Bill Gates hated the person in charge of the technology department. There was such a huge loophole hidden in his system that the people in the technology department didn't find it, so that they knew that the incident happened only in 2000, which not only damaged Microsoft's reputation, but also gave thousands a chance to launch an attack!

Indeed, this millennium bug crisis has made Microsoft encounter the biggest credibility crisis in history.

Although the previous MSN problem has made Microsoft lose face. But at that time, Bill Gates was happy and involved only the software MSN, which had nothing to do with Microsoft's main business windows system, so it was not a big blow to Microsoft.

But this time it's different. This time Microsoft was really beaten up.

Although this millennium bug crisis is a mistake made by everyone, not only Microsoft is not aware of this problem, but also most of the world's technology enterprises are not aware of this problem, otherwise there will be no global chaos.

But now all computers use Microsoft's system, and things such as traffic lights and radar don't use Microsoft's system, but people are non mass consumer goods, and the public won't care who the manufacturer behind these products is and who provides computer services.

All users will only remember such a logic: the millennium bug is a crisis caused by the computer system, and the windows system is the computer system, so Microsoft is slag.

In addition, some malicious media secretly contributed to the fire, all kinds of ridicule that Microsoft's technology is outdated, Bill Gates is gone, the grade is over 100 years old, and so on. All the people's anger about this crisis naturally shifted to Microsoft.

Anyway, this crisis must be carried by someone. This pot is certainly not the user's own. It seems that it has little relationship with the government. Then Microsoft is the best object to carry the pot.

In fact, Microsoft is very wronged, but who let you dominate the computer system market?

The greater the ability, the greater the pot!

In fact, it can't Blame Microsoft's technology department. Historically, Microsoft's technology department actually discovered the existence of the millennium bug in 1998, and then the world began to investigate and solve the problem of the millennium bug at the same time.

Therefore, the millennium bug in history was well known by people as early as 2000, and then it did not cause much chaos because of early preparation.

But the world is different. I don't know if it's because of the emergence of Daqian that Microsoft's technology department didn't find the existence of the millennium bug. Of course, boss Jia knows.

Moreover, boss Jia also said that Daqian once told the media about the millennium bug, but the problem is where Daqian has the influence of Microsoft, especially many American media, directly ignored it, resulting in this serious crisis.

Of course, it's mainly because Daqian talked to a media, and the media doesn't seem to have much energy. Anyway, Daqian is innocent. I've informed you that if you don't pay attention, it's none of my business!

So, a huge disaster happened, and the world lost more than 100 billion dollars because of the millennium bug. It's really sad!

On the other hand, in recent days, Microsoft has suffered unprecedented verbal and written criticism, and the problems of windows system crash, blue screen, Caton and file loss have also erupted with this crisis. Almost all the posts on the network are scolding the windows system for being too bad and eating the old capital for a lifetime. The score of windows system in 51 software is also from the previous 8.2, It fell directly to about 7.1.

In the past, even if the bad comments on the Internet were fierce, Bill Gates didn't care, and netizens had no other way except to be angry. After all, they didn't seem to have any other system to replace except spending a lot of money to buy an apple computer again.

Although there is still an open-source linun system on the network, which has been praised by many professionals as surpassing windows in all aspects, Microsoft has never seen it.

Although it may indeed surpass windows in some aspects, the operation of that system is not stupid at all, and it is more and more colorful by the technology house. There are tens of thousands of different personal versions of a system, so Microsoft doesn't take a look at it.

But this time is different. The guys who frantically attacked the windows system on the Internet finally have an alternative object to choose. They bought the Hongmeng system for trial for the first time. As a result, they had a direct climax. They frantically boasted in various forums that the Hongmeng system has been rolling over windows for at least ten years, It seems that the country of windows is really going to fall.

At the beginning, Microsoft thought these people were farting. However, when they learned that Daqian group was behind the Hongmeng system, even if Microsoft, which had worked with Daqian for several times, was demoted again, they knew that it was an opponent that must be faced up to. Therefore, Bill Gates asked to get a Hongmeng system to experience it first time, Look at the skills of this bold guy who wants to replace his own market.

On January 5, a notebook with Hongmeng system installed was sent to Bill Gates, who began to try it out for the first time.

On January 6, Bill Gates, with red eyes, urgently held a high-level meeting and once again gathered all high-level leaders in the conference room to discuss countermeasures.

At the beginning of the meeting, Bill Gates said in a heavy voice, "ladies and gentlemen, in the 25 years since the establishment of Microsoft in 1975, we have never met a real opponent on the operating system."

"But this time it's different. We did meet a powerful opponent who is capable of defeating us!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, here comes the powerful opponent!!!"

With the end of the meeting, this sentence spread all over Microsoft at an unimaginable speed.

Of course, many Microsoft people feel that their chairman is alarmist.

This is not an unimportant, new market battlefield such as MSN.

But Microsoft has dominated the market for more than ten years and has irreplaceable monopoly advantage. This is a market that may be defeated by any opponent.

Not to mention anything else, take the huge software on the windows system. This is where any system can't Beat Microsoft in its lifetime.

After all, a system can't be used by light. It must also have the ability to adapt to all programs. If the original software can't be used after changing the system, especially some office or professional software, it's a disaster experience for anyone.

It can be said that rashly replacing the system will suffer huge losses, which are difficult for any enterprise and individual to bear, so fools will replace the system.

"We are invincible!" Microsoft people replied with such pride.

The following facts also seem to prove that this is the case. Although Hongmeng system exposed its face through the Millennium Bug crisis, which made many users remember the name, and even increased the sales of Daqian's mobile phones. Even money losing goods such as Daqian 4 sold about 800000 units in a month, a new high in sales in nine months.

However, the situation of Hongmeng system does not seem to have been greatly improved. Although according to the data statistics of steam game stores around the country, after the outbreak, Hongmeng system ushered in a small sales outbreak and sold a full 30000 CDs in a week.

After that, Hongmeng system directly fell into the bottom, and it was difficult to sell more than 100 copies a day. These buyers were either technical houses or guys with ulterior motives. Anyway, Hongmeng system did not really open the market.

After all, windows is an impossible opponent at this time.