The middle-aged man's scream spread far in the silent darkness. In a few moments, the local people nearby will run over. If they know that the local people have been beaten by people from other places to work here, it will make a big deal.

Yun Fei felt that at his current speed, he could almost go to the Olympic Games to participate in the 100 meter long run.

In a short distance of more than 100 meters, she has caught up with the girl who just crossed her.

"Run fast, or those people will have trouble catching up." When he ran to the girl, Yun Fei shouted to them.

There is still a long distance from the industrial area. All three people run silently and quickly towards the industrial area under the light.

"Lose the bag quickly. The litchi is not worth a few cents. If they catch it because of this, they will lose money..." Yun Fei said when he heard the girl gasping heavily.

"I want you to take care of it. There's nothing about you. Why are you running?" The girl without the bag said. Listening to her voice, it seems that the girl's physical quality is still good.

"I didn't have anything to do with me, but the man who chased you was beaten by me. Now it's my business." Yun Fei joked with a smile.

The younger sister paper in the early 1990s is as simple as a piece of white paper compared with later generations. Yun Fei suddenly had a bad taste of flirting with simple sister paper.

"Brag, you, just like you, can you beat him? Besides, why did you hit him? " Girls are not as restrained as girls in this era, but they are still very lively.

"I saw him have a bad heart for you two beauties. My sense of mission to uphold justice made me have to beat him up." At this time, Yunfei stopped thinking about those annoying things and began to concentrate on flirting with two simple sisters.

"Bah! I think it's you who have a bad heart, isn't it? If you don't go to bed so late and run to this dark place, you may want to do something bad! Ah... "The girl said as if she thought of something and covered her mouth with her hand. While turning his head and staring at Yunfei, he pulled the girl next to him who was panting heavily and accelerated his pace.

"I said, chick, why are you running so fast? I won't eat you... Hei hei..." Yun Fei imitated the villain and ran with two girls while laughing, as if he wanted to insult two girls.

"Wuqiu, run quickly, or we'll suffer tonight..." the girl talking to Yunfei asked her to speed up while dragging her companion.

"No?" Yunfei was surprised that he had such a great effect when he pretended to be a villain for the first time. Girls these days are not so timid.

He never goes out. I don't know. Some time ago, several girls nearby were ruined. They came here at night to steal litchi. The two girls heard Yun Fei say this. How can they not connect what happened some time ago with the people in front of them.

Girls' physical strength is not very good. Although they are not far from the place with street lights, their speed has completely decreased. Although they still seem to be running, they are not much faster than walking.

Yun Fei followed the two girls so slowly. He was really curious. The child was so tired that he didn't throw away his few litchi.

"Don't follow me. I'll call someone if you follow me again..." seeing that her companion was too tired to walk, the girl talking to Yun Fei said to Yun Fei with a crying voice.

"Shout, it's no use crying out for a broken throat in this wilderness ridge. Girl, take it from me and save me more effort." In the past, when chatting on the Internet, Yun Fei often joked with female netizens. He looked forward to the girl in front of him with a whine "Lord, you have to cherish your slaves..."

But Yun Fei forgot that this is not the time when tough girls are everywhere in 20 years.

Hearing Yunfei's words, the girl who had not spoken directly collapsed on the ground. The tough girl turned directly, blocked the girl behind her with her body, and looked at the devil in front of her in horror in the dark.

This guy is indeed the slut who committed the crime some time ago!

She knew that as long as she ran to the place with street lights, the bad man would not dare to catch up again, but her companions couldn't run. If she ran away, her companions would certainly be insulted by the villain who couldn't see her face. If so, it is estimated that their companions will not live. The two people who grew up together know each other too well.

Although Wuqiu looks very weak on the surface, her temperament is very strong.

"You, don't come here..." the girl was very afraid now. She knew she shouldn't be greedy for small things. She knew that there were obscenities around here at night and ran to steal litchi.

"Hahaha... Forget it. I won't tease you. I'll scare you. Niu, help your sister to go, or those people will come after us and we'll all be finished... "

Seeing that he paralyzed one of the two girls, the other was so frightened that he pretended to be calm with a cry. Yunfei couldn't do it anymore.

"Ah..." seeing the girl standing still, Yunfei stopped talking and directly picked up the girl sitting on the ground and thought of running ahead.

"Hooligan, put down dancing autumn..." the girl couldn't care to be in a daze, so she ran after Yunfei and shouted while chasing.

The girl held by Yun Fei is very light. It is estimated that she only weighs 80 or 90 kilograms. At the beginning, she kept struggling in Yun Fei's arms. Finally, when she saw that Yun Fei was running in a place with lights, she stopped struggling.

The girl in her arms has a faint fragrance of orchids, which makes the clouds breathing hard. The little villain in the middle of the body stood up shamelessly and wanted to be appeased.

Yun Fei wanted to borrow the light of the street lamp to look like a large number of girls in his arms, but found that the girl lowered her head and couldn't see her face at all.

"Please put me down..." has reached the place with light, and Yun Fei is reluctant to let go of the girl in his arms. The girl's voice was very small, but it still reached Yunfei's ears.


The girl behind caught up and saw Yunfei holding his partner's hand and slapped Yunfei's face. Yunfei involuntarily sent the girl's hand, and the girl in his arms hit the ground heavily.

"Ouch..." the girl's scream made the beaten and beaten move, and they all wanted to help the girl up.

"Ouch..." "fuck!" Both of them exhaled pain at the same time.

Originally, the distance between the two people was relatively quiet. At the same time, they bent down more quickly. Naturally, their heads touched each other.

"Girl, why are you so violent and don't you worry about not getting married in the future..." feeling the girl's slap flying towards her cheek, Yun Fei quickly grabbed the girl's hand.

"Kill you hooligan! Kill you a hooligan... "The girl was caught with one hand and greeted Yun Fei with the other hand, but she didn't have much strength.

"All right, all right, girl, let's see how your sister is. What's the account? Can we calculate it later? " Seeing the girl nodded, Yun Fei sent it away and grabbed the girl's hand.

"Sister, I'm fine..." the girl called Wuqiu got up from the ground, rubbed her ass with her hands and said softly.

"Are you sisters?" Yun Fei was surprised.

The contrast is too strong.

"I want you to take care of it!"