
Professor Ye Hong came on.

Professor Jiang Yulan also played.

These two are all the top talents and senior leaders in the material Department of the alliance! Now, everyone knows that the two proposed to remake it with Ji you.

For a moment, the students in the audience were excited:

"This -- this is a big man's online performance."

"No! This is the immortal big man, fighting online!"

"Professor Jiang Yulan hasn't handled the materials in person for a long time. I heard that her technique is particularly capable. Just watching is a kind of enjoyment. Today is really lucky."

"Call my other brothers while there are still seats."

"Why didn't I think of it? It's not common for such a big man to practice the picture himself. Call my sister quickly."

"Hahaha... I just called, and some of my classmates are coming in a hurry."

At the same time——

Moon Star campus forum.

There is a very popular post. The title of the post is very implicit, even with a strong sense of schadenfreude, but it is precisely because this title reveals the undisguised malice of human beings, so it has full eye attraction.

The post is as follows:

[the one who is playing in the challenge arena today doesn't know if no one will support her. Will she feel lonely?]

1L: everyone won't go. See if her challenge arena can open.

2L: guys, let's unite as one, never give the disgusting plagiarism dog the chance to brush his reputation, and appeal: don't go to the auditorium! Don't go! Don't go!

3L: don't worry upstairs. As long as you have justice in mind, you will never go.

4l: have you forgotten the title of the post? I'll answer one first. It's estimated that the plagiarized dog's worried hair is white at the moment. He grabbed his scalp and roared, "ah, my damn loneliness with nowhere to release!"

5L: after a little brain mending, my stomach will burst with laughter.

6L: she must be very lonely, because the exact news from the front line shows that less than 100 people have gone and dozens have gone. I'm really going to laugh to death. This year's jokes are all contracted by the plagiarism dog.


1099l: appeal again: please work together to fight for justice. Don't support plagiarism dogs. Never go! If you go one less, she will lose face one more point. Now, she has lost enough face. Let's be patient and wait for the end of today to see if she has the face to stay in school.


2999l: plagiarized dog get out!


399l: I hope the plagiarism dog is dead.


4999l: good news, guys! Good news! Two hours have passed so far, and the audience in the auditorium is less than 600. Please try harder and keep it.

5000L: what kind of idiot are those 600 people? Have you got a brain? Why give plagiarism dogs support?

5001l: don't get excited upstairs. Some people who love to join the fun and don't have the concept of right and wrong are everywhere. Calm down! Calm down! We just have to be ourselves.


8999l: happy, sister Xu Siyu obviously doesn't intend to accept the challenge of plagiarizing the dog! you 're right! That's why I went to school with my sister. Sanguan is super positive! If we don't go, why do we have to stand for plagiarized dogs?

9000L: it's right that Siyu doesn't go. Where did the plagiarized dog get such a big face? Let her go?


Throughout the forum, due to the organization led by Xu Siyu's fans and the voluntary behavior of students who hate plagiarism, few people went to the auditorium since 8 o'clock.

That's why there were so few people at first.


Then what happened?

The students of the whole forum, united as one, spontaneously and voluntarily refused to watch the war and challenge Ji you. For a time, they almost controlled the network of the whole forum.

Several loyal fans of Xu Siyu gathered together and were discussing how to celebrate after the victory.


One of them received the news and opened his eyes in surprise: "what? Professor Ye Hong has gone? Professor Jiang Yulan has also gone? Director Wang has also gone?"

Another humanitarian: "it's just that the teacher goes. It shouldn't be a big deal. We students don't go."

"But -- what if someone runs to warm up the field in front of the professor?"

"Control and comment! We will immediately send someone to the forum to control and comment, and try to cover up the past news of several teachers."

"It's too late! The forum has spread."

"Not only the three teachers, but also the video of the scene spread. The plagiarism dog seemed to have made something great in front of everyone. I heard that even the professor was shocked and asked to discuss it together."


"When did it happen? Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Just now, I just received the news. Unexpectedly, the forum spread without time to control and comment."

Several loyal fans gathered together, and the joy on their faces disappeared in an instant. They all frowned and showed their unhappiness. One of them said, "what should I tell her about Siyu?"

"Siyu asked us to control and comment hard and called on everyone not to go, because she is very busy now and can't leave, so she can't accept the challenge. But she doesn't want to say it by herself, because what she says will certainly be caught by a plagiarized dog, saying that Siyu is afraid and dare not accept the challenge."

"Whether Siyu accepts or refuses, it won't do her any good. It's right that Siyu doesn't go. Since we are her fans, we should worry about her, think about what she thinks, cut through thorns and overcome all difficulties for her!"

"Yes! Duty bound!"

"There's no other way now. Let's stabilize first. In short, don't make Siyu difficult."


Ji grapefruit doesn't know what happened on the forum and what Xu Siyu discussed privately with several fans. Of course, even if she knows, she doesn't care at all.


She can't care about anything else now.

After Professor Jiang Yulan proposed to make it together, he immediately started to cut two out of five, scrapped three portions of Xuejin stock solution, and then handed them to Professor Ye Hong and Ji You respectively.

Ye Hong got it and threw it in immediately.

Ji pomelo doesn't dare to waste time. This kind of scrapped material wants to turn waste into treasure. It pays great attention to the opportunity. If it is missed, it can't work harder when the material is completely scrapped.


The three chose a workshop and started making.

It was quiet all around, and no one made a noise to disturb the three.

Then, the people saw that Jiang Yulan and Professor Ye Hong almost didn't blink. They directly began to deal with it. Their methods were slightly different. Jiang Yulan's technique was very elegant, and her fingers flew like a light dance, which was very beautiful.

What about Professor Ye Hong?

His practice is very regular, step by step, step by step. It looks like a boring action, but there is an inexplicable rhythm in it.