Yun Fei beat the arrogant and domineering Zou Rong and never thought about the consequences.

Anyway, Yunfei doesn't even know her name. This woman obviously wants to open a company and build a factory, otherwise she wouldn't have met in Xie Heping's office. Moreover, she can't have dinner with the leaders of various departments in charge of industry in the city tonight.

Judging from the woman's words and deeds, she definitely has a tough background and backstage, otherwise she can't be so arrogant.

For such a brainless woman, Yunfei really won't take her seriously. But the man behind the woman also gave Yun Fei a headache.

Originally, I planned to take some girls to Chengdu hotel to have a tooth Festival and have a good meal. Now when they come out, they are in no mood. They casually eat some spicy hot outside and go home.

When Zou Rong reacted, she found that Yunfei had left and didn't remember her purpose of inviting dinner. For her, in front of the leaders of the municipal government, she was scolded by a 10-year-old yellow haired girl, and then slapped herself severely by a boy under the age of 20. How can she bear such a great shame?

Zou Rong left all the invited people and left the restaurant symbolizing his status.

Bao Qi looked at several people of the municipal government, and then shook his head reluctantly. The owner's house has left. Where are they still in the mood to eat and drink?

Zou Rong's is not simple. Yun Fei, a young man and vice mayor in charge of industry, has a great opportunity to straighten out and even join the Standing Committee in the near future. The two people are now in conflict. It is still this matter that must be reported up at the first time.

Bao Qi, who is about 50, attaches great importance to Yunfei, a young man. At the beginning, Yunfei had a deep contact in the process of using 40% of Huadu CNC's shares to mortgage 30 million. He never thought that this young man would be watched at the beginning of his career. Perhaps age is the biggest hard injury when investing in China.

For the domestic situation, Bao Qi is very emotional.

As a governor of the provincial bank, he knows better than anyone that those investments can bring a lot of benefits to the bank. So at the beginning, when the cloud directly applied for a loan of 30 million yuan with 40% equity of Huadu CNC, they soon lent money after learning about the industry prospect and the situation of Huadu CNC at that time.

12.6% of the loan interest will bring 10 million income to the bank within three years. At the beginning, Bao Qi encouraged Yunfei to make more loans several times. It is best that he can't repay the loans later. In that way, Yunfei will never get back 40% of Huadu NC's shares, which will be the biggest income in his career!

Chengdu is no better than other cities. The economic vitality of the whole city is not great. The loan limit given by the head office every year can never be completed.

At the beginning of the construction of Jiuyi heavy industry, Bao Qi received a call from the above, that is, in any case, he can no longer lend to Yunfei, the young man of Jiuyi heavy industry. When Bao Qi received the above call, he was very confused. Would the young man be short of money in such a short time?

Is it more in line with the market economy for him to continue lending?

These days, he found that the working capital of Jiuyi heavy industry is facing the dilemma of being exhausted. The ordinary machine tools produced by Jiuyi heavy industry can not be sold. When the products of the newly developed CNC machine tools have not been finalized, the market is occupied by the sudden emergence of CNC machine tools. This is a good thing for the bank, and it is also a very good thing for Baoqi's performance. It is better for 91 heavy industry to go bankrupt, so that 40% of Huadu NC's shares are owned by ICBC.

Now there is a crisis in the capital chain of Jiuyi heavy industry. I should have been happy, but I find I can't be happy anyway. This is not just because of the relationship between Yun Fei and Xie Heping.

Seeing Yunfei leave, Zou Rong also leaves. Bao Qi wants to catch up with Yunfei and remind this young child under the age of 19 to make a good marriage, but where can he see Yunfei downstairs.

The next day, just at work, Bao Qi called Yunfei and said he planned to invite Yunfei to dinner at noon.

"Lao Zhao, can you tell me what's going on?" In the vice mayor's office, Xie Heping, who was in charge of industry, just went to work, called his old comrade in arms Zhao Xingbang.

"What's going on? Lao Xie, is that what you called early in the morning to ask? " I had just made tea. Before I could open the newspaper in my hand, I received a call from Xie Heping. I thought there was something important, but I didn't think that this guy asked such a confused question.

"You don't know? Jiuyi heavy industry is the Jiuyi heavy industry of Yunfei boy that you asked me to take care of last time! " Xie Heping didn't have the quality of vice mayor at the moment. He yelled at the phone.

Old comrades in arms don't even tell themselves about these things. If Bao Qi hadn't informed himself that Yunfei had a conflict with Zou Rong, a simple minded but well-educated woman, it was still an irreconcilable conflict. In addition, as the president of ICBC, Bao Qi received the above notice that he could no longer lend to Yunfei's Jiuyi heavy industry. He didn't know that there was a crisis in Jiuyi heavy industry, which has great development potential.

Hearing Xie Heping's words, Zhao Xingbang's heart clicked. What's the matter with Yunfei?

"What did Yunfei boy do?" Zhao Xingbang asked eagerly on the phone.

Although I don't like to see this boy many times, at present, there are still many factories under my hand, hoping to rise again by relying on Yunfei's 91 heavy industry! In addition, many new designs of the military need high-precision CNC machine tools to complete processing.

Although there are many large machine tool manufacturers in China and many factories studying CNC machine tools, the military has never seen hope for so many years. Now the CNC industry has Yunfei, a young man who has suddenly sprung up. It's not easy for people to see hope. How can he not worry?

Before the infrastructure construction of Yunfei's factory was completed, many people engaged in wind and rain, but Zhao Xingbang had no way to stop it. Can only watch helplessly, and he was forced to become a direct accomplice. Fortunately, Yunfei left a deep impression on the old man. The old man came forward to warn the second generation, and the 91 heavy industry was able to start as scheduled.

Similarly, Yun Fei transferred his energy to the production of CNC machine tools. Although the output of the simple four-axis rotary table is not high, the high profits can feed a factory with thousands of people.

Zhao Xingbang is a powerful technical official. The CNC machine tool industry can derive many related industries, especially China's CNC machine tool industry. In the future, it is bound to form an incomparably huge industry. Numerical control is the inevitable development of machine tools, especially now mechanical parts products are becoming more and more complex, and the accuracy requirements are becoming higher and higher. Conventional machining machine tools are difficult to effectively ensure the high accuracy requirements of some complex products.

Hearing the eagerness of his old comrades in arms, Xie Heping knew that Zhao Xingbang really didn't know what was going on.

Xie Heping doesn't quite know what kind of relationship Chu Yunfei has with Zhao Xingbang. Judging from Zhao Xingbang's reaction when he introduced himself to Yun Fei, it's quite profound; However, it is not the case that Zhao Xingbang prevented Yunfei from registering the company alone. He wanted to ask what the relationship between Lao Zhao and Yun Fei was. The eagerness from Zhao Xingbang's tone made him feel that there was no need to ask this again.

Maybe Yunfei, a young man, doesn't understand that he has been simple in the heart of the emperor, but they who mix in officialdom can't help but understand. Last time someone thought of Yunfei's factory, the old man came out to support him; Now the CNC machine tool studied by Yunfei is about to succeed. Xie Heping doesn't believe that the elderly will watch someone use the power in the hands of their parents or grandfathers to take Jiuyi heavy industry away from Yunfei, an energetic young man.

As everyone knows, the elderly have always attached importance to the development of science and technology since they were in the top position. Science and technology are the primary productive forces. This is no joke. Otherwise, when I went south, I wouldn't have stayed in those real high-tech enterprises for so long.

"These bastards!" After hanging up the phone, Zhao Xingbang slammed the smoky tea cup on his desk to the ground.

Zhao Xingbang didn't expect that there were still people who didn't give up. In order to get 40% shares of Huadu CNC, they actually made such a bad means. This is traitorous!

No wonder so many CNC machine tool manufacturers have sprung up in China during this period.

Many people think that this is the sudden outbreak of the accumulated technology of these domestic machine tool manufacturers for more than a decade. Now they find that there is a shadow of conspiracy. The people who hide in the depths and do such things are certainly not those guys last time. Zhao Xingbang really can't figure it out. Those second and third generations have always liked to get money fast trade. Now why do they suddenly dare to be interested in industry?

Zhao Xingbang stormed out of his office and didn't bother to respond to the subordinates who greeted him.

This thing, he can't be like last time, otherwise the little love left with Yunfei young man will disappear.

When Ni Lishuang told him that Bao Qi invited him to dinner at noon, Yun was not only happy for a moment, but his joy was replaced by doubt.

From the twinkling eyes when Bao Qi looked at him last night, Yun Fei knew that it was impossible for him to get a loan now. Although the country has implemented the deflation policy in recent years, the support for those high-quality enterprises is still very strong.

Yun Fei rubbed his head. If you want to know what you don't know, you must wait until noon to meet with Bao Qi!