"I don't know where the prime minister wants to see first?" Xia muqingzi asked with a smile.

"Ha ha, I don't often surf the Internet and don't know what websites there are, but since I want to see them, let's first look at the official website of Fusang government!" Fusang people are very prescient in some things, such as the official website. When there is no ZF official website in many countries, Fusang government has already created its own official website.

Of course, the establishment of this official website has a great relationship with xiamu network. After all, the whole Fusang government has begun the reform of networked office, so an official website is very necessary.

"OK, let's use the traditional telephone line network to visit the official website first!" Xia muqingzi said.

In fact, there are two computers on the table at this time. One is connected to broadband, and the other still uses the traditional telephone line. Naturally, this is to form a sharp contrast.

Xia muqingzi first entered the name of Fusang government's official website in 51 search, and then waited about two seconds, and the search results appeared on the web page.

This is a little faster than the normal Internet speed! Seeing this speed, the guests who often surf the Internet under the stage know that Xia muqingzi did not deliberately reduce the network speed of the telephone line in order to reflect the speed. On the contrary, it was so much faster than normal.

Then, Xia muqingzi opened the official website of Fusang government, which ranked first in the search results, and waited for more than two seconds.

As the official website of the government, it is bound not to be the same as many websites in this era. It is only text, and the pictures on the web page must be used.

Therefore, the official website of Fusang government opened for a longer time. The audience looked at the progress bar of the browser and slowly pushed forward bit by bit. Finally, it waited about 5 seconds before the whole website was displayed.

However, this is not the whole website. Only the top part of the web page is displayed. If you pull down, you will find that the following website is still blank. At most, there are some black boxes, indicating that there are still pictures or text to be loaded in the box. These all take time.

Finally, it took about 12 seconds to fully open the home page of the whole government official website. However, if you look at the title carefully, you will find that almost 14 pictures have not been opened. What is displayed is a small X mark, indicating that the opening failed and need to be refreshed.

It is estimated that many netizens in 2020 will be irritable and want to hammer the table at this time, but in 1998, this is a very normal thing, and no one will be surprised.

The prime minister has also logged on to his official website and naturally knows this.

After the traditional telephone line is displayed online, it's broadband.

Xia mu Qingzi returned to the computer with broadband installed, and then there was a crisp mouse click, and the computer picture changed.

Then there was another sound, and the picture changed again.

"What! Is it so fast?" the audience and the prime minister were all stunned. The interval between these two clicks is almost less than a second.

In such a lost time, not only the 51 search has been completed, but even the official website of Fusang government has been opened.

From the beginning of the search to the full opening of the website, the whole process takes no more than two seconds.

After opening, Xia muqingzi pulled down the whole web page with the fastest speed. As a result, there was no blank in the website, and all the contents and pictures were refreshed almost in an instant.

At this time, compared with the page next door, which is still full of small forks, even a fool can feel the difference between heaven and earth.

"Broadband, really fast!" the guests couldn't help sighing, but this is just the beginning.

Then, according to the plan, Xia muqingzi entered a website called "51 image" in the don't search.

"This is a picture library, which stores a lot of pictures, many of which are high-definition pictures. Tourists can enjoy these pictures for free. If they are willing to pay a sum of money to become a member, they can download these pictures and use them on their own computers and web pages!" Xia muqingzi said.

This is a new website launched by 51. As soon as it was launched, it was widely praised.

After all, the current network is not the future network. This kind of picture is searched casually. Now the pictures on the network are very rare. Even if there are, almost all of them are pixel level pictures. Only 51 images provide a large number of HD picture downloads, which is very necessary for the work of many Internet users.

So 51 image soon began to make money, and the share price of 51 search rose a lot.

It's just that this website is a disaster for the traditional telephone line to surf the Internet. Just opening the home page of 51 image and the browser of telephone line took nearly three minutes to open the web page, but half of the pictures are XX and need to be refreshed.

Although the broadband on the other side also took some time, at most, it took about 5 seconds. The home page of 51 image opened. All kinds of pictures on it, from landscape architecture to fragrant car beauty, covered the whole web page, and everyone was dazzled.

Then, Xia muqingzi specially opened a picture of Mount Fuji on the home page. As a result, in less than three seconds, a high-definition, 720p picture occupied the whole screen. The snowy Mount Fuji was displayed in such detail in front of everyone. Some sharp eyed guests even saw two tourists climbing the mountain in the picture.

"My God, it's so fast!!" many guests who often search for pictures on the Internet are stupid. It's normal for them to wait for a few minutes or even more to wait for a high-definition picture to refresh and load.

The result is now refreshed in less than 5 seconds. What speed is this and what kind of progress is this!

"I must install broadband!! I must install broadband!!" the next moment, these guests shouted madly in their hearts. It's good that they haven't experienced broadband before. Now they have seen the speed of broadband with their own eyes. They can't wait to throw their previous telephone lines into the sea.

However, no one on the scene knows that this speed is limited. If xiamu network is lifted, it will not be a problem to open a high-definition picture in about 0.5 seconds, not to mention reaching the level of 2020 and reaching the network speed around 2012.

So why should Daqian be restricted?

Nonsense, now we open the full speed. How can we upgrade and squeeze toothpaste in the future?

The most important thing is that every time you squeeze toothpaste in the future, you can charge a small fee for network upgrading?