In the expectation of the Oscar organizing committee and the dislike and curiosity of the global media, the award ceremony of the first Daqian International Film Golden Dragon Award, which is destined to be recorded in the annals of film history, began.

The award ceremony was also broadcast live around the world. According to incomplete statistics, at the beginning of the ceremony, more than 500 million viewers around the world were watching the live broadcast.

Of course, of these 500 million people, 450 million are probably for the crown princess, and the other 50 million are to see how embarrassing the award ceremony is.

Anyway, few of these 500 million people are kind-hearted.

But anyway, the award ceremony began. The first thing that caught the eyes of all the audience was a huge golden dragon winding on a huge vermilion column.

This is the Golden Dragon trophy of Daqian International Film Golden Dragon Award, which is different from the trophies of major film awards in the world. The Golden Dragon Award Trophy is a genuine Chinese Golden Dragon. The overall shape is the Golden Dragon hovering on the column. It is extremely cool in shape and completely kills all the previous film trophies, so that when many viewers see this trophy, I wish I could hold this trophy in my hand.

"Ridiculous!" seeing this trophy, the chairman of the Oscar organizing committee disdained to say, "film is a people-oriented art. All films are to show people's thinking and art as the main body and the core. Naturally, the trophy of the film should be a human form, but he made a dragon. This guy is an asshole who doesn't understand the film!"


"That's it!" other members expressed their position one after another, saying that they very much agree with the chairman's view or something.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the award ceremony of the Global Film Golden Dragon Award of our DIDU International Film Festival. I'm Jia Yapeng, the host today!"

Yes, the host who appeared on the stage at this time was our boss Jia. Originally, the billionaire became the host of the award ceremony, which was unexpected and unprecedented.

Of course, a few years later, in the United States, there will also be a billionaire who will become the host of a program. People even go to the fighting field to fight, and finally even fight with the referee. Boss Jia still has some shortcomings compared with others.

"Curry favour by claptrap! You have no identity!" President Oscar once again make complaints about it.


"That's it!"

"Throughout 1997, practitioners in the film industry all over the world presented classic dramas one after another to audiences all over the world. Our staff of the imperial International Film Festival also made various efforts to select the best films and authors in the world during the whole year of last year!"

"I believe you have found that in the past year, there have been unusual changes in many cinemas around the world. Behind their seats, there has been a small vote, a small pen and a small ballot box."

"Countless viewers gathered their views and choices about the film on each small vote and finally put them into the ballot box..."

Along with the explanation of boss Jia, on the curtain behind him, the long prepared promotional film also began to play.

This is not only a promotional film for about 10 minutes, but also a documentary, recording how the staff of thousands of films worked hard to negotiate with cinemas all over the world, and how to put one vote and ballot box after another into the screening Hall of the cinema.

How hard it is to collect votes, how to sing votes, etc., including the voting process of some viewers and their own mental journey.

Anyway, this 10 minute documentary completely recorded the whole voting process of the film, and then told it to all the audience on the scene and in front of the TV.

This documentary also shows the great difficulties and how the staff of thousands of films overcome the difficulties and finally collected a large number of votes.

In fact, a documentary was shot by the world's top documentary director and won the Oscar for best documentary. It was quite perfect and had great empathy. Many viewers were infected by the staff in the documentary and were moved by their hard work. Some people with low tears even couldn't help crying.

Anyway, after such a documentary is broadcast, all viewers understand the whole vote collection process of the Golden Dragon Award and know that it is really the result of collecting votes from every real film audience, not the result selected by the so-called expert jury.

This makes many audiences who originally came to see the crown princess or the embarrassment of the film festival begin to be moved. They are moved that there is a film festival in the world that is really established by collecting the votes of all film audiences.

At the same time, they began to be curious about the final result of the vote.

Especially at this time, the Academy Awards ceremony has ended, and there are answers to the ownership of various awards, but this is the answer given by the so-called expert judges. The audience are very interested to know which answer will be given by all audiences all over the world.

Among the 500 million audience, at least 200 million people have changed from their original interest in the princess and embarrassment to their great interest in the announcement of the results of the award ceremony.

"In the end, we will ship all the votes to Huaxia, and then 1000 vote counters in Huaxia will make manual statistics to get the final statistical results!" this is the last sentence of the documentary. Then the documentary ends, and the live TV camera is re aimed at boss Jia on our stage.

"Thank you for your trust and voting on our Daqian film in the past year. From March 1997 to December 31, 1997, our Daqian film has collected 372.866132 votes in 5632 cinemas around the world, of which 1326072 votes can not be identified due to unclear traces, and can only be treated as invalid votes in the end 。”

"The final number of valid votes is 371.54060 votes!" boss Jia finally announced the number of votes, and the audience couldn't help but be surprised by such a huge number.

There are nearly 400 million votes in the world. What will be the result of so many voters voting?

And this result must be the most fair, the most indisputable, and the most consistent with the results chosen by the people! All the audience couldn't help sighing.

"Please look behind me!" when everyone sighed in their hearts, boss Jia suddenly said, stunned with the TV audience, isn't there a big screen behind you? What can I see?

At this time, the big screen behind boss Jia slowly opened, revealing a dark, empty night.

"What's going on?" the audience didn't have time to ask questions. The next second, countless lights burst in an instant. These lights are very strong and belong to the kind of lights that can shoot through the night.

This is the light from at least 100 searchlights. With the searchlights, they finally sent it. Behind boss Jia, there is actually a huge stadium!

At this time, people remembered that the place where they were sitting was the Olympic Stadium in the imperial capital.

Just because Daqian spent a sum of money to build a huge temporary auditorium in the stadium, people enter the stadium and directly enter the temporary auditorium through the channel, which gives people a feeling that they seem to hold an award ceremony in the theater.

But in fact, everyone is sitting on the stadium.

As the projection screen behind boss Jia was slowly turned on, the searchlights of the stadium gradually gathered at a point. They were surprised to find that behind boss Jia, there was a huge glass box with a square length, width and height of about 5 meters, which was filled with small pieces of paper.

"What are these?" the audience said to themselves curiously, and then the camera lens kept zooming in. Finally, the people finally saw that the small pieces of paper in the box were small votes.

"The 371, 540060 votes cast by the global film audience in another year are here, behind us!" boss Jia said in a loud voice.

The number of these votes is more than double the total number of votes in the history of the US general election.

When these votes were all packed in a glass box and appeared in front of everyone, everyone, including the members of the Oscar organizing committee, was completely shocked,

"This guy... Has won half..." the chairman of the organizing committee muttered. He suddenly found that even if no one received an award at the scene, I'm afraid the Golden Dragon Award has been successful.

Although no one from the crew came, more than 300 million votes came, which is enough!