(when it goes on the shelves tomorrow, Hulu strives to keep the four watch outbreak of the week. Ask for the first order, monthly ticket and maintenance in advance... Hulu kowtows to the brothers and sisters who support Hulu and intelligent industrial empire. By the way, send a small climax to the brothers and sisters who are about to leave. I hope you will remember to come back and vote after you leave...)

"35% of the shares, 10 million in cash!" Qin Qingshan ignored Zhao Hui, constantly winked at himself, and decisively quoted a price.

Hearing Qin Qingshan's offer, Zhao Hui sighed. Lao Qin, a purely technical old guy, is really not suitable for negotiation. Suddenly, the offer exceeded the low price. Zhao Hui also knows that he cut his quotation too hard at the beginning, but the negotiation is slow.

Don't you see that many international negotiations are protracted, and some even take years? Yun Fei left just now. It's just a means of negotiation! Zhao Hui didn't expect that Yun Fei was angry to leave just now, which was not a means of negotiation. Once the most grass-roots technicians have never experienced any business negotiation. How can they use this means so naturally?

These two guys, the old and the young, one kept biting his heart, and the other directly quoted a price that exceeded his reserve price. Yun Fei, hearing his offer, will certainly bite the price.

"40% of the shares, 12 million in cash!" Yunfei's face was no longer gloomy. He bowed his head and calculated silently in his heart for a while before raising his head to make a counter-offer to Qin Qingshan.

He knew that Qin Qingshan would not give up his status as the first shareholder of Huashu, nor would he give up his controlling stake. After all, this company, which has only been established for one year, is his painstaking efforts. Moreover, Yunfei didn't want to have a controlling stake in the company and more shares, just to share more profits and more voice in the future.

"Factory director Yun..." Qin Qingshan was very moved that Yunfei could reduce his conditions so much. Everyone here knows the value of this system. Less than 9% of the shares, there will be a lot less dividends every year. However, Yunfei's shares still made him feel a little high. He opened his mouth and wanted to give a new offer to give Yunfei 36% or even 37% of his shares. As soon as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Yunfei.

"President Qin, this system is not Chinese cabbage in the vegetable market. I have told you that I will not spend several controlling rights. It can be said that my behavior is to send money directly to you. You shareholders can discuss this price. If it's appropriate, we'll sign the equity transfer agreement today and I'll give you the drawings today. If you still think the price is too high and you have to compete for shares point by point, I don't think it's necessary to talk about it. President Qin, you can't be too greedy. " Yun Fei's words are almost sincere and sincere. It gives people the feeling that he is a wise old man with rich experience in his 70s and 80s, rather than a young man under the age of 18.

Yun Fei's words made the four shareholders of Hua count ashamed.

Indeed, they only value their own interests. Now cut the price of Yunfei harder, and they will be able to share more benefits in the future. In particular, with this system in the hands of Yunfei, Huashu will definitely have a lot of money. They only thought about themselves, but they didn't think that Yunfei, a young man, almost sent money to them.

Especially Yun Fei's last words, you can't be too greedy. Although I said it to Qin Qingshan, I didn't say it to myself. Their initial purpose was just to study the Chinese people's own system. How long has the company been established? They have begun to attach great importance to future interests. If this continues, will they be able to develop the top CNC system?

"Mr. Yun, thank you. Thank you for waking me up. I'm sorry, I'm retarded..." when several people were meditating, Zhao Hui suddenly stood up and bowed deeply to Yun Fei.

"Lao Zhao, you don't have to thank me or apologize. From your standpoint, you are not wrong. After all, we are both negotiating parties. Normal negotiations will fight with each other to the end for the sake of our own interests. You are indeed wrong. What is wrong is not that the price you offered me is too low, but that your price insults the system and those who have spent their whole life trying to save money for the system. " Yunfei thinks he has too much talent for acting. As soon as I said this, I immediately had a heavy expression on my face.

"Director Yun, I want to ask, is this system really made by our Chinese people? Who are they? " Qin Qingshan couldn't help moving when he heard Yunfei's words.

"Do you think I can get the foreigner's system? The people who study this system don't want people to know their names. They spent their whole life to develop this system, not for the country, not for individuals, but for the rejuvenation of our whole nation. A middle-aged man once said that the world's best nation, a powerful empire for thousands of years, could not always hand over its national defense to imperialism. The most high-end gadgets such as the atomic bomb could be developed in a poor environment. Why can't we? As a result, he had a magic barrier. Similarly, several hot blooded guys also followed the magic barrier. Over the past 30 years, they have spent 30 years of hard work, experienced all kinds of hardships, and had the emergence of this system... "Yun Fei tells the stories of those old men who forced themselves in the world to learn all kinds of knowledge about CNC machine tools since childhood.

Yun Fei is not good at telling stories. He is very confused because his own memory is also very confused. He has not calmed down to sort out that memory. That memory had always weighed heavily on his heart.

At that time, there were many unsung heroes, who were unknown and poor, who contributed incomparably to the country. Many people may not know until they die. Think of the situation that my grandfather was criticized by the rebels because he occupied the equipment of the factory; Then I thought that when the unrest ended, my grandfather was also stopped by the cruel factory director because he disassembled the NC machine tools lying in the factory for research and used some electronic components on the scrapped machine tools. In order to engage in research, the elderly in their 60s went to some small private workshops or township enterprises to turn on their beds part-time. The clouds were messy and burst into tears.

Yun Fei told the stories of the old men in a low voice, and squeezed out a few tears from time to time, which directly infected several people who listened to the story.

Their hearts are also heavy and more guilty. Compared with those in Yunfei's mouth who let their grandchildren learn machine tool operation from the age of six or seven, and then disassemble the machine tool to connect the machine tool components, they know how difficult this system is. No wonder the industrial control chip of this system is blank. No wonder the structure of this system is extremely complex, but it uses hardware that is easier to get in China

Qin Qingshan didn't expect that the story told by Yun Fei would be half true and half false. It's true that Laozi have experienced hardships, but it's absolutely false to die after studying the system.

Several old men have worked hard all their lives for this. Yunfei felt that this honor should belong to them. But he didn't tell Qin Qingshan the names of the old men in his story.

When Yunfei was in Jimin hospital, Jiang Jianxing told Yunfei that not only Yunfei's grandfather died, but also the current situation of the other old men was not optimistic. Long term malnutrition, coupled with overwork, is almost 70 years old. How can you last long?

"Xiao Yun, since this system is so difficult to come by, we won't say more. According to your, 40% of the shares, 12 million in cash. Sign the equity transfer contract now. Lao Zhao, go and prepare the contract... "Qin Qingshan finally picked up his heavy heart, raised his head and said firmly to Yun Fei. Several other shareholders have no way to say anything about these things.

Liang Qiang doesn't care about these. He is only interested in technical research. He feels there is no difference between more and less shares in his hands. Now after listening to the story told by Yun Fei, he is more eager to manufacture the system still on the drawings.

Zeng Hongqi and Zhao Hui were also infected by Yunfei's sadness. Zhao Hui, in particular, felt even more guilty about his initial offer. Although they are engaged in business, they are not the pure businessmen in the world where Yunfei is located who have lost all their conscience for money. They are now pursuing their own dreams and the goal of revitalizing the national machinery manufacturing industry, not money.

"Xiao Yun, does this system have a name?" Zeng Hongqi asked Yunfei. Although this system will become a reality in Huadu CNC, it is not the honor of Huashu, but a witness of honor.

"LSK, give this system to my old man. At that time, he told me that this is dragon's CNC, Chinese CNC!" Yun Fei said to several people heavily. He thought about many names for this system, and once considered naming it hsk9201 according to the naming method of Huadu CNC in later generations, which represents the first system developed by Huadu CNC in 1992. But the function of this system is so powerful that Huadu CNC can't afford the honor brought by this system.

"This system, later called lsk9201, is the first CNC system of the Chinese people!" Yun Fei clenched his fist tightly to the in front of him, and then raised it heavily.

"Well, the name is domineering! In the future, other systems developed based on this system are named like this, and strive to form a huge CNC system family like Siemens or FANUC. " Qin Qingshan was also inspired by Yunfei's domineering spirit.