Throughout 1999, according to official statistics, so far, more than 100 mobile phone manufacturers around the world have sold more than 600 different models of mobile phones.

Of course, most of the mobile phones are soy sauce, but even if only the top ten mobile phone manufacturers are counted, they have released more than 106 different models of mobile phones. On average, each company has released ten different models.

This is still in the third place. In 1999, no new mobile phone was released, which greatly lowered the average value.

Among them, Nokia has released the largest number of mobile phones, with a total of 29 different models. The second is Ericsson, with 22 models, and Motorola has also released 9 mobile phones.

The mobile phones released by these mobile phone manufacturers have become a super luxurious handheld electronic collection from the original ability to only make a phone call to the current functions of games, SMS, address book, music and so on.

The price, also from $399, has covered the price of $2000.

This is about the fastest changing place in the mobile phone market in 1999, that is, the price of mobile phones, which fell madly in the whole 99 years.

In just one year, the price of mobile phones has been cut by about a third.

This is not to say that after a mobile phone is on sale, it will continue to reduce prices over time.

But the price reduction of the whole mobile phone industry.

Nokia, for example, sold its most expensive flagship mobile phone 8310 in January for $1999. But in September, the starting price of the latest flagship Nokia A450 was only $1499.

In a word, the price of the whole mobile phone industry has been cut by about one third at the collective level.

The result of such crazy price reduction is that there has been a hot wave of mobile phones all over the world, and various financial institutions in Europe and the United States have also properly launched mobile phone loans and other services, so that customers can directly buy the latest mobile phones through loans.

In Europe, America and other developed countries, according to the survey, even the poor have about 10% of their own mobile phones, and the mobile phone ownership rate has reached more than 80%.

This is the result of mobile phone price reduction.

After all, the price of the underlying models of Nokia and Motorola has dropped to $399, or 3200 yuan. Even many Chinese can afford such a mobile phone.

Anyway, in 1999, almost all mobile phone manufacturers were reducing prices, and the only mobile phone manufacturer that bucked the trend was only Daqian mobile phones.

Because Daqian's mobile phone still insists on customizing its own mobile phone product line according to its own pricing strategy of next generation decline.

That is, the price of each mobile phone is set strictly according to algebra. For example, the latest model launched by Daqian is Daqian 4, and the price must be fixed at $999.

Then Daqian 4mini is a downgraded version of Daqian 4 in terms of function and size, and the price will be $200 lower, which is $799.

Then there is the Daqian 3 of the previous generation. With the release of Daqian 4, the price will be directly reduced to $599, and Daqian 3mini will be reduced to $499.

Then Daqian 2 reduced its price to $399, which is the lowest price of all mobile phones sold by Daqian at present. As for Daqian 1, when Daqian 4 was listed, Daqian mobile phone announced that Daqian 1 would be permanently discontinued and no more Daqian 1 mobile phones of any version would be produced, which helped Daqian mobile phone expand its territory and once sold a mobile phone of $1199, So no more production.

But what's amazing is that daqian1 mobile phone was still the champion of global mobile phone sales in the first half of 1999.

Although daqian1 announced to stop production, there are still a large number of daqian1 mobile phone inventory in the market to digest.

So Daqian announced a new activity, that is, the price of Daqian 1 mobile phone will be temporarily reduced by another $100, only for $299, until all Daqian 1's inventory is sold out.

This is the first mobile phone in the world with a price of US $299. Naturally, it has aroused the madness of customers all over the world. A large number of mobile phone stocks of daqian1 have been eliminated in just three days. Some people even started a martial art at the door of the dealership in order to grab the purchase right of daqian1.

As a result, all the inventory of daqian1 was emptied in less than one month. In this month, the total sales volume of daqian1 reached 5 million units, occupying the top of the annual sales list for eight months with one month's sales volume.

It was not until September that Nokia's d170 broke the sales record of more than 1000 with a sales volume of 5.2 million.

However, at the same time, daqian1 also created another record, that is, in the four years from its debut to the cessation of sales, the total sales volume reached an amazing 37.26 million units, becoming a real sales machine in the world, leading the second daqian2 with a sales volume of 20 million units.

Although it is still a question mark whether mobile phones can surpass this sales volume in future generations, it is impossible for mobile phones to surpass this sales volume at least before 2000.

Although daqian1's sales volume is unique, it dominates the mobile phones of the whole 20th century.

But this can not save the decline of Daqian mobile phones.

At the end of 1997, Daqian mobile phone had ranked second in the global mobile phone market, with a total sales volume of less than 1 million, second only to Nokia.

But in 1998, Daqian fell to No. 3.

In 1999, even if there was the Savior of Daqian 1, the whole Daqian mobile phone took two places and fell to the fifth place.

It was surpassed by Samsung mobile phone and Ericsson mobile phone.

This makes the thousands of mobile phones that once seemed to overturn the whole mobile phone industry turn over directly, which has become a joke in the circle.

"The former Dragon Slayer will be swallowed up by the dragon after all. The peak of thousands of mobile phones has passed. It's hard to say whether it can keep the position of the top ten in the world!" many practitioners in the mobile phone industry judge this.

It's not unreasonable for them to say so. After all, a thousand people lost two in a row and were killed by Samsung mobile phones and Ericsson mobile phones, which are new to the war. This is really amazing and gives people a feeling that they may die suddenly at any time.

It is said that the chairmen of Motorola and Nokia happily invited all the executives to dinner to celebrate the fall of Daqian, a once powerful and invincible competitor.

After all, Daqian put too much pressure on them in the past few years. The indomitable sales and technological innovation almost overturned the hegemony created by Nokia and Motorola for decades at the first time.

Now that the damned usurper has finally fallen, Nokia and Motorola will certainly applaud!