"Boss, you agreed to our listing!" Xiao Huang looked at boss Jia in surprise. In fact, he had mentioned the listing several times before, but boss Jia, who has a large stake, has never agreed. Unexpectedly, he has let go now.

"Hmm!" since the two events in Maotai and South Korea, boss Jia has seen a lot about the listing of his enterprises.

If boss Jia always controls the enterprise in his hand, it will become the target of public criticism. However, if the enterprise is listed and more forces are absorbed as shareholders, Daqian will have common interests with them.

However, the head office of Daqian group can never be listed. Only those companies with good potential can be listed. Internet enterprises are a good choice.

"Yes, it looks like the Internet bubble is coming!" Jia boss touched his nose, and then the idea of listing Internet Co on the firm became firm.


In New York, an amazing news spread all over Wall Street in an instant, that is, the famous Internet enterprise 51 search decided to go public.

This can be said to be the most shocking news for Wall Street at the end of 1996. For a while, countless Wall Street firms found 51 search at the first time.

There are hope agents 51 to search for listing, hope to directly help issue original shares, and even a large number of investment institutions that want to directly buy original shares.

No way, who makes the Internet company the most sought after enterprise on Wall Street!

With the popularity of browsers and the huge development of Internet users all over the world breaking through 50 million in 1996, all the wild wolves on Wall Street smell the smell of meat.

Never think that everyone in the world is a fool, only the transgressor has foresight. In fact, when the Internet just appeared, the wolves on Wall Street had foreseen that the Internet would become a pillar industry in the future world, which was a huge unimaginable market.

This market has been reflected in 1996. First, major enterprises all over the world have established their own official websites on the Internet to publicize themselves in this three-dimensional way.

At the same time, the first generation of network e-commerce and network communication tools have also set sail one after another. The most important thing is that according to the survey results, once Internet users learn to surf the Internet, the time they spend on the network every day has reached an average of about 2.5 hours. This is a huge wealth, which means huge advertising revenue!

"The Internet is the future!!!" countless wall street people shouted, and then countless Americans shouted, telling all investors that as long as they buy Internet stocks, they will make sure they don't lose.

The fact seems to be the same. In January 1995, Aoyou browser was listed. After opening, its total market value was $150 million. Four months later, it had risen to $400 million. By 1996, it was a company with a total market value of $2 billion.

And Yahoo, which was listed in June 1995, has a total market value of $500 million after opening. Now it has a market value of $3 billion. The personal assets of those investors who bought the shares of the two companies have doubled several times.

Microsoft took advantage of this trend. Its total market value soared from $4 billion at the end of 1993 to $11.8 billion in 1995. At the same time, it pushed Bill Gates to the throne of the world's richest man.

Not to mention, by 1996, Microsoft had a total market value of US $28.7 billion, doubled in one year, increased the market value of US $17 billion, and tripled Bill Gates' personal assets, firmly holding the position of the world's richest man.

What's more bullshit is that during this period, more than 10 Internet companies were listed one after another, and none of them lost money. How can we not make everyone interested in investment.

All investors are searching for the next Internet upstart, and there is no doubt that 51 search is one of the most watched companies.

The core business of 51 search is 51 search engine, which has developed into a search engine that all Internet users have to use.

There are 50 million Internet users in the world, of which 45 million use 51 search. At the same time, according to statistics, 78% of Internet users put the 51 search website in the first place in their favorites, which shows that the first thing everyone does after going online is to open the 51 search website.

Such a hot Internet company is simply the most delicious Dongpo meat in the world. No one can refuse. In addition, 51 search hired the most famous firm on Wall Street to help him go public, so the whole process was green and suffocating.

Soon, the news of 51 search's upcoming listing was published in major financial magazines. Finally, Xiao Huang, the president, also accepted an interview with fortune magazine.

He said that this time the company will take out 30% of its shares for listing. If everything goes well, it will ring the bell in March 1997. When the reporter of Fortune magazine asked him curiously how much he expected the valuation after listing, the Chinese American said shyly that he didn't need too much. 30% of the shares could be sold for $1 billion, buy a batch of new servers for his 51 search, and continue to improve the use quality for users.

With the announcement of these news, 51 search became more and more popular in the United States overnight. Under the publicity of these media, the stock of 51 search has become a non-profit stock. It can only grab the original stock of 51 search. It's just getting rich.

Under such publicity, everyone looked forward to the day when 51 search was listed, and our boss Jia rushed to Blizzard studio.

Don't get me wrong. It's not that Blizzard is going to be listed, but another blizzard. Some have completed static tests and internal tests. Everything is very smooth. They will enter the market soon and start internal tests for all players.

From the static test, internal test of the company and internal test of players, you can guess that this is an online game.

But don't be excited. It's not our mountain pass. This online game, which was originally launched in 2005, is difficult to develop with current technology.

In fact, the online game version of Diablo was tested this time. This game, which had been released on E3 last year, finally landed solidly at Christmas 96.

Boss Jia gave the game an impressive name, the legend of Diablo