Without investigation, we can better grasp their investment risks. Yun Fei told Su Yuxian very clearly that he knew when they first raised funds, and he also knew when they fried oil futures last time.

This made Su Yu understand that Yunfei really let him go and took the initiative to give Yunfei the profits he once got. Yunfei only took half of the profits and left the rest to him. For him, tens of millions of dollars is really not worth it. It's just unbearable betrayal

Under such a situation, he can't do it. Without Su Yuxian, no one can take over the investment in Xiangjiang in a short time.

The manager of the investment company uses the company's news to make profits for himself and his friends. There is nothing abnormal. If he uses the company's money and resources, Yunfei will never easily bypass him. Cloud someone's news is not so easy to get.

"I heard you spared Su Yuxian?" That night, after the toss with Li Lu, Li Lu, who was very lazy, asked Yun Fei casually.

After the birth of the child, her whole temperament seemed to be better.

Especially the mature taste, with a little more maternal luster, makes the cloud can't stop.

"Could you throw him into the sea to feed the fish? He has to forgive others. He just operates by himself and doesn't disclose the company's news. It's good. When the water is clear, there is no fish... "Yun Fei said faintly as he rubbed Li Lu's smooth and tight skin.

He is now wondering whether the U.S. economy will collapse with this wave of financial crisis caused by the subprime mortgage crisis. What Americans do best is to let the world pay for their economy.

Japan has been paying for them over the years because of the atomic bomb incident. The economic achievements of the whole country have been plundered by the United States, leaving a lot of useless U.S. government bonds in its hands. The impact of the last US financial crisis on the world has not disappeared, and the economic growth level of the whole Europe is terrible.

China still maintains a double-digit economic growth rate driven by real estate.

The United States has always wanted the Chinese government to pay for them, but the Chinese government has reduced its efforts to buy U.S. government bonds because of the existence of cloud Africa and the impact of these years. This makes Yunfei very happy.

But in his time, the American subprime mortgage crisis was still passed on to China.

The RMB has appreciated as much as 25% in just a few years! In other words, the wealth of the Chinese people has virtually decreased by a quarter in those years.

The development of the United States is basically based on this.

It is said that some countries can not withstand the pressure of the United States and the world, and are likely to revalue the RMB. So Yunfei is desperately trying to reserve dollars. In addition to domestic, all his funds abroad are converted into US dollars and do not get them back into RMB.

The boss above has also found Yunfei many times for this matter. In particular, Dai Xiaolong, President of the National Bank of China, has not been looking for Yunfei once or twice.

Yun Fei clearly told him that he would not convert his money into RMB now. Most of the money for his export products is in the National Bank, and all kinds of costs are settled directly in US dollars rather than RMB.

Now holding tens of billions of dollars in foreign exchange, there is no settlement in the bank.

Now it is not in his interest to convert it into RMB. Ten billion, more than 80 billion. When the RMB starts to appreciate, at the highest price, 10 billion can only repay more than 60 billion US dollars. And he is ready to exchange when the country is about to be overwhelmed by negotiations with the United States, so as to maximize profits.

When the final appreciation is completed, he will convert it into US dollars.

In this way, 10 billion US dollars will be converted into more than 80 billion yuan in the early stage, and then into US dollars when the US dollar depreciates. In this way, more than 80 billion yuan will become more than 14 billion US dollars! Virtually, it earned 40% of the profits.

Swiss bank, he also asked to turn all his working capital into RMB.

Holding the US dollar at home and turning it into RMB abroad makes the senior management very dissatisfied with Yunfei's action. If the RMB appreciates, Yunfei's assets will not only be preserved, but also grow a lot.

Of course, if it depreciates, Yunfei can only bear the loss silently.

He is very open to this. Devaluation is a good thing for the country. His personal loss is not very big.

Compared with other countries.

He is also a conscientious entrepreneur.

Otherwise, the whole of China will lose more than anyone else. Once the RMB appreciates, in order to maintain the same RMB price bottom line, the price of China's export products expressed in foreign currencies will increase, which will weaken its price competitiveness; To keep the foreign currency price of export products unchanged, it is bound to squeeze the profit space of export enterprises. In this way, the domestic production cost is still settled in RMB, while the foreign sales price is still US dollars. The cost of Yunfei is rising, but the actual sales profit is declining.

He was unwilling to bear such a result.

The country's current foreign exchange reserves have been greatly reduced due to the existence of cloud Africa, and the structure is more reasonable. It has increased the European currency and reduced the US dollar reserves. At the same time, it has settled with African countries, or even paid directly in US dollars, so that African countries can settle with gold.

Of course, this is the result of Yun Fei's mediation.

"What are you thinking?" When Li Lu saw Yun Fei in a daze, she couldn't help asking him. During this period of time, Yunfei's behavior is really a little abnormal.

"Projects in the United States have started. Domestic house prices will rise more fiercely... "Yun Fei said with a deep breath.

"If the United States has an economic and financial crisis, we must be affected. How can it rise more fiercely?" Li Lu was speechless.

If it turns out that Yunfei doesn't understand the economy, it's understandable for him to say this.

But now, he doesn't believe that cloud must be like this.

"Once the U.S. economic crisis becomes more serious again, the pressure of RMB appreciation will be greater. Americans will certainly devalue their currency to release their pressure. In the 1990s, the economic growth achievements of Japan, Taiwan and other regions were all taken away by the Americans... "Yun Fei sighed.

It's not that he wants to fall into a well here. He can't bear his losses silently because the country can't bear the pressure.

"To what extent?" Li Lu knew that Yunfei would not aim at nothing.

The hunch of cloud God's staff is really accurate. If it weren't for this, would Li Lu get Yunfei's bed?

"About six..." Yun Fei gently spit out the number.

Li Lu was shocked.

She didn't doubt Yunfei. No wonder Yunfei didn't settle with the bank with so many dollars in his hands.

If all the accounts are settled, if you really say so in the future, if you reach such a 25% level within a few years, their domestic costs will rise so much, and their foreign profits will fall so much. Combined, the profits will shrink a lot, even far more than this 25%!

"Does the big man above know?"

"It depends on whether they can withstand the pressure. The country now has only more than $600 billion in reserves, and the losses will not be too serious. But the bankruptcy of enterprises along the coast will be inevitable. " Yun Fei is not going to talk about it again.

Once the RMB appreciation starts, domestic prices will double in a short time. Pork is the most obvious example. With the appreciation of the RMB, the purchasing power should be stronger. However, during the period of RMB appreciation, pork, which was only five or six yuan a kilogram, soon rose to ten or twelve yuan! It's bullshit to say what's good for the country!

Yun Fei is not an economist, but he can measure the purchasing power of money.

Maintaining the original exchange rate, he can buy 2 billion kilograms of pork for 10 billion yuan. With the appreciation, he can't even buy 1 billion kilograms! This is what he has experienced. Therefore, any economist will not listen to him or listen to him again

Before August 2007, the subprime mortgage crisis broke out in the United States.

All this is due to the large-scale sale of American real estate by Swiss bank and Xiangjiang investment group.

By the end of 2005, UBS had sold two-thirds of its shares, and Su Yuxian, a Xiangjiang investment company, also began to act. The range was very small. When the subprime mortgage crisis was noticed in the spring of 2006, they had only a small part left in their hands.

On February 13, 2006, American new century financial company issued a profit warning for the fourth quarter of 2006.

HSBC Holdings announced its performance and increased the reserve for subprime housing credit in the United States by US $12 billion, a total of US $15.573 billion, an increase of 43.6%; As soon as the news came out, the stock market fell sharply that day. Among them, the Hang Seng Index fell 888 points, or 5.2%. This is much higher than the original data, and the time is one year ahead of schedule.

Of course, Yun Fei can't remember the original number at all.

On April 2, new century finance, the second largest subprime mortgage company in the United States, announced that it applied for bankruptcy protection and cut 54% of its employees.

On August 2, 2006, Industrial Bank of Germany announced a profit warning. Later, it was estimated that there was a loss of 8.2 billion euros, because its "Rhineland fund" with a scale of 12.7 billion euros and the bank itself suffered huge losses due to its small participation in the business of the U.S. real estate subprime mortgage market

Then, many investment institutions in the United States began to go bankrupt intensively

The financial crisis caused by the American subprime mortgage market swept the world again.

The economy of the whole world is even worse!

In order to expand domestic demand, the Chinese government announced the launch of the four trillion yuan economic stimulus plan when the coastal foreign trade processing enterprises closed down on a large scale. However, a large part of the four trillion yuan economy is invested in domestic high-tech enterprises.

Infrastructure is also no less.

The economic stimulus plan originally aimed at the real estate market is now divided into many parts. This economic stimulus plan is more reasonable, especially for the adjustment of domestic industrial structure.

The state announced to intensify the construction of expressways and started the construction strategy of provincial high-speed railways.

At the end of December 2006, the U.S. federal government announced a two-year bankruptcy plan for the operating part

"See now? If our country increases the purchase of their bonds, and if their business part continues to go bankrupt, when will our bonds be recovered? " Yun Fei faced Dai Xiaolong, who came to hear the news. It is said that this guy may become the finance minister of the next government.

"How do you know that the US government will go bankrupt? Don't tell me it's a feeling. In recent years, you have made tens of billions of dollars in the United States? " Dai Xiaolong looked depressed.

The collision between the country and the United States is getting bigger and bigger. Before that, Yunfei settled all the dollars in his hand into RMB, which is more than 30 billion dollars! RMB has been exchanged for more than 200 billion!

Just after the exchange, the U.S. government began to go bankrupt.

Now, if the country wants to get back the U.S. bonds, it can only continue to buy U.S. government bonds and appreciate the RMB

Yun Fei didn't know the above policies at all. After all, even Dai Xiaolong didn't know them at the beginning.

He himself made the plan later. Yun Fei seemed to be able to guess what he was going to do next.

"If we don't go bankrupt, will our country increase its efforts to buy foreign exchange? Just like those companies that lived on government loans in the 1990s. Banks don't lend? I'm sorry, the company can't run any more. It can only go bankrupt. We are a limited liability company. Come on, the company will give you an auction. You can sell as much as you want. If you have more, you can give it back to me. If you have less, I'm sorry, I have no ability to repay... "Yun Fei's words are very rough.

But it made Dai Xiaolong speechless.

What he said is true.

In the 1990s, many companies operated like this.

The company itself has no business and profitability. Banks are very relaxed about loans for business, especially in the years when the real estate market was launched in the South China Sea. What's more, countless businesses invest money in them. They are all funded by bank loans, and eventually the bubble is bursting. Many people can't afford to run away.

And the loss of the country still exists.

"The US government is the largest rogue company in the world. The Japanese government now holds more than $200 billion in foreign exchange. Is it useful now? Do they dare to buy again? But they still have to continue to buy, otherwise, their foreign exchange of more than $200 billion is a pile of shit... Their domestic economy is not good, but the government still has to continue to buy, as are European countries. If you follow your plan at the beginning, now if China holds trillions of dollars... "Yun Fei said here and looked at Dai Xiaolong with a playful face.

A cold sweat suddenly broke out on the thick forehead.

At the beginning, Yunfei was preventing the country from buying too many U.S. government bonds, especially in recent years, the U.S. fiscal deficit has been expanding because of the wa