The sales volume of 10 million is undoubtedly a huge failure for Nintendo, which is deeply in trouble and hopes to change its life with GBA.

Nintendo, once the world's No. 1 game company, has lost to PS in terms of TV console. The N64 has a total sales volume of nearly 10 million less than PS.

As for personal handheld, it's even worse. When GBA exceeded 10 million units, Qianji transformer was already celebrating its total sales, breaking through 100 million units in the world. The sales gap of 10 times made Nintendo lose even the slightest hope of winning in handheld.

Originally, heaven can also comfort yourself. GB lost to Qianji transformer because it was 10 years away. Once GBA came out, it will change the world.

But the fact is so sad. In the face of this result, Nintendo once sent professionals to investigate, and then concluded that the most important reason why GBA failed miserably was in the steam game store.

Because of the existence of the steam game store, Qianji has mastered almost the global game channels, and the 3.3.4 sharing mode of Daqian, the platform side and the steam game platform franchisees does not strictly audit the games that want to be put on the shelf, so that all game companies can easily put on the steam game platform.

In this way, thousands of machines have become this small handheld platform. Unexpectedly, there are tens of thousands of different games, but GBA has logged in less than 40 games so far.

Although these 40 are basically fine products, in front of two handheld computers that can play tens of thousands of different games and only 40 games, fools will make the right decision.

This is Nintendo's decision to put most of its products on the shelves of steam game stores two years ago, otherwise Nintendo's situation will only be worse.

To get back to business, Nintendo now faces a choice, that is, whether to let pet elf log in to the thousand machine transformation platform.

Before, most of Nintendo's products, although logged into the steam game store platform, only sold products. All games can run only relying on Nintendo's game console. Nintendo is essentially a closed game company, only using the steam game store.

But now, after "pet elf" came into the market, there was a voice inside Nintendo, that is, not only to make the GBA version of "pet elf", but also to make the thousand machine version of "pet elf".

This voice instantly caused a huge wave within Nintendo. Countless people jumped out and accused Miyamoto Mao, who put forward this proposal, saying that he was kneeling down like the enemy to beg for mercy.

But many people inside the company choose to support Miyamoto. Their reason is more simple. If they don't log in, Nintendo will lose money, and it's still a huge loss, even to the point of bankruptcy.

For a moment, the two sent people to argue about this. The two sides had quarreled several times at the company's high-level meeting. Just as these people were ready to persuade each other again at the meeting, the Secretary of the chairman suddenly broke into the meeting and said to the presiding Iwata Cong and Arakawa that the chairman wanted to see them both and hoped they could go to the hospital.

Hearing the news, everyone understood that I'm afraid the debate had reached the ears of Yamauchi Pu, who was recovering from illness. Yamauchi Pu was finally going to come forward to end the endless debate.

A child, the dignified Arakawa and Iwata Cong entered a bright light, but somehow there was a chilly ward. They saw Pu Yamauchi lying in bed with a sick face and the whole person was old.

Since his coma three years ago, Yamauchi Pu has been unable to manage the company with heavy affairs because of his physical reasons. He can only rely on his relatives and son-in-law, and he has been living in the hospital to recuperate.

Unfortunately, Nintendo hasn't had any good news in recent years. Almost all of them are bad news. Yamauchi's situation is getting worse and worse. It's almost gone.

My old guy is very strong. After lying down for three years, I still have one breath. Moreover, judging from the appearance of meeting today, the spirit of shannei Pu seems to have improved a little.

"What's the trend of the company recently?" Yamauchi asked faintly.

"Father, everything is going well in the company, and our pet elf is also selling well, creating the best result in history. If you rest assured, Nintendo will get better slowly!" Arakawa said at the first time.

"Yes, everything is great!" said Iwata.

"Oh, how can I hear that you two are in the company and are about to fight!" Yamauchi Pu looked at the two people and both closed their mouths.

I only heard shannei Pu continue to say, "I know that you hide this thing from me for my health so that I can live a few more years. Unfortunately, good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles. You didn't tell me these news, but I saw it from other people's newspapers and magazines!"

Yamauchi said, threw out the latest "video game pass" magazine, and the news like "Nintendo quarrels constantly, suspected high-level discord" was written in big characters on the cover of the magazine.

"Ashamed, father!"

"Chairman, I'm sorry!" Arakawa and Iwata said with their heads down and shame.

"OK, this kind of words is boring. Tell me your own ideas. Your argument, old man, I'll make a decision for you today!" Yamauchi said calmly.

This attitude surprised Arakawa and Iwata Cong. under normal circumstances, when Yamauchi heard the internal strife of the company, shouldn't he scold them and even reward them for one foot? When did you speak so gently!

However, they can't think about these. They can only speak out their ideas according to Yamauchi's requirements.

"Father, my husband is informal, and it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for 10 years. The most important thing for Nintendo is to survive, reverse the current losses of the company, make profits again, accumulate strength, and then fight the dog thief Jia Yapeng!" Arakawa took the lead in saying "so we want to make pet elf" Sell it. The more you sell, the better. Only in this way can we maximize our interests. "

"And if we can use Daqian's platform to make money through Daqian, and then use the money to develop new games and consoles to defeat Daqian, wouldn't it lift the enemy's stone and hit the enemy's foot?"