As Yunfei said, Ke Cilei basically has no choice. Otherwise, he would not meet Yunfei at Philip's subordinate hotel at this sensitive time. Such news will soon reach the ears of the company's bosses.

"Is kecilei really going to betray the company?" Philip was the first to find president Marriott.

He is no longer the chairman of the board. The Dutch government now holds the largest shares in the whole company. People outside don't know much about these things. Anyway, investors only care about whether the company is profitable and how much it is profitable, not who the shareholders are.

"Boss, it's not that he intends to betray the company, but that he has done it. In addition, he did not betray, but the board of directors dismissed him... "Marriott said this not only to Philip, but to all the board members present.

These people are idiots!

Upon hearing Marriott's words, many people in the meeting place began to behave extremely unnaturally.

"According to our inference, Ke Cilei has a 70% chance to join Yunshi holdings and be responsible for the international market of their mobile phones and computers. It is very likely to directly join our negotiations with the Chinese... "Maiana took the document and told the people the analysis and inference of the company's think tank.

"It's impossible..." the crowd suddenly burst into an uproar!

Once Ke Cilei joins Yunfei's negotiation team, they are less likely to make concessions to each other.

No one is a saint. How can we not bear revenge? The interests of the old owner are not as good as those of Ke Cilei who takes refuge in Yun's holding. Only by striving for more interests for the new owner can we prove that the new owner's vision is right and prove his value

"In addition, according to the internal information of Wynn holdings and our sources, Katherina is currently in contact with Wynn holdings and has become more closely connected with major electrical appliance distributors in Europe. Katherina is likely to strive for the European agency right of wheat mobile phone sales. Once this is done..." said Maiana, Suddenly, it was like a drop of water dripping into the oil pan that had begun to roll.

Shock, panic, curse

At the same time, the loss of two most important senior executives in the company is unacceptable to the whole company.

In particular, this loss is not simply reduced!

When kecilei enters Yunshi holdings, Katherina directly becomes a competitor of the company. Once the company loses its market channel, it is almost impossible to gain a foothold in the already competitive mobile phone market.

Philip's company has little chance of becoming the world's fifth largest mobile phone manufacturer.

With Ericsson, lokia and other local giants competing for the market, as well as the pressure exerted on them by world giants such as motorcycle, Samsung and Sony, how can their mobile phones, whose products are still in infancy, survive under the previous invasion of Chinese wheat mobile phones?

"In order to maintain the company's honor, we can give up the wheat mobile phone sales agent completely, but the cost of the Chinese market channel has increased, which can't be chosen by us. At present, the only way is to temporarily agree to the requirements of Wynn holdings and agree to the increase of their share of profit sharing. The specific percentage is negotiable. In addition, they proposed to set different sharing methods according to the sales quantity. I think this scheme is the most appropriate at present... "This is already the case, and Marriott doesn't want to do ideological work for these guys slowly.

Yun Fei takes the initiative. Don't you see that people don't talk about it at all now?

Some members of the board of directors have some agreements against fair trade with mobile phone manufacturers such as Ericsson and rocky. Even he doesn't know the specific situation.

"We can't lose the sales channel. Acting for wheat mobile phone itself is to launch the mobile phone brand for our company!"

"Yes, we must not let that bitch Katherine steal the market channel from us..."

"We can't agree to the conditions for the Chinese to pay the market margin, otherwise our century old Honor will be destroyed..."

There was a quarrel in the board of directors.

It was originally to discuss the cooperation with cloud holdings. These guys immediately transferred it to Katherine, the bitch who betrayed the company. At the same time, these shareholders began to worry about the company's mobile phone business.

For such a situation, what else can Marriott and Maiana do except look at each other and smile bitterly?

As for the negotiations with Yun Fei, they can only do their best and listen to fate.

"Everyone, be quiet. There may be something hidden in this matter. Let's discuss the negotiation with the Chinese first..." when Marriott was impatient, someone finally remembered what they were going to discuss today.

On the afternoon of the second day when Yunfei arrived in Holland, Yunfei finally sat opposite wanhaodun.

Wanhaodun was relieved that kecilei was not around Yunfei. In this way, they will not have a negotiator who knows the internal situation of their company like the back of his hand.

"Mr. Yun, do you have to pay the deposit?" Maiana directly cut into the subject with the deposit. She directly ignored Yunfei's appearance that she didn't wake up.

This guy is pretending!

"The margin is to protect the interests of our company. We are very disappointed that you represent our market channel in the early stage. The markets in Europe and the United States are larger than the Chinese market in this era, but how much do you sell each year? " Wang Zixin said impolitely.

Everything has to follow the market rules. Whoever is strong will make the rules.

That's it.

"As for the market agency, I think we'd better talk about it later. At present, we should give priority to solving our differences on the profit distribution plan in the Chinese market... "Marriott doesn't intend to argue about the market agency.

It is impossible for the two sides to reach an agreement on this matter.

"The profit sharing of 13% is a little more. At the beginning, the 7% of our two sides is very appropriate..."

"Really? You set this seven percent. At the time of negotiation, we didn't have any opinions, because the market promotion was not the national market, and the cost was far lower than now... "Wang Zixin retorted back impolitely.

They have only gone through the motions in this negotiation.

Otherwise, Liang Ke would come here.

"But after your store is upgraded to a store, it's not just our products..." Marriott is not a fool. "Even if the cost rises, we feel that 9% of the market price is enough to cover all costs and ensure your sufficient profits..." the bottom line given by the board of directors is 10%, and Marriott directly mentioned 9%.

This makes Maiana very confused.

"No, 13%, which is the most reasonable. Mr. Marriott, we put forward this data, which is based on precise calculation. The sales share of 7% is almost all our costs. Because your advertising investment is obviously low, our salespeople often promote your products one-to-one to customers, This has affected our sales performance as a whole... "Wang Zixin refused the other party impolitely.

"The production cost of your products is less than 40% of the market price. Even if other costs are included, including our sales cost, you will have a profit of more than 30%, won't you deny it? Don't say we want too much and cause your losses! " He didn't speak all the time. Yunfei, who pretended to doze there, suddenly opened his mouth and said.

In China, although the cost of anything is opaque, it can not stand the scrutiny of the same industry.

Why does Changhong want to go its separate ways from cloud holdings?

It's not because they think Yunshi Holdings has taken away too much of their profits! In terms of technology development, the Jiuyi Research Institute has invested. For each production of cloud holdings, it can make some profits, while for the display, Xingmeng computer keeps the price down. They are equivalent to Xingmeng's OEM. In the end, when selling this piece, they have to give Yunshi holding a part. As a result, they feel that Yunshi holding has robbed them of too many profits

Marriott was silent.

Yun Fei is telling the truth, but he can't admit it.

"Mr. Marriott, Philip's business in China is expanding more and more. He can establish his own sales channel." Yun Fei couldn't help laughing when he saw that the other party didn't speak.

“10%!” Marriott almost gnashed his teeth and spit out the bottom line.

"Mr. Marriott, I'm not here to negotiate, but to show my respect for your century old company. When talking to Mr. kezley, I already said it was obvious that the profit of 13% was not discussed. If you think our price is too high, you can build your own market channels or attract investment in the Chinese market... "

Yunfei is here to save Philip's face!

In other words, Yunfei, the upstart, has come to announce to the whole of Europe that he is coming!

He came to Europe, not for the first time, but to give people a chance. And tell these guys in Europe that if there is Yunshi holding, or the industries that Yunshi holding can affect, if you want to make a difference in the Chinese market, you have to find him!

Especially in the electronics industry, Philip, one of the world's largest electronics companies, can not give face at all!

Of course, Yunshi holdings of CNC machine tools and top equipment still dare not be arrogant. Otherwise, once European and American countries are angry, they can directly sell their top military machine tools to China, which can make the high-end machine tools of 91 heavy industry only be sold to the people

After walking around the Netherlands, Yun Fei left without participating in any activities or obtaining any results