The memristor was proposed by Chinese American Filipino scientist Cai Shaotang in 1971. At that time, however, few people paid attention to this thing. They knew that computers had developed to a certain extent. At the same time, graphene showed the potential to completely replace silicon materials. To cooperate with this material to replace the silicon-based electronic semiconductor industry based on "Moore's law", there was only a nonlinear resistor that can remember current - memristor.

When Yunfei left his world, there was no breakthrough in these things.

Yun Fei can only know a little information from Du Niang about this.

This is enough for him, who controls the development direction of the whole research institute. This is their chance, and only through such things against the sky can it be possible to realize his dream of artificial intelligence.

Today's computers are based on logic calculation. Everything needs a lot of calculation to get results. The performance requirements of silicon-based computers are very high, but the memristor is different. It works with graphene or molybdenum to produce this kind of storage device with "memory" function, which belongs to a storage device without energy, As a key component of artificial brain, it is completely feasible.

Moreover, it has been confirmed in the world of cloud and non, which is the research direction of the whole world.

At the beginning, graphene was not brought out, and Yunfei couldn't put forward this problem. Now, the time is ripe to register patents in this area before Europe and the United States. At that time, HP will argue with SamSung group about who first made this technology.

"Why, what's on your mind?" When the big leader saw that Yun Fei bowed his head and said nothing, he was a little curious.

At the moment, even if his trip related to Yunfei is coming to an end, it is the best time for Yunfei to ask for money and policies. Yunfei has become silent. Isn't it too abnormal?

"Alas, I don't have any thoughts, but the domestic talent training in materials and electronics is still not enough. The start-up of many of our projects has high requirements for talents. This is the most depressing thing for me. " Yun Fei sighed and said to the big leader in a lonely way.

"In China, it is not possible to develop with money and projects. Talent is the most important determinant. The quality of domestic graduates has begun to decline sharply. Excellent graduates have entered the technical systems of relevant scientific research institutes and the military. We can only choose the tall from the short. "

"Don't you cooperate with the Chinese Academy of Sciences? As for graphene, as long as they see the potential of this, they should fully support you? " Big leaders are a little strange about Yunfei's thinking mode.

Isn't this guy just working with the Chinese Academy of Sciences?

If the Chinese Academy of Sciences can't meet his needs, the big boss is really a little hard to say in this regard.

"If you have any problems or difficulties now, you can raise them. We will not be idle if we can help you find a solution at that time."

"Leader, to be honest, I have a lot of ideas and projects. We may not have much time left, but we have to do it again. I don't want to hand over these projects to national scientific research institutions, but I don't believe they can be faster than us. It is absolutely impossible for the state to start reviewing a project, especially a major project, without a few years... At that time, it was too late. " Yun Fei, this is what he really said.

National scientific research institutions are like this. They never have much sense of urgency in these aspects. After all, there will be no breakthrough in what they want to do in a short time, and the investment is quite large.

Even if they clearly know that it is good for the whole country, many people in power will not be happy because it will not bring them political achievements during their term of office.

If it can not bring political achievements and benefits to officials, it will not be very promising. This is the current domestic reality. Big leaders have to admit this.

The country assesses the political achievements of officials based on GDP!

"Do you have any bigger projects to fail?" The big leader asked Yun Fei suspiciously.

This guy is not going to make complaints about him.

"Don't we have neural network technology in our hands now? I want to upgrade this technology again. The technology of neural network... "Yun Fei saw the big leader's encouragement, so he spit out his plan for a long time.

Before the big leader asked him, he continued to speak: "that is, artificial intelligence in American science fiction films. Graphene is only one aspect of this technology. The new generation of supercomputers, many things on it, are brand-new technologies. Therefore, the demand for talents is particularly huge. "

"Is there no problem with this? Aren't Huaqing University, Capital University of science and technology, Capital University of technology and Capital University all open to you“

"Alas! I want someone with some experience. Just graduated, we don't have enough time to train. Now all the students in 91 University, as long as they major in this field, are used for this project. " Yun Fei sighed again.

The big leader was also silent.

He can't help Yunfei in this matter. He can't destroy the Great Wall for a large project of a private company and dig the corner of the national scientific research institution himself, can he?

"In this matter, I suggest you better take the road of cooperation. You are good at everything, but you are a little too much in this regard. I'm afraid the country will rob you. If it wasn't for the support of the country, do you think you can develop to the present? The country needs a model and an example. And you are, so, some worries, you can rest assured as much as possible. Isn't there no more interference in your going abroad now? " After the big leader finished saying this to Yun Fei, he saw the secretary next to him constantly looking towards this side. He knew that the time was up and the other party couldn't hurry him, so he didn't talk to Yun Fei anymore.

The big leader left like this.

His words, however, touched Yunfei a lot. This trip to Europe once again had a great impact on his concept.

If you want to become a big industrial group, you must rely on the support of the state. Without the support of the state, there will not be much development prospects outside.

The state has supported, at least, and will never worry about a fire in their backyard. Philip company itself has the shares of the Dutch government. Kang Maosheng, the manager of insey company, and even Siemens, GM and ALSTOM, all rely on the support of the state to dominate the world today.

If cloud holdings wants to develop, it must rely on the state and rely on the support of the state to compete with foreign companies of the same type. If cloud is not alone, there will be no problem in a short time. After all, he knows the development of history, but after the time when he can know history, he will have nothing to do. What should the whole company do then?

Do you do your best to listen to fate?

"That's what happened. At present, the company's neural network architecture has achieved certain results. On this basis, we can promote the network technology and services based on this technology to the market. Of course, this is not the goal we want to discuss today. Today, we mainly discuss whether to start projects on memristors and artificial intelligence technology. We all know the importance of this project, so I won't say it. I don't know whether it is suitable to start now, so we need to work together. " After the big boss left, Yunfei called the relevant responsible persons together.

Sun Lin and situ Heyun, who are engaged in mechanical automation, have nothing to do with this project, but those engaged in electronics, computers and even materials have been called together.

The words that big boss said to Yunfei when he left made Yunfei deeply touched.

However, he still has more concerns. The specific situation will not be discussed with potential partners until the project is determined to start.

"Boss, are we going to get the kind of artificial intelligence described in American science fiction? What if intelligence really produces human consciousness? " Zhao Xiaohai and others who first knew that the company had such a crazy idea were shocked by Yun Fei's idea of further developing artificial intelligence brain on neural network technology.

They also hope to develop such a computer system, but this is too far away.

"The wild geese haven't come down yet. They're worried about how to eat. It's necessary?" Yun Fei glared at Zhao Xiaohai. This guy should be most interested in such a project. He said irony here.

"Boss, we don't have enough technical reserves in this regard, and we don't have any direction at all. This is a completely new architecture, memristor. Although it has been 30 years since it was proposed, few people have studied it. There is little information in this regard abroad. " Vissarion lovich, who has always been addicted to games, is in high spirits this time. This is not only that he finally found a woman who can look at each other, but also that he is interested in these technical things.

To engage in artificial intelligence, it is an absolute attraction for people engaged in computers.

"It is because there is no relevant information abroad that we have to be cautious. If we want to engage in artificial intelligence, we must develop processors other than current computer microprocessors. That is, we must get a memristor. Graphene, the carrier material of memristor, has been developed by the Materials Research Institute of the company... "Yun Fei is very helpless.

This guy always wants to take shortcuts.

But where is the shortcut to science and technology research and development?

"Boss, how much is the initial investment in this project? Is there a detailed plan? Where is the market prospect? These things are what we need to consider. Although the company's cash flow is very abundant at present, the company's stall is too open. If it takes up too much money, other projects of the company will be affected. " As the chief financial officer of Yunfei, Zhang Cui knows how much money Yunfei has. Although she has a lot of money, she can't stand Yunfei's nonsense.

Every move is a big project of hundreds of billions. How many companies can afford it?

Graphene research began to accelerate. Yunfei plans to invest no less than 1 billion in R & D every year, and the company's 91 real estate is a big spender. The cost of a 91 building has to exceed 500 million, and it is still expanding every year. What's more, these commercial buildings are not intended to be sold, but all are reserved for rent!

"The initial capital is about one billion. After all, this project can not be fruitful in a short time. As long as we think we can do this project, our first job is to prepare for the establishment of the project team. What's more, this time, we are not doing it ourselves, but cooperating with relevant units of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and domestic universities and scientific research institutions with strength in this field. At that time, if the country agrees to the project, or the financial problem can be solved a large part... "

Yunfei's words not only let Zhang Cui breathe a sigh of relief, but also let Chen Jie breathe a sigh of relief.

Every time when Yun has to do something big, the most depressed thing is her and Zhang Cui.

After all, Zhang Cui wants to mobilize funds, and she has to go all over the world to find Yunfei the talents he needs. This job is definitely not easy.

"In terms of employment, sister Chen, microelectronics talents, whether domestic or foreign, will be dug back as long as there is a suitable one. Of course, those who don't want to turn their nationality into China are fine. Although relevant personnel from the Chinese Academy of sciences are involved in the research on graphene, we can't relax to enrich our research team. " Yunfei's next words made Chen Jie depressed again.

"Boss, I don't mean I'm not sure what to do!" Chen Jie is helpless.

"Whether we do it or not, we all need talents in microelectronics. Whether research institutes or front-line production units, these need to be further expanded. The future competition is the competition of talents. Why can our whole group become the leader in China? Is it not because we have the top scientific research team in China? " Yunfei doesn't know what Chen Jie thinks.

Anyway, for him, Chen Jie doesn't have to do these jobs in person, unless some people in charge of the project engineer need her to do them in person.

Others can be done by his men. Otherwise, he will be as tired as a dog, but he still can't change much.

"Boss, I apply to enter the artificial brain team." Ruimeng, who has always said little, knows that although Yunfei is talking about consultation, he will put it forward only after he has made a decision according to his usual behavior.

"Boss, do you want to stop studying this? After all, this project is too big. " Wang Yi, who was originally based on the attitude of learning and did not intend to express his opinions, still maintained a cautious attitude towards this matter.