"My God, it's the romance of the Three Kingdoms. Three parts of the world. Guan Yin actually got the spot version of the film!!" everyone was almost crazy when they saw the name of the film.

When the first film "the romance of the Three Kingdoms · the rebellion of the yellow scarf" was released in 2001, no one thought how crazy this series of films would be.

In fact, the box office data of the first yellow turban rebellion is not so dazzling. Although the final box office of more than 800 million US dollars in the world is in the top 3 of the global annual box office list, it is not impossible for the Yellow turban rebellion to win the first place if there is not a pervert like Lord of the rings.

However, this film has invested a lot of money in publicity. Originally, people in the industry predicted that it would exceed US $1 billion at the global box office. In fact, the performance of this film has fallen.

Therefore, when the second "Romance of the Three Kingdoms · burning the imperial capital" was released in 2002, audiences and filmmakers all over the world were not optimistic about the film.

For a series of films, the achievement of the first film is very important, because the box office of the subsequent films either continues to rise and surpass the previous films.

Or the box office plummeted and ended all the way.

Most of the films ended in the second ending. The first film suddenly sprung up and achieved terrible results all over the world. Then the shooting plan of the second film went online at the fastest speed, mobilized the best actors in the world, and all kinds of money free publicity. Finally, the box office of the second film hit the street. After watching the film, everyone scolded for losing the soul of the first film, It's the work of the dog tail continued mink!

This is the fate of most sequels. Of course, there are a few works that can surpass the previous works and finally seal the whole series.

However, there are not many such series. So far, there are only Harry Potter series and Lord of the rings series in the world. Although the terminator series seems to count, the problem is that only the second part of the terminator series explodes forward, and the latter parts explode backward.

In fact, some of the Harry Potter series are not worthy of the name, because the box office of the third and fourth films are not as good as the peak of the second film, and they didn't take off again until the fifth film.

Now it's the sixth Deathly Hallows, because thousands of films have made a film for three hours at a time, and the rhythm of Deathly Hallows is also very compact.

In the end, the last film in the Harry Potter series released last year finally achieved an unprecedented box office performance, winning a global box office of $1.98 billion, almost breaking $2 billion.

The "Harry Potter" series of films has officially become the first series of films in the world at the total box office, with a total box office of US $9.882 billion, almost breaking 10 billion, which makes countless films feel sorry for it.

Because of this situation, many people are not optimistic about the romance of the Three Kingdoms series. After all, there is an oriental cultural background, excessive publicity, actors, all oriental people and so on. When these factors are combined, the second film can be popular.

With the official release of the second film, it seems that these statements are indeed confirmed. The combined box office at the first weekend is only $104 million, which is almost impossible to exceed $100 million. Only half of the results of the first film. It seems that the film is about to be finished.

But... But... But in the second week, the box office in the United States rose to 152 million in the first weekend, and it was still rising in the third week. By the fourth week, the box office in the United States had exceeded 500 million. Then almost overnight, everyone was discussing the story of the three British war.

Everyone is talking about who can win if these three Ying and Lv Bu reach the end.

Especially on the Internet, all kinds of discussions, debates and mutual connection have never stopped, and the whole film continues to sell well.

After the first movie was a bit of a hit in China, the second movie "Romance of the Three Kingdoms: burning the imperial capital" didn't create too many plots, but frantically piled up all kinds of super special effects and wonderful fighting scenes, so the box office also exploded in China, becoming the first blockbuster with a total box office of more than 1 billion yuan in China, which is also 120 million US dollars in the world.

Not to mention in Fusang and South Korea, the film is hard to get a ticket. Even the European market, which was not interested in the first romance of the Three Kingdoms, combined with a total box office of $80 million.

Although the whole of Europe has not been as strong as the developing Chinese, it does seem a bit embarrassing.

But anyway, "Romance of the Three Kingdoms · burning the imperial capital" slapped everyone in the face, and finally won a huge box office of $1.32 billion worldwide, almost double that of the previous work.

The reason for this situation is that foreigners underestimate the story of the Three Kingdoms, which can be called the second climax, second only to the battle of Chibi.

First of all, this story can be called a perfect starting point. Shuangwen, a neglected royal family and declining nobles, took his two top knights, dressed up as pigs, ate tigers and hit faces in front of a large group of nobles, and finally defeated the invincible super demon king.

And finally accompanied by the collapse of an empire and a raging fire, this is simply the shuangwen structure of Tianzi No. 1!

In addition, novels and films are unparalleled in shaping characters. Whether it's uncle Liu's three brothers, Lv Bu, or even Hua Xiong and Dong Zhuo, they are penetrating.

For many failed films, their biggest failure is not the failure of actors, nor the failure of shooting technology and special effects, but the failure of the plot.

However, as long as the original plot of the romance of the Three Kingdoms does not add many things like the first one, there is almost no possibility of failure, especially for foreigners who have never known the Three Kingdoms. They are pure sprouts, no spoiler interference, and there is no original party. Of course, they love the film to the extreme.

In addition, whether it is special effects or actors, the film has achieved the ultimate, and the final box office explosion is a matter of course.

The most amazing thing is not when the film is released, but after the film is released.

It is said that overnight, almost all novel websites in the world appeared the translated version of the romance of the Three Kingdoms. Countless readers who can't stand waiting another year and are eager to see the follow-up plot are looking for the translated version of the romance of the Three Kingdoms.

As a result, all websites with translated versions were pleasantly surprised to find that their website traffic increased more than ten times, or even hundreds of times.

Especially for the non English translation version, because there was no translation before, many websites in non English speaking countries began to get the serialization on the website while translating. As a result, there were countless readers on the website, all chasing the serializing translation version of the romance of the Three Kingdoms, and the traffic soared according to the standard of hundreds of times.

Later, according to the survey, throughout 2002, the global e-novel industry doubled its market value six times in one breath because of the emergence of the romance of the Three Kingdoms.