"Mr. Davis, after discussion by the company's management, we have partially agreed to your request to visit our 91 Research Institute. We can visit our automation technology research center and machinery manufacturing technology research at 8:30 tomorrow morning..." Chen Jie continued to delay for a day after receiving Yunfei's instructions, Just agreed to let Davis and his party visit the 91 Research Institute.

Davis and his party are proposing to visit their research institute almost every day. They don't believe too much in the strength of cloud holdings.

"Thank God!" Davis said excitedly.

It is too difficult to enter the 91 Research Institute controlled by cloud.

"In addition, the company clearly stipulates that all photographing and video recording equipment cannot enter our research area. I hope you can understand this..." Chen Jie put forward some requirements of the company to Davis in this regard.

Davis and his company are eager to enter the research area of cloud holdings. It is certainly impossible just to see their technical strength. For such a thing, we must take precautions as soon as possible, so as not to make both sides very stiff when something happens. Such things, they don't want to see happen.

"Chen, we are embarrassed by your request..." Davis's face immediately became unnatural.

Photos and videos are not allowed during the visit. This is a very normal situation in the secret research departments of some countries, especially when foreign people participate. Cloud holdings is just a private enterprise. The technologies studied are also civil technologies, not military. How can they explain when they go back?

After visiting here, I have to explain to the government and the people how about the technical strength here, don't I? This is a very large order!

"Mr. Davis, we are also embarrassed by you. Although we are only a non-governmental research institution, many of the technologies in it are at the forefront of the world, and even the relevant majors of our National Academy of Sciences can not compare. I hope you can understand this. I told you in advance that I hope you can be prepared. Otherwise, when you find these things when you enter the Research Institute, your relevant personnel will certainly not be able to enter the Research Institute of our company... "Chen Jie said with a straight face.

It's very kind and nice to let you in. Do you still want to take photos inside?

These photos, nothing else, just put them on the Internet, so that competitors can evaluate something from them.

If you can shoot some details, you can easily get some patented technologies unique to Yunshi holdings.

It doesn't mean that with the patent right, we can imitate the disclosure of the technology department.

"We need to record something that makes our government and people feel that our money is worth it. If you can't record... "Davis didn't give up on this.

"Don't worry, Mr. Davis, someone on our side will record the trip. At that time, some things we think need to be kept secret will be cut down..." Chen Jie tilted her mouth and told Davis, don't dream.

If it is mixed with European and American commercial spies, it is not a good thing for them.

Cloud Holdings has always been relatively low-key internationally. Its main business is in Africa, and Europe and the United States are basically few businesses. When it is fledgling, cloud is not willing to compete directly with European and American industrial oligarchs, but focuses on Africa and Latin America, where the competition is not too fierce.

South Africa came to China to seek support for technological upgrading. Although there are certain political reasons, they also recognized the achievements of Yunshi holdings in mechanical automation, otherwise there would be no big orders.

South Africa's machinery manufacturing is more comprehensive and originally more advanced.

Can let them see, at least shows that Yunshi holding has a strong competitiveness in the world.

Davis knew what to say, and these guys wouldn't agree with them to bring video and recording equipment, so he didn't say any more.

If the other party cancels their visit directly, it will be a little more than worth the loss. It has long been said that Yunshi Holdings has very advanced technology in this regard. All their most advanced automation technology and intelligent technology are in the Research Institute.

In recent days, I visited the factories subordinate to Yunshi holdings and let them know that the management of this Chinese manufacturing enterprise, which is not very famous in the world, is very advanced and the technology is not bad. These are conventional technologies, not unique to Wynn holdings. The so-called robots don't see much.

The only thing they are satisfied with is that Yunshi holdings, Jiuyi heavy industry, Jiuyi automobile and other companies under construction, have largely adopted automation technology, which has reduced the demand for skilled workers to a very low level.

Before 8:00 the next morning, the party set out from the city and ran directly to the 91 Research Institute in the economic development zone.

There is still no change in the appearance of the 91 Research Institute, but the protection is more strict. There are not only security guards at the door, but also armed police of the military. There are some military projects in it again.

Just these are not the most important. Entering the gate alone requires not only peer magnetic cards and passwords, fingerprint verification, but also pupil scanning!

These are high-tech technologies only found in American sci-fi blockbusters, but I didn't expect to be realized by a civil organization in China. How can Davis not be shocked? South Africa is also a technological power, and they know how difficult it is to realize these technologies.

"Didi didi..." when the red light of the infrared detector swept through the crowd, the alarm light beside the gate immediately began to flash, and there was a rapid "didi" sound. The security guard who had ignored them outside immediately rushed here.

Davis was surprised that the open door in the passage closed in an instant.

"Mr. Davis, please hand over all the equipment that can take video and record. We can't get in today if we don't pass the verification of our security system... "Chen Jiehan said to Davis with a cold face.

Yesterday, I specially emphasized this matter, but I didn't expect that Davis's people still carry video equipment or recording equipment.

"How is it possible that my people don't even have a communicator..." Davis said with a bad face. "Is it possible that your security system has gone wrong?"

"Compared with you, we believe more in the central computer of our research institute. The security system has been running for a long time since the basic part was put into use, and there has been no problem. Since you call the police, it means that your people have this equipment on them. The red light just down from above is for detection. Chen Jie knew that the other party would not give up. Looking at the security guard at the door, she walked towards a woman in her thirties with hair and eyes behind Davis, and immediately opened her mouth to explain.

The technologies used here are not very complex, but these technologies are very practical.

The secret scientific research units and secret bases of the domestic military purchased many security systems in this regard from Yunshi holdings, and even Yunshi holdings gave the source code of the core program of the system to the military. After modification in this regard, the military directly installed some weapon systems that can be controlled automatically in some secret bases. Once there is an alarm problem, the weapons will appear in an instant, and fire automatically after judging that the other party is an intruder

Yun Fei also wants to do this. Unfortunately, he is a private enterprise. Once he does this, he will have to be locked in every minute.

The armed police at the door are also arranged here because the military is worried about him. It's not so much to protect the Research Institute as to monitor the cloud. Someone won't mess around.

"Madam, your eyes and your flowers can't be brought in..." the security guard took off her eyes when the hybrid woman was stunned, and took off a small flower pinned on her chest.

There is a micro camera on the glasses. The fake flower she pinned to her chest is equipped with a pinhole camera and a receiving device, all in the small bag in her hand

Davis was followed by seven or eight people, three of whom had these gadgets!

"Hehe, I'm really sorry. It seems that your Ministry of commerce is right. There are few companies in the world that can surpass Yunshi holdings in terms of security system. In this way, there will be no problem in our procurement... "Davis did not feel embarrassed after being found out, but said with a smile.

"Mr. Davis, this matter needs your explanation. If there is no reasonable explanation, I think our trip today should be cancelled... "Chen Jie did not give up this matter because of Davis's words.

Just a test?

If it's just a test, do you want three people to carry these?

"The thing is, the security systems of some of our important institutions were controlled by the authorities. Now many people in China leave, which makes our security system face some potential safety hazards. China has always done a very good job in this field. We need to learn from China. Your government told us that your company's security system is the most appropriate... "Davis's explanation made Chen Jie feel a little far fetched, but she didn't know what to do for a moment.

"Mr. Chen, let them go in first. We will always follow them through monitoring. If there is any change, we will immediately notify the security personnel inside... "During the standoff, a security guard at the door came in, motioned his walkie talkie and whispered to Chen Jie.