Bob is not only a reporter of the New York Times, but also one of the Deputy editors of the New York Times, but also a famous figure in the whole media circle.

Bob has many halos and titles, such as the representatives of the vulnerable, the conscience of the media, the nemesis of the black heart enterprise, etc. anyway, a series of halos are added.

However, these halos are real. Since Bob became a reporter, in more than 10 years, he has successively uncovered the dark scenes of hundreds of enterprises and exposed a large number of enterprise scandals. More than 20 enterprises have been forcibly closed down by Bob's news and public opinion, which makes Bob famous in the whole industry. Many enterprises are afraid of Bob, I was deeply afraid that my business would be watched by Bob and killed by his public opinion attack.

What many people don't know is that Bob is also a media partner of the Motorcycle Association. His father is an important member of the Motorcycle Association. Bob has an old relationship with the Motorcycle Association for more than ten years. He has helped the Motorcycle Association hack many opponents, many of them, Directly controlled by his various articles and public opinion, he was forced to go bankrupt.

Today, his task is naturally to help the Motorcycle Association shape public opinion and destroy Tesla.

In fact, Bob is basically responsible for the attack of the Motorcycle Association on Tesla's public opinion. For example, Bob planned the initial public opinion action requiring the United States to ban electric vehicles.

But he didn't expect that BYD used environmental protection organizations to make a direct counterattack by using public opinion, which made Bob lose face and become a rare failure in his life, which made Bob very depressed and always thinking of anti killing.

Then the opportunity came. In fact, this accident is only an ordinary accident. Thousands of car accidents and casualties are caused by opening the door in the United States every year. Many times, according to the judgment of the court, this is actually the fault of the party who opened the door.

Because it is the driver's common sense to see the car coming from behind when opening the door, and it is also necessary to take the test when taking the driver's license, so most of the responsibility lies with the car driver. The motorcycle driver is innocent, and the motorcycle itself is naturally innocent.

Such a case won't cause a big storm at all.

However, Bob found the important news elements in the button. First, the victim was a woman. Most importantly, the victim was a pregnant woman. After he died, one body died and two lives died.

Then the value of this news has been completely magnified. After seeing this news, all the audience will naturally stand on the side of pregnant women and will not consider the real division of responsibility in the accident. They will only feel that pregnant women are too poor and the mistake must be the cyclist's.

Moreover, the guy in the car is still a little young man in his 20s with tattoos. At first glance, he is not a good man. He is a gangster and has to clap his hands when he dies.

People are a very strange life. For example, in this case, if the car is owned by a minor, this person will naturally get a lot of sympathy from the audience.

But if this person is a young man in his early 20s, it is definitely a disaster.

Although these two kinds of people are only two years away, and the young man has only just grown up for two years, as long as he crosses the threshold of 18, he will change from a natural victim to a natural criminal in the hearts of the audience.

All in all, Bob successfully used the case and led another big news. He borrowed the identity of a pregnant woman, successfully attracted a lot of sympathy from the public, and naturally transferred his hatred to the rider.

But the problem is that the rider himself is dead, and the public's anger can't be vented on a dead man. Then Tesla, which the dead man is riding, naturally becomes the best object for the public to vent their anger.

In particular, this young man is really not authentic. He is killing himself by racing his car number to more than 120 and driving at this speed on the main road!

This is a classic case of public opinion manipulation. Bob used his influence and various skilled skills to successfully transfer all the public anger to Tesla. Tesla appeared on the main road at high speed. Without Tesla, there would be no such case and pregnant women would not die, Anyway, all the mistakes are Tesla's.

Then he put forward the request to prohibit Tesla from going to the main road. In this way, he directly threw all the pots on Tesla.

Then the Motorcycle Association on the other side began to promote at the level of Parliament by using its political power. For their own votes, of course, parliamentarians will not compete with public opinion.

And just blocking a Tesla will not have much impact and problems on the gold owners behind them. Everything naturally happened.

According to Bob's plan, as long as BYD's press conference is used to completely intensify people's anger against Tesla, Bob doesn't have to do anything after that, and the angry people will complete it for them.

So Bob's main task of coming to the press conference this time is to destroy BYD's press conference and let BYD continue to become the representative of black heart enterprises.

Bob was well prepared. If BYD was very tough and refused to admit his mistake, it would be best. Various articles can directly scold him to death.

If BYD softens its attitude, just shirks its responsibility and tries to make things small, it will be exposed on the spot and let BYD sit down and die its irresponsible reputation.

But Bob didn't expect that BYD was more counselled than he thought. Before he forced it, BYD was soft.

Wang Chuanfu didn't mean to shirk the responsibility at all. At the beginning of the press conference, he directly took all the responsibility on BYD. Then all the management apologized and offered a huge compensation of US $1 million per person. His attitude was simply not too correct and too soft. Bob, a professional anti black heart enterprise reporter, I can't find the black spot for a while.

But Bob will not be a top media person. Even if he can't find black spots, he can create black spots creatively!

"Mr. Wang Chuanfu, can this kind of thing be solved only by making an apology?" Bob stood up and asked directly without hesitation "Your apology does not change the problem. As long as Tesla can appear normally on the main road, the same traffic accidents will continue to occur. More and more innocent people, innocent pregnant women, and their children will go to despair and death!"

"Your apology is useless. You must come up with an attitude and method to solve the problem, not such a perfunctory!" hearing this, all the media reporters present couldn't help applauding Bob, the famous reporter!

Changing concepts, stirring up emotions, extreme exposition, point overview, group coercion and other news fanning techniques have been perfectly applied and displayed in Bob's hands. This paragraph can become a textbook for new journalists. It's really awesome!