"How about the negotiations between Junxiu matsuhara and China? If we can't solve this problem, as soon as the Tokyo stock market opens this morning, it will cause the stocks of many companies related to China to plummet... "Keizo Obuchi basically didn't sleep all night. Seeing that the outside was gradually lit up, he asked the officials of the Ministry of foreign affairs.

Normally, the two sides should have held urgent consultations last night. However, Yun Fei, the party concerned, was too frightened by what happened in France and never had a good rest. Even Chinese government officials have no choice.

"Your Excellency, the negotiation will not start until 8:30 this morning. Why don't the stock market be closed today?" Foreign Ministry officials suggested.

If the market continues, there is likely to be a huge sell-off, and then the whole Japanese economy may collapse.

"It's impossible! Although this is the best way at present, it is definitely the way we have no choice but to choose! " Keizo Obuchi shook his head.

Once the stock market is fully green, the trading will naturally terminate at the limit.

Just one or two limit falls, there will be no problem.

There will be problems only if things continue for a long time and are not solved.

"At present, we can only wait, waiting for the negotiation between Junxiu matsuhara and the Chinese, and waiting for the news of Saburo onomura!" No matter what happens, Keizo Obuchi can't stay in this position for long. Only a quick solution will secure his position.

In this world, no country will be so difficult to bear as the top executive head in Japan.

At a time when the world economy is more and more closely linked, the power of capital is more and more huge, and its influence on the world economy is also deeper and deeper. Once there is a problem in the capital market of any country, it will affect the whole national economy.

Yun Fei's appeal to the Chinese to boycott Japanese goods does not seem to be a big thing, but it is not as simple as it seems.

If the stock market is closed, the impact will be more serious unless the Japanese government can give a reasonable explanation.

Can Keizo Obuchi give it?


If only because a Chinese made a statement calling on the Chinese people to boycott the Japanese economy, the Japanese government is worried that it will cause irreversible losses, then there will be no way to solve the problem, but will bring down the Keizo Obuchi government!

Yunfei grasped this point and was able to retaliate against the Japanese arrogantly.

This is what he thought of on the plane back to Chengdu. At present, Japanese enterprises are the most competitive with them. Once the Japanese economy is fully impacted, many companies will go bankrupt due to capital problems. At that time, the whole Chinese market is encircling and intercepting Japanese competitors, which can completely drive them out of the Chinese market.

Although it seems that Yun Fei has gone too far to do so for such a purpose.

Yunfei doesn't think it's a big deal.

The contradiction between China and Japan cannot be ignored because of the increasingly close economic ties between the two countries.

******After Koizumi's grandson came to power, he paid homage to the Jingguo holy toilet and supported right-wing elements to tamper with textbooks, which made the relationship between China and Japan more tense.

On the Diaoyu Islands, Japanese folk forces can raise funds to buy Diaoyu Islands. Why can't Yun call on people to resist the devil's economy?

What's more, who can feel comfortable being bombarded with rockets by the Japanese?

"Boss, the time is coming. Japanese ambassador to China Junxiu matsuhara is waiting for you..." Xu Qing knows that Yun is not deliberately delaying time.

In order to remove their suspicion, the leaders actually asked Yunfei to negotiate with the other party.

"What's the hurry? Keep them waiting! If they are in such a hurry, tell them not to wait! " Yun Fei doesn't want to meet the Japanese, but it doesn't work if he doesn't.

Because he couldn't find sanro onomura at all, there was no evidence that the other party did it.

Just relying on Chu Yaohua's testimony and the half dead gangsters who were bombed and then killed by Xu Qingyang Jun, it can't be proved at all

If there is a financial crisis in Japan, it will only be good for him, not bad. What's his hurry?

"Boss Zhu told you to take this matter seriously, otherwise it would easily lead to some serious consequences..." Xu Qing said helplessly.

"What serious consequences? Did Japan declare war on us? Bullshit! Two years ago, when Soros made a financial attack on the whole Southeast Asia, why didn't any government clean him up? " Yun Fei scoffed at this.

Xu Qing was speechless.

Yunfei slowly got up. When he arrived at the small meeting room arranged for them by Nanhai, it was almost nine o'clock.

Japanese Ambassador Toshiyuki matsuhara has been waiting impatiently, like an ant on a hot pot. The Tokyo stock market has opened. In just ten minutes, all listed companies involved in China Japan trade have green stocks, all have fallen by the limit, and the stock market trading has been interrupted.

If there is no good news before the afternoon market opens, the Tokyo stock market will continue

This situation, which they are most worried about, has emerged.

"Mr. Yun Fei, our government hopes you can make a public statement so that you will not be held accountable for maliciously framing our citizens and the losses caused to our national economy by such irresponsible words and deeds?" Matsuhara's face was very serious.

This Chinese is not a thing.

What people didn't expect is that some Chinese people have such a great influence.

"Did I hear you right? Beauty, is your translation wrong? " Yun Fei took out his ears and asked the Japanese translator next to him with a shocked face.

The translator was only in his thirties. Seeing Yun Fei's doubts about her translation level, he immediately turned his eyes.

After getting the affirmation that he had heard correctly, Yunfei's face was also gloomy: "Mr. Songyuan, are you really stupid or fake stupid? Do you think we have no evidence if we don't catch the grandson of Saburo onomura? Or you won't admit it if you catch him? Nima, it's easy to bully when you're young, isn't it? Be careful, I'll send people to your country to arrange for people to bombard your emperor with rockets! "

"Baga!" Hearing that the emperor was insulted, Junxiu matsuhara could no longer keep calm.

This guy Yunfei is really hateful.

"Aren't you Japanese arrogant all the time? Aren't you a world power? Without our Chinese market, we won't lose anything, will we? " Yunfei doesn't care about each other's reaction and attitude.

"Mr. Yun Fei, if you have any requirements, you can put them forward directly. The leaders of your country have always advocated that China and Japan are friendly and good neighbors. You have destroyed the harmony between China and Japan... "Junxiu matsuhara wants to slap Yun Fei, but it is obviously impossible to do that.

Yun Fei is not a Chinese official. Whatever he does has nothing to do with the Chinese government.

This is in accordance with the Chinese saying that barefoot people are not afraid to wear shoes.

He is a small private boss who only relies on one person's ability to challenge the whole of Japan, which will make many Chinese regard him as a hero.

If he disregards the honor of a country and starts with Yun Fei here, he will first disgrace their country.

"Doesn't your Japanese government recognize it? Or, there are no such people in your country. If I make a request now, wouldn't I say that someone is taking this opportunity to engage in wind and rain to destroy the relations between China and Japan? " Yunfei didn't expect the other party to be so able to endure the humiliation he gave.

"The Japanese government will also try its best to investigate this matter and will give you a satisfactory explanation. However, if it is not what we Japanese citizens call, Mr. Yun, I don't think you can compensate us for our losses!" Matsuhara's words are still condescending.

"Let's talk about it when you've investigated it. By the way, Saburo onomura, my people already know where it is, but the other party asked to pay 200 million dollars... "

"What!" Junxiu matsuhara didn't expect that Yunfei had found the whereabouts of Saburo onomura.

This is an extremely unfavorable thing for them.

"I don't know what grudges there are between that grandson and those terrorists in the Middle East. He was caught by the other party just after bombing..." Yunfei revealed the news that Saburo onomura was caught by the Intelligence Department of Iraq.

Two hundred million dollars, but it's just his nonsense. Anyway, it's selling his favor with Japanese money. Why not?

Once the Taliban have more than $200 million in funds, how many anti tank rockets or shoulder mounted anti-aircraft missiles do they have to buy?

At that time, the Americans will know that the Taliban have become a tiger armed to the teeth.

Too few Americans have died in Afghanistan, and too few war funds have been consumed!

"Is it true?" Matsuhara Junxiu can't calm down now.

In any case, sanro onomura cannot fall into the hands of the Chinese

"Last midnight, the switchboard of our company received a call from a guy who claimed to be a member of the Taliban and said that he knew I wanted to find the man who assassinated me. Now it's in their hands. They asked me to pay 200 million dollars and they handed me the man..." Yun Fei said half true and half false.

These things must take off their relationship.

Getting acquainted with international terrorist organizations is enough for him to have a good drink in the future

"Mr. Yun, how on earth can you stand up and solve the impact of your actions on us in Japan?" Whether the affairs of sanro onomura are true or false, these are not what we must face now.

It is most important for Yun Fei to eliminate the impact of his words and deeds yesterday on the whole of Japan.

"Very simply, your Japanese government issued a public apology to me in front of the world, and compensated me for the economic loss of $2 billion caused by the change of schedule and the spiritual loss of $1 billion that I dare not go abroad anymore..." Yun Fei put forward his request with a smile on his face.