Hearing Yunfei's words, ed Yin was a little embarrassed immediately. This thing is really like what Yunfei said. Many of these are unnecessary. It is only because of his selfishness that he uses so many detectors to detect all the movements of all parts of the whole robot.

This is a series of data accumulation statistics for the national robotics center.

Generally, few people care about this. After all, they don't study humanoid robots professionally, but to study professional robots.

"What? Is there any difficulty in this? " Yun Fei looked at ed Yin and asked with a bad face.

"Boss, we also want to get more data. Although the cost is higher, with these monitoring data, we can quickly adjust the inappropriate places..." the embarrassment on ED Yin's face soon disappeared.

Yun Fei didn't know much about these at all. He knew it very well in his heart.

"What does it mean to have these monitoring data? Do we need these monitoring data? This is the overall linkage! " Yun Fei said with an expression that you don't think I don't know“ Next time, I think you know the consequences. "

Yun Fei was not worried about offending the old man.

It is very common in their research institutes to use the resources of the research institutes to do experiments for some national research institutions. These guys also want to return to the national research institutes with honor one day.

At the beginning, Sun Lin and situ Heyun had done such things. At that time, when the 91 Research Institute had just been established, the state was beginning to make a major change in the army. They used the funds of the 91 Research Institute to experiment with the deep hole processing technology of various firearms. At that time, Yunfei had warned these people of the Institute.

I didn't expect that he didn't often come to the Institute, and these guys who joined later still did.

Is it because situ Heyun is not here, and Sun Lin seldom strolls around the whole research institute. After all, his main energy is now focused on 91 University. Even without 91 University, he stays most on CNC machine tools.

The leaders of various important projects come from the National Research Institute, and he rarely interferes in their affairs.

"Ai Lao, this is not a loss for us, but it has nothing to do with our research after all. Our purpose is to make a greater breakthrough in the field of professional robots, not in humanoid robots that have little effect. Under the current technical conditions, the research basically has little effect. I am not opposed to contributing to the country, but if the national scientific research projects are different from our scientific research projects, do you think it is appropriate to use our funds and equipment to achieve the results they want? " Although Yunfei was uncomfortable outside, he took into account ed Yin's face and didn't say anything, but called him into his office.

He hates these things most.

But you can't just fire people because of his disgust, can you?

The company's research needs the technology of these old guys. Others can't say it. Cloud can't say it, because he is the investor of these people and the person who pays them.

"Boss, I don't think this is in conflict with our research. The cost of these tests and data is not too large..." ed Yin doesn't understand why cloud has to compete with National Institutes of scientific research.

Although they didn't get these technologies, they were dug up from relevant national scientific research institutions.

Yun Fei waved his hand and stopped ed Yin from going on: "these really don't have much impact on our huge research funds, just a drop in the bucket, but why should we provide them? Now they just want experimental data, but in the end? They want technology! With the state's scientific research funds, they don't do this by themselves. In the end, will those scientific research funds take the initiative to return them to the state? "

Yun Fei said painfully.

There are too many things in these things.

Normally speaking, it should be the private unit that sucks the blood of the state unit, but now it is reversed. Such a thing is completely intolerable.

He doesn't like to be regarded as their achievements by the guys of national scientific research institutes who take the national salary and national scientific research funds to obtain data and technology from them. If such a thing comes to the end, it won't do them any good.

"These guys are the moths of the country. If we always let them agree to their unreasonable demands, in the end, we will sue them for technical achievements. As technical R & D personnel, they will not do such things, but what about those managers? They are not technical at all. You should know more about their shamelessness than I do! " Yun Fei's words made ed Yin very embarrassed and lowered his head.

Yun Fei's words are reminding him why he chose not to stay at the national robotics research center, but to go to the 91 Research Institute.

In national scientific research institutes, people who don't understand management and technology are often people who don't understand technology.

The successful development of a technology is the credit of those managers and the political capital for their promotion.

"Boss, don't worry. Such things won't happen again in the future. I'll take care of those testing equipment now. We have a little more testing equipment in this field... "Ed Yin said very embarrassed“ I hope to use my salary to bear the losses caused to the Research Institute... "

"This is not necessary. Our company doesn't need testing equipment. Aren't they working on their own projects in the robot center? Give them some of these testing equipment. In addition, these recorded parameters can be used as technical reserves. Maybe we need these data one day... "

Basic data is very important for any scientific research project.

These professional robot data obtained from displacement detection can be easily used by other robots. However, at present, the main direction of robots in the Institute is in the field of professional robots. After all, only this field can obtain good benefits.

Now, if you want to achieve the kind of science fiction movies that use robots to replace human law enforcers or become human nannies, this is basically not a realistic thing.

Otherwise, Yunfei will not plan to spend a lifetime to develop this technology, and he doesn't know how much money he needs to invest.

Unmanned workshop is the full integration of these technologies.

The R & D funds needed here are definitely not a small amount. Even ten years later, this technology has not reached the level of low-cost operation. Otherwise, when labor prices rise sharply, many factories will adopt this production mode instead of facing the market environment of high cost and low profit. On the one hand, in order to maintain production capacity, they have to raise the salary level of ordinary operators.

In the end, powerful large companies left China for lower cost Southeast Asia, while many small enterprises in China struggled hard and carefully faced the fierce market competition.

"Our company really doesn't organize employees to participate in the robot competition years later?" Ed Yin saw that the matter had passed, and he no longer tangled about it.

China's first robot competition, which is planned to be launched in mid June, has now begun to be publicized.

Yunshi holdings organizes such a folk robot competition, but it does not allow the team of 91 Research Institute to participate.

"If the people in our company attend, how many people outside can get the top? What we want is to let more people invest in research in this field, and at the same time, to explore professionals in this field. There are not many domestic companies engaged in this research, unless they are professional companies. Even professional companies, how many have invested huge research funds in this area? " Yunfei nodded without hesitation and said that he would not let the company's people participate.

"What if Taiwan, Japan and even international companies participate?" Ed Yin doesn't understand Yun Fei's idea.

It should be very difficult for companies to absorb foreign people.

Few domestic companies have invested in this field, which does not mean that there are few international companies.

Especially now, the economic environment in Japan makes many Japanese transfer their employment to China.

This will become more serious after the United States led United Nations resolution and the introduction of sanctions against Japan.

In every sanctioned country, there will be a large-scale loss of high-end talents.

"Don't worry, if these guys in the world sign up, we can let the following private projects participate. The projects they do are top robot projects in our whole research institute." The cloud said insidiously.

It is best for foreign teams to participate. In that way, the force of the robot competition they hold will rise a lot.

Unfortunately, Yunfei doesn't think this can attract many international R & D teams.

After all, the most advanced technology of robots is abroad, not in China.

Not many people think highly of this technology R & D prospect in China.

The video and pictures of the robot R & D center thrown out by cloud holdings have aroused great repercussions in China, but there is not much response in the world. After all, Americans have been able to play such a means since the 1970s.

The photos of their landing on the moon completely brought down the Soviet Union.

They don't think this photo and video are true. After all, China doesn't have much ability in this. At the same time, the most important thing is that China doesn't have a strong foundation.