At this moment, Yun Fei can't care about what looks ugly.

After the Taliban regime came to power, it did not actively consider developing their country's economy. Government personnel are busy with religious undertakings. Where are they still thinking of developing the domestic economy? What's more, the Taliban regime are extremist religious elements. They are not allowed to use modern electrical appliances, drink and so on.

It is strange that some people like to be ruled by them in such an extreme policy.

"Mr. Yun, the transportation around ekna copper mine is very poor..." kuledin has no objection to Yun Fei's request. Anyway, those minerals buried underground are useless. It might as well be used in exchange for the security of their Taliban government.

"In fact, you should be more than anyone else. What can you do to improve your situation. It's just that you don't want to do it. I personally look forward to your leader, Mr. Omar, because it is precisely because he led the rise of Taliban forces that peace has been achieved in Afghanistan where warlords are fighting. " For Omar's achievements, this is undeniable.

"Of course, although he has made your people peaceful, he has not made your people rich. There is no conflict or contradiction between the implementation of religious policy and economic development. You know better than anyone how many people in your country really support your leadership. At this time, Omar is hiding behind the scenes. In case of war, especially in the face of an enemy like the United States, how long do you think you can persist? " Yunfei's words made kuledin's face very ugly.

What he said is true.

During the Afghan war, the Taliban, which controlled more than 90% of the country and had more than 100000 troops, basically did not even have a decent battle during the American invasion war. Finally, the Taliban felt like sheep in the mountains and gradually compressed their living space.

The reason is that those who hate Taliban rule in Afghanistan choose between the Taliban and the puppet government supported by the United States. They would rather choose the puppet government than the Taliban. Just because the Taliban rule is too unpopular, there is no modern facilities, and a curfew is imposed at night, women can only show their eyes outside without any entertainment, and everyone has to dedicate everything to religion

"Mr. Yun, we are here to sincerely ask you for solutions, not to hear you criticize how we rule the whole country!" Kuledin was angry when he heard Yunfei's words.

Most of the Taliban, especially the high-level, are extreme religious elements. This is largely why Omar is unwilling to lead the Taliban again and ignore state affairs. As Omar's first senior assistant, it is impossible for kulodin not to know these circumstances.

In any case, these words should not be said from the ordinary population of China.

"Really? In that case, what is the need for us to talk? If the situation of the Taliban government cannot be changed, there is simply no way to think of. " Yunfeisi ignored the anger of the guy who can basically be regarded as the terrorist leader. This is in his territory. You don't have to worry about what moths the other party will make.

Seeing that kuledin was about to explode, kuledin gently touched kuledin's hand, turned his head, smiled and said to Yun Fei, "Mr. Yun, is there really no other way? For example, the Taliban, like the entire Afghan army that brought down the former Soviet Union, brought down the Americans by the war... "

"Don't even think about it. In those days, the whole Afghan people supported the guerrillas. And now? Even without the American invasion, the Taliban government is unlikely to last long. Because Taliban officials are not only unwilling to use all kinds of advanced daily necessities, but also make everyone in the whole country not use them. If the people do not support it, what guerrilla warfare should we fight? " Yun Fei said with a sneer on his face.

He said this is not just to help Afghanistan resist American invasion.

Why do you have to help them for this goal? Who is willing to do things that are not good? The reason why Yunfei is like this is to turn Afghanistan into its own market.

The development of the domestic market is not too difficult for the Chinese people, especially for enterprises such as Yunshi holdings, which are well deserved industry leaders in China. The next step of the group company is almost to develop the national market. Yun Fei thought that Taizu's old man's theory was very useful. It may not be appropriate to surround cities with rural areas, but this route is what the cloud has to go.

Poor countries and regions account for the majority in the world, and the population of these countries also accounts for most of the world.

Although these people are very poor, what if the money they can consume is earned by Yunshi holdings? This will definitely be much easier than fighting with various competitors in the highly competitive European and American market. The cheapest products produced by the cheapest workers in North Korea will be sold to these markets in the future.

Afghanistan has a population of tens of millions, which contains huge market opportunities. As long as the Taliban liberalize the control and allow these people to use electrical and electronic products, the already backward products of wheat mobile phone factory can be sold to these areas.

The best situation is to use these cheap goods to exchange for the country's most scarce resources.

"So, if our government wants to get out of this dilemma, it must change some policies?" Kulodin also knew that Yunfei was telling the truth.

But the Taliban government is no longer under Omar's command. In fact, such a policy that conflicts with those religious extremists is definitely not an easy thing.

"There is no other way. At the same time, if you want our assistance, you must be like other countries. Otherwise, when the Americans occupy your Afghanistan and support the new government to come to power, they will never recognize the agreement signed between us and your Taliban government. In the past two years, we have basically only invested without any benefit. I'm a businessman. I just act for profit. What's more, my consumer electronics also need your domestic market. This is a win-win situation. As long as you have money, your government can buy weapons on a large scale, and even build factories to produce weapons... "Yun Fei is like a strange Shu Li who lures little girls with lollipops. No matter what happens, he will not invest any money in Afghanistan for at least the past two years.

Even if the other party agrees to cooperate, he will not send 200 mercenaries as he did to Mauritania.

Afghanistan has a population of more than 30 million, which is far from comparable to Mauritania.

After talking for such a long time, it seems that no substantive progress has been made between the two sides. But Yun Fei got the answer he wanted. At least the other party is really scared.

Ben. * * the grandson let him guess. He has begun to plan terrorist attacks that burn the war to the United States. Otherwise Omar wouldn't be so nervous.

The people who came were Omar's senior aides who had relations with Saddam Hussein, not members of the Taliban government. Kule said this when he saw Yunfei.

"Mr. Yunfei, we need your help. We have all the resources you need. Oil and minerals can be given to you as long as you need them. " As soon as Yunfei was ready to leave, Kule found him. After all, he was Saddam's national security adviser.

Yun Fei doesn't know that there is such a person, which doesn't mean that such a person really doesn't exist. Anyway, at least he made a lot of money from the Iraqi government through this guy, although the amount of money was small.

"What do you need?" There is no free lunch in the world. Since the other party is willing to pay any price, it can't be small.

"Red flag 9" air defense missile system. We don't need design drawings. We only need to import two sets to improve our country's air defense capability. Mr. Saddam knows you have a way! " As Yun Fei guessed, the other party was indeed a conspiracy.

As soon as Kule's words were spoken, Yunfei felt the earth spinning.

China's red flag 9 is just a matter of recent years. The performance has not been fully developed, and even the product is not finalized. What do these Iraqi bastards think? Although once they have the red flag 9 missile defense system, NATO aircraft will not be so easy to take off from hundreds of kilometers away to bomb Iraq. Because the interception distance of this air defense system belongs to a long-distance air defense system. However, NATO countries led by the United States will never sit idly by while China exports large arms.

Especially Iraq, which is being sanctioned by the whole NATO. China exports weapons to them? It is estimated that these Chinese leaders will never do such a thing.

At the beginning, he fooled the military to export some drawings of air defense weapons that had fallen behind for China, and the obtained military funds were used to support some military secret research projects and military reload plans. Iraq and Yugoslavia got a lot, otherwise Yugoslavia could not have beaten down the American F-117, and the air force of the NATO coalition suffered a great loss at the beginning of the war. The bombing is far less intensive than that in the world.

And red flag 9, it seems that there is no export plan in China now?

I just don't know whether it has been exported to Pakistan, a staunch ally. As long as it is exported to Pakistan, things will be easy to do. However, if it is exported to Pakistan, do Iraqis need to find themselves to lobby the military?