"In addition to the central processor of the mphone, our mphone also has up to 512MB of memory and 8GB of storage space to store the software installed by users and the data brought by various software“

"In addition, in the speaker..." next, boss Jia introduced a series of hardware configurations, which are so high that all mobile phone manufacturers tremble. There is no hardware configuration of any mobile phone manufacturer that can be compared with one-third of the mphone.

This is not a mobile phone at all, but a computer!

"Then, I have a question to ask you. In your mind, what is the most important function of a personal terminal in addition to the above configuration?" boss Jia asked the audience with a smile.

Although several people raised their hands to answer, they didn't seem to answer the point, so boss Jia shook his head slightly.

Finally, boss Jia pointed to the back row and said, "this golden haired child, can you answer my question?"

"Donald, I called you, and Mr. Jia asked you to answer the question!" Emma hurriedly pushed Donald's arm beside her, and the faces of other children around her showed envy, jealousy and hatred.

Donald seemed unwilling to answer the question, but now the whole audience focused on him. He had to stand up and look directly at his father.

"How can there be children here?"

"Yes, there are many children. Which adult has brought all his children?"

"You don't know. This is the child of WorldCom summer camp. You see the child in the third column next to him. He is Prince Harry!"

"I recognize that the child standing up is the chairman of Guanyin and the son of Ms. Natasha. I heard that he was born out of wedlock. So far, I don't even know who his father is!"

"Wow, because this brand is so high-end, their chairman has such a big illegitimate child. Sanguan burst!"

"Shit!" the people around him whispered. Donald sighed. He didn't want to answer, but these people's remarks have related to his mother, so he can't be silent.

"It's the network, sir!" Donald took a deep breath. "For personal terminals, the most important thing is not the computing power of the processor, nor what looks like a luxurious hardware configuration. There is only one most important factor, that is the network!"

"The child really doesn't understand anything. He's talking about the Internet!" the audience began to talk again.

"Yes, he doesn't know. In fact, his mobile phone can surf the Internet, but the network speed is... Hey..."

"I can't read a novel on my mobile phone. What's the use of this network for personal terminals?"

"But I think what he said is not wrong. If the personal terminal can have the same network speed as broadband, his future prospect must be very terrible!"

"You're dreaming. How can a mobile phone have broadband Internet speed!" people around sneered. "The most important thing of broadband is cable. Without broadband Internet cable, where can I get broadband Internet speed?"

"Is it difficult for you to use your mobile phone and walk around with an Internet cable behind your mobile phone?"

"Little friend, how much Internet speed do you think can meet the needs of personal terminals?" boss Jia ignored the discussion under the stage, but smiled at Donald and continued to ask.

"The faster the better, there is no upper limit!" Donald's answer surprised everyone. He said calmly, "for personal terminals, there is no upper limit to the demand for network speed, because the higher the network speed, the more functions that personal terminals can achieve, and his pursuit of network speed will never have an upper limit."

"However, the personal terminal needs a minimum network speed limit. I think in any environment, the personal terminal needs a network speed of at least 1Mbps to meet its minimum use needs. Otherwise, the personal terminal looks no matter how good it looks, it is only a laptop with call function!" Donald said.

"At least 1Mbps network speed! Is he crazy!"

"Now many broadband do not have this network speed. A mobile phone actually wants this network speed. How can such a device in the world do it!"

All kinds of comments came out one after another, but boss Jia on the stage was full of praise and said, "the younger generation can be feared. You're right. For personal terminals, the network is his life. Personal terminals without networks don't deserve to be called personal terminals!"

"Because the product definition of personal terminal is to directly establish a high-speed connection between individuals and society. In the future, humans can use personal terminal to understand everything in society and complete various information exchange work in an instant!"

"In the future, even eating, corporate office, government office, shopping, medical treatment and so on, all things that need to be completed face-to-face can be realized through personal terminals!"

"It can be understood that the final use scenario of personal terminal is to let a person stay at home without going out. Just use personal terminal every day, he can complete all social needs and obtain all social resources. He can even stay at home all his life and spend his happy and fulfilling life at home!"

"The personal terminal will bring the distance between people to the extreme, and also the distance between people and society to the extreme. All this needs the help of the network. Without the network, all this is just my empty talk!"

Sure enough, it doesn't matter whether the words are right or not. The key is who said them.

When Donald said it just now, everyone talked in succession, but as soon as boss Jia said it, the audience immediately burst into thunderous applause. No one whispered under the stage. They were all pondering boss Jia's speech just now, and then fantasizing about the world described by boss Jia. Finally, they found that the network is really too important for personal terminals, It is important to surpass everything. Boss Jia is worthy of being the richest man in the world. He is too TM's ox fork. His insight is different.

"..." Donald was silent. Seeing the attitude of these people around him, Donald suddenly felt angry and jealous.

Anger should be, because these people gave him unreasonable treatment.

But jealousy is very subtle. Donald has a strong desire for everything his father has for the first time in his life!