One hundred million dollars can be exchanged for nearly 900 million yuan, and finally only a little more than 600 million yuan. Will Yunda boss do this? Yun Fei remembered a joke that once spread widely on the Internet and made Chinese people bitter.

An American came to China at the beginning of the 21st century, exchanged one million US dollars for more than 8 million yuan, and then spent two million to buy a house. The rest of the money was used for eating, drinking and fun. Of course, it was inevitable to raise some beautiful women. These days, those beautiful women in China begin to become worthless. More than 100000 a year is more than enough. It is still the kind of absolutely beautiful women. Even if you raise three or five, it is only three or five million a year. In this matter, Americans are more authentic. After all, the cost of falling in love may be lower than this. Of course, raising women can't put all women in one room, can it?

So this guy bought a few cheaper houses. There are still millions left in his hands.

As a result, when the RMB appreciated, those women were no longer young and beautiful, and Americans felt that prices in China were too high.

So he sold his house and said goodbye to the woman. As a result, back in the United States, assets not only did not decrease, but rose to $6 million

He came to China to eat, drink and sleep with beautiful women. The Chinese government not only paid for him, but also paid a considerable pension when he left China. In other words, the goods slept in vain for several beautiful Chinese women for several years, and then the Chinese government gave him millions of dollars. This reward is much higher than his profit of investing $1 million in the United States, and there is no risk or pressure

For such things, although Yunfei used to think it was bullshit, now when it comes to the tickets in his pocket, he can't interfere, but he will never let himself help the grandchildren who come to sleep with Chinese beauties for free. Boss Yunda still wants to meet this kind of good thing

He said this to the leaders of the country, but people ignored him at all. Especially when he told this joke like this, he almost let the big men let their men beat out with sticks. The main reason is that the big men's men can't find sticks at all

This year, the whole world is using US dollars. Internationally, the RMB is difficult to use. Don't you see that it is all US dollars.

"Pay another $50 million to their mining department. We can't make our brother country too miserable, can we? Besides, if we don't pay them the money, how can they pay for our equipment or anything else? " Yun Fei said with a smile.

The money is just a turn from the Taya government.

Finally, we have to return to the hands of the Chinese people.

When the projects of the Taya government were fully launched and the business of the Taya government in Europe was robbed by the Chinese, Yunfei felt that it was better to let them use RMB. After all, their own money was not too reassuring.

The boss of Yunda doesn't like hoarding dollars. Anyway, when you need to use dollars, just go directly to the National Bank of China.

The loss is national. Anyway, Yunfei won't take the risk.

"Boss, don't we charge a penny in advance for those projects in their country?" Zhang Cui frowned and asked Yun Fei.

"Why don't you charge? Now I want to collect it. The key is where we collect it? Those mines and oil fields are the advance payment and project payment they pay. We can only open mining stones as soon as possible and transport these things back to China as soon as possible to turn them into money... "When it comes to this, Yunfei is also very painful.

It is not easy to play with these poor countries.

If you want to make money from them, you must first lend them money.

This is a very painful thing. Even if the money is finally earned back, their profits have become a pile of ore and a pile of oil

"Shall we make a drum of their oil or find two barrels of oil?" These things were not under Zhang Cui's control, but now it affects her work. It's ok if Yunfei doesn't engage in an energy company now, the capital gap won't be too large, but if he has to start doing this now, Zhang Cui really has no way.

No money!

If this is said, it is estimated that few people will believe it.

China's richest man has no money? It's not a joke. What is it?

Only a handful of people know that Yunfei's account doesn't have much money. Even many senior executives of Yunfei don't know. Anyway, Yunshi Holdings has never defaulted on wages, and all projects are progressing smoothly.

"Wait until Anna registers our energy company. What's more, the resources are in our hands. We can't lower our stature and take the initiative to find them, can we? " PetroChina and SINOPEC are companies directly under the state.

When they get the oil exploration right, the big guys above don't know. They haven't heard anything for such a long time. It's estimated that they know they lack funds and wait for them to come to the door, so they can take care of themselves. Whoever takes the initiative will suffer.

"How can we solve the funds for those projects in Mauritania?" Zhang Cui bit her teeth and asked Yun Fei helplessly.

"I have to make up my mind from Mauritania..." Yun Fei sighed helplessly.

You can't blame others for your own death.

The Mauritanian government is not clear about Yunfei's calculations. Don't mention how moist president Taya has been over the years. Although the salary owed to the civil servants in front has not been fully settled, the $50 million of Yun's holding has been recorded in the account, and a plot to subvert his regime has been strangled in the bud. Although he still owes more than $3 billion in foreign debt, all this is no longer a problem for him.

More lice don't itch, more debt don't worry.

Anyway, since he came to power, the Mauritanian government's foreign debt has not been repaid.

For the Chinese people, after these days of contact, he felt that they were far better than the Chinese people they thought. At least, the Chinese will not be impolite or disrespectful to him because they hold his life gate - money. The person in charge of Yun's holding sent here respects him very much as the president.

More importantly, before the ore started shipping, the Chinese told him that their boss would pay their government another $50 million.

For a big country, 50 million dollars is really nothing. People have more than that for any small project. However, for a country like Mauritania with a GDP of less than US $3 billion a year, this 50 million fund is not a small sum of money.

Their country's military spending is only $20 million a year.

"Mr. President, Mr. Ren of China is here." Cynthia, the second housekeeper of Taya and a slave of his family, is a thin woman who does not accord with Mauritania's aesthetic view of obesity, but is absolutely loyal to Taya. She says to Taya, who is holding a cigar and looking forward to the prosperity of Mao with a smile.

As soon as he heard Ren Zhiguo coming, Taya quickly took back the two legs on the tea table.


"Hello, Mr. Taya!" Ren Zhiguo doesn't look down on the old man Taya. After all, they came here to make money, not to be an uncle. Therefore, for this old man who has not had any strong feeling for a long time, he still has more respect.

"Mr. Ren, I wonder if you came to me today. What's the matter?" Taya understands the Chinese character of climbing the hall of three treasures. After all, the Chinese helped him put down the rebellion that had happened in huanmi, which made him very grateful. At the beginning, he prepared a grand ceremony, but only a few Chinese took part in it in a low-key way.

"Mr. Taya, I'm here to talk about expanding the mining scale of your mine. In addition, there are some problems about the construction of the railway survey in the southern city of kaeddi and Nouakchott... "Ren Zhiguo was not polite and directly explained his intention.

Mao's iron ore reserves are very rich, and its mining capacity is not very strong. Otherwise, it would not have accumulated so deep contradictions with France.

"Oh? Mr. Ren, I also hope to expand our ore mining as soon as possible, but this... "Taya said with a bitter smile.

There is no doubt about the strong transportation capacity of the Chinese people. Just after confirming the existence of their ores, they told them that they would mobilize at least ten Cape of good hope ore ships with a load of 150000 tons to transport their iron ore. It can transport 1.5 million tons, more than 10 million tons at a time, and it will be finished in a short time.

Moreover, only by increasing mining can his government make life easier. With money, only by raising the wages of those soldiers can we ensure that his position will not be shaken.

"Part of the mining equipment of our Hongqi machinery will arrive within half a year. Our boss means that when the railway has not been built, we are not busy expanding the mining of Kaedi mine for the time being, but focus on expanding the mines around Federico tekuang and nouadib. Otherwise, just kaeddie's iron ore transportation is a big problem... "Ren Zhiguo doesn't know what Yun Fei thinks.

According to the cooperation agreement between the two sides, the mines near kaeddi are handed over to Yunshi holdings for operation, and all the ores mined are used to pay for the operating funds of their company's various projects in Maoguo. Especially the railway from kaeddi to Nouakchott port, the total investment of this railway alone is more than 600 million US dollars

If there is not enough ore for this money, it must be paid by Yunshi holdings in advance. There is also the friendship port expansion project, which also costs hundreds of millions of dollars

The Maoist government can't take out a penny.