Yunfei didn't expect that in order to make the company formal, he would find professional managers to manage his own industry, which would make the military leaders dissatisfied.

When you think about it, it's true. Although the 91 research institute belongs to him personally, it has a large number of military cooperation projects. Some of these projects are first-class technologies abroad.

For example, the individual communication command system, which is based on the production technology of mobile phones of wheat company and cooperates with the military, uses satellite signals instead of digital signals used by ordinary 2G mobile phones!

The US military, which has the most advanced individual equipment in the world, has just begun to study this aspect.

"Lao Li, I really didn't think about this. I just brought the 91 Research Institute into the management scope of the 91 group for the convenience of management. At present, it really can't go on like this. It's not our race, but our hearts will be different... "Yun Fei knows. If you don't say something nice, it's not so easy for the old goods to pass this level.

He didn't think so about what our ancestors said that our hearts must be different.

For thousands of years, after civilization, the Chinese would have ruled the whole earth if they had not fought internally.

Li Zhongwei is one of the few hawks in the Chinese military. It is really because of this that his power is restricted. His main job is to manage some technical research and military equipment of the military. In short, he is in charge of logistics and training.

If there are any major national military policies and guidelines, he can only have some suggestions.

Otherwise, with his qualifications and status, he would have been Minister of defense long ago.

"What are you going to do now?" Li Zhongwei was not fooled by Yun Fei's one or two words.

"Why don't you get the research projects of the military to the research institutes of your subordinates? You are in Chengdu, but there are a lot of research institutes... "Yun Fei really wants the military to withdraw these cooperation projects now.

These projects are big spenders.

"No!" Li Zhongwei refused Yun Fei's proposal without thinking about it“ You boy, as soon as your ass pouts, the old man knows what shit you're going to shit. You want us to withdraw our cooperative research projects and do it by ourselves, don't you? I tell you, there's no way! "

The military will not let go of the injustice of Yun Fei.

Tens of millions of research funds every year is a big expenditure for the stretched military!

"Old man Li, you are the general of the Republic. You can't always rely on me, can you? If it goes on like this for a long time, I can't live? I still have thousands of people to support! " Yunfei has long wanted to go his separate ways from the military.

Although the political forces in the Republic have not changed much, once the emperor and his courtiers arrive, no one can say whether someone will use the cooperation between him and the military to say things.

In a certain era, many rich people were sacked, but they all had good friends with military leaders.

"What are you worried about? The old man is not dead yet! If the old man hadn't spoken, do you think we would be willing to accept your protection fee of tens of millions a year? " Li Zhongwei ignored Yun Fei's exaggeration and gave the boy a white look.

As a result, the goose bumps staring at Yunfei got up.

Anyway, the money is not out of the cloud.

"Young man, it's not good to have more money. We'll help you spend some. When our military has money in the future, we will never treat you badly..." Li Zhongwei can only continue to draw cakes for Yun Fei in order to appease him.

Now he basically says this once when he sees Yunfei.

"Old man, how many times have you said that? I hate people drawing cakes for me. Your cake is bigger than the sky. In the end, maybe I can't even eat a sesame! There are two options. Either, the 91 Research Institute will be included in the management scope of the group company, or our cooperation projects will be transferred to your subordinate scientific research institutes to continue research, and the 91 Research Institute will only keep our own research projects... "Anyway, the research projects cooperated with the military can not face the private market in the end, It is estimated that even the military orders can not get much. Yunfei, who is short of money, is not willing to continue like this.

The military has a lot of equipment factories. Now they are waiting for technology upgrading and new equipment design drawings!

Even if China's military industry is open to private production enterprises, it is only a small part.

It is impossible to purchase complete sets of equipment in private enterprises, and the whole country has particularly strict restrictions on this aspect.

Even later, many equipment parts outsourcing were the processing of some non key parts, and the supporting factories had to be reviewed in great detail.

"Come on, I'll give you two choices. First, let's coordinate privately. I think it didn't happen; 2、 You go to an old man and say that there are no orders for CNC equipment purchased by the state here. Of course, we will withdraw the cooperation projects... "Li Zhongwei looked at Yun Fei meaningfully.

I know Yunfei very well who has been dealing with him for a long time.

He knows exactly where the boy's weakness is.

"You are cruel! However, Uncle Li, can you make more money for this cooperation project? Even if we have developed something, we don't have our share. Is your military factory willing to pay us patent fees? " Yun Fei is depressed.

He doesn't dare to go to the old man.

Without a national order, you have to be silly.

CNC machining centers, high-precision cutting-edge CNC equipment with four axes and above, any part must be accumulated through countless tests. Any technical progress is accumulated with money.

The Germans are like this, the Americans are like this, and the Japanese are even more like this!

There is no shortcut to this.

The mechanical automation test workshop in the 91 Research Institute has fully launched the research of four-axis and five axis machining centers. Every month, the research funds for materials, energy and mechanical experiments are tens of millions. Without this huge number of national orders, it is difficult to carry out these projects.

Unless you stop all these projects!

Is that possible?


"Boy, it's your fault to say that the patent fee. Even if you research something, the technical ownership is jointly owned by your 91 Research Institute and our military. How can you pay the patent fee to you? But don't think you've suffered a loss, boy. Didn't you keep the military qualification when 9327 factory was privatized? " Li Zhongwei suddenly found that he liked to see Yun Fei eat flat.

Military qualification?

Yunfei forgot this.

Although 9327 factory used to produce cutting equipment for the base of the ninth Institute and other enterprises in the system, it often produces some accessories on weapons and equipment. After all, most weapons and equipment are made of steel.

After accepting 9327 factory, the main production task of the whole factory is to produce machine windows, and these general metal cutting equipment do not need military qualification at all.

"What do you mean?" Yun Fei's heart suddenly became active when he thought that his 91 heavy industry still retained his military production qualification.

These products will make great achievements in the future!

After Jiuyi heavy industry took over 9327 plant, most departments still keep it, especially the electronic and electrical production workshop!

The military's electronic or communication equipment and wheat mobile phones have no production qualification, but there are some electronic and electrical workshops of 91 heavy industry!

"Of course!" Li Zhongwei looks like a teachable child.

But I was relieved.

If the boy really insists on bringing the 91 Research Institute into the German management, he really can't find a way to deal with it.


"Boss, why is the 91 Research Institute just included in the management scope of the group company and going out independently? I need an explanation! " After knowing that Yunfei had separated the 91 research institute again, old man Mellon was furious!

Chinese private bosses are too unreliable.

If he always interferes in the operation of the company at will, his job as a professional manager is really hard to do.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Mellon. I said I wouldn't interfere with your management of my industry, but it happened for a reason. As you know, our 91 Research Institute has some cooperation with China's military. They believe that some projects of the 91 Research Institute involve military secrets... "For the Germans, Yun Fei knows that he must tell the truth, otherwise, the old man will lose a lot as soon as he gets angry and runs back to Germany.

Before the German old man came, Liang Ke signed a contract with the German old man on his behalf, but it was clearly stated that he, the boss, could not interfere with old man Mellon's management of the company.

Most of the profits of the whole group company are consumed by the 91 Research Institute. Old man Mellon has not been in Chengdu for a long time, but he is already preparing for a systematic and comprehensive audit of the 91 Research Institute.

It hasn't started yet. Just making preparations, Yun Fei came to tell him that the 91 Research Institute is no longer under his jurisdiction!

How can this be acceptable?

This is to ignore him as the chief operating officer!

"..." Mellon was silent.

If the cloud has no other reason, he can object, but when it comes to military secrets, he really doesn't know what to say.

Originally, Yun Fei told him that there were some cooperation projects with the military in the 91 Research Institute, but he didn't care. During the visit, Yun Fei didn't tell him how many projects in the whole experimental building were cooperative with the military. At the same time, he didn't tell him that those projects were cooperative with the military.

In the electronic workshop of the experimental building, there are many researchers in military uniforms. The old man thought that these projects were established by the Chinese military to develop the private market.

In Europe, such things are very common. Many large companies undertake a large number of military research projects.

China's military research is inherently mysterious, and it is normal to keep it a secret from the German.

"Mellon, I'm really sorry..." Yun Fei knew that it hurt the old man's heart, but he had to say.

"Boss, you're right. After all, I'm German! I can understand your difficulties! " The old man's face was plain.

Such a thing, he can understand Yun Fei.

Even in Europe and America, such things are normal.

"Thank you for your understanding, Millan. As for the current operation mode of the company, I think so. All the profits of 91 heavy industry will be handed over to the headquarters of the group company, and then the headquarters will allocate funds to 91 airlines and 91 materials according to the budgets of each company. Each quarter, the funds of the whole group company will leave enough working capital, and the rest will be transferred to my private account, I personally invested research funds in the 91 Research Institute... "Yun Fei wanted to do this for a long time, but he really didn't dare to do so when various systems were imperfect and there were no professional managers in the past.

Uncle Jiang Jianxing was very dissatisfied with investing money in the loss making 91 airlines and 91 materials.

It can be said that Jiuyi materials are related to the business of Jiuyi heavy industry, but Jiuyi aviation has no other purpose except transporting CNC machine windows.

The cost of air transportation is much higher than that of railway transportation and road transportation. If Chengdu can have water transportation, the price will be cheaper.

Yunfei, who was worried that Jiang Jianxing would cut off the airlines and the 91 materials, had to delegate the financial power that should have belonged to the headquarters of the group company to 91 heavy industry.

"Boss, I have a question. There are many projects in your 91 research institute that can be commercialized. Why do you have to continue to invest money in it. If commercialized, the profits can fully support the continued research of the project... "Originally, after visiting the 91 Research Institute, Mellon thought that the computer projects and chip projects there are very profitable for China now.

In addition to continuing to invest a lot of money in research, Yunfei has no idea of commercial operation at all.

"Mellon, I also want to commercialize those projects. I thought about it a long time ago, but there are many things involved. Lack of money is the most important!" The cloud doesn't know how much money the chips studied in the laboratory make.

However, there is an agreement with the military that the 64 bit chip project cannot be put on the market until it is developed.

Foreign 32-bit chips have just begun to enter the theoretical research stage, and the production cost of 16 bit MCU is too high. In the whole market, the mainstream MCU is still eight bit!

It is not easy for the country to have a project that can maintain its advantages over foreign countries. If it is introduced to the market too early, it will not be long before Europe, America and Japan can develop their 32-bit or even 64 bit chips according to the Chinese MCU in a short time!