are very important to us now!" Iwata continued.

"How do you want to win him over?" Yamauchi asked.

"The WCG of Daqian game, the global E-sports competition, is about to start after the E3 game exhibition. We rejected him last time. I think this time we can..."

"There's no need. Aren't we also preparing our own game?" Yamauchi rejected it without thinking about it. I don't know.

"But our own game..." said Nintendo's own game, and Iwata was full of bitterness.

Nintendo held a Nintendo E-sports competition in January 1996, using Nintendo's own games, and like Daqian, they just said that this competition would be held as a global championship.

But Nintendo gave up completely after only two games in Fusang.

First of all, Nintendo didn't invite a special event company to host the game, but decided to go on its own, and then it was a tragedy.

The first is the venue. Like Daqian, Nintendo decided to set up a stadium for the competition, but Fusang's stadium is more troublesome. It needs to communicate with the local government three months in advance and obtain the permission and signature of nearby residents.

However, Nintendo only arranged the stadium two weeks before the start of the game, which was a direct mess. It couldn't get the stadium at all. If it played a game, it would be reimbursed because it couldn't find the venue.

Finally, Iwata came forward and used his contacts to borrow a professional baseball team's home for the game, but they only borrowed two days.

In other words, there are only two days from the layout of the field to the whole game.

This is not the most fatal. The staff didn't pay attention to the weather, didn't look at the weather forecast, and there was no plan for weather conditions, so that when the storm began on the day of the competition, the competition could only be held in the rain.

Even if it's held in the rain, people can wear a raincoat to resist it, but all kinds of equipment in the open air can't work. After a rush, the game finally officially began. As a result, the equipment crashed because of water, and the whole game can't be carried out, let alone live broadcast.

So Nintendo had no choice but to announce that it would postpone the competition, and then let the players who took part in the competition in the rain exit by themselves... Yes, yes, Nintendo did not take care of these players. If they came in the rain, they directly let them go in the rain, and even didn't have a comfort product.

Finally, seven or eight players even got a bad cold because of the rain. Nintendo also didn't pay any attention, and didn't even go to the hospital to have a look.

At this moment, all the players burst into great anger. After the Nintendo competition was reconvened two weeks later, only 10% of the players registered to participate in the competition, and 90% did not come at all. The original huge stadium was empty and frightening.

Meanwhile, Nintendo also had a huge reputation for the competition. Everyone make complaints about Nintendo, and the news media are also various kinds of Tucao, so that several manufacturers that originally decided to sponsor have withdrawn their sponsorship temporarily, and they also lodged claims with Nintendo, because Nintendo's bad behavior has led to their brand's reputation being damaged. These are written in the contract and can normally claim compensation.

Anyway, because of the poor performance of these two games, Nintendo basically gave up the idea of engaging in E-sports games. From January to now, it has never mentioned engaging in E-sports games again.

Therefore, Iwata also proposed that he wanted WCG to win over our boss Jia. After all, Nintendo no longer wants to play games, so it's a good choice to hand over the game to Daqian. In this way, Nintendo can not only win Daqian, but also attract the interest of young viewers and players with the help of the game.

Unfortunately, in Iwata Cong's opinion, this proposal, which is beneficial and harmless, was still rejected by Yamauchi PU.

"We don't need to win over anyone!" Yamauchi Pu said proudly. "Daqian and Jia Yapeng, as well as his Pokemon, can only walk with us Nintendo all their life. Don't forget, he has signed a contract with us. If he dares to breach the contract and put the Pokemon on the PS, he will compensate us $1 billion!"

He doesn't have the courage!