Shiya remained silent.

Professor McKen sighed and said, "I can understand your mood of wanting to continue the research. Dina just took over your work. She still has many incomprehensions and deficiencies and needs your help very much. Therefore, you can continue to stay in the laboratory and help her complete it."

Shi Ya's face was cold and she sneered in her heart. After seizing her ideas and creativity, she still had to let herself fight Dina? Drain all your value?


However, knowing that behind these high sounding words, what is covered up is only the dirty selfishness of these people, but what can Shiya do?

No power, no financial support of their own, can only be forced to give way.

Shi Ya volunteered to enter this privately established mecha R & D laboratory dominated by Professor McCann. The main reason why she gave up other official and large laboratories is that this private laboratory has strong autonomy and does not need to be subject to too many binding forces. As long as you have good ideas and creativity and convince the person in charge of the laboratory, you can start the experiment

Of course, there is another saying behind the scenes about this kind of private laboratory - it is called an illegal laboratory. Because of its strong autonomy, it is often not subject to official constraints. The laboratory even occasionally carries out some experiments expressly prohibited by the Alliance... However, these are carried out secretly. Even Professor McCann will never openly confront the legal confrontation with the alliance.

The headquarters of the McKen laboratory is located at the zenith star at the edge of Galaxy 6, which borders galaxies 7 and 8. It happens to be in the triangle of the three galaxies. Because the location is complex, there are often pirates... It can be said that it is very dangerous. However, for research institutes such as the McKen laboratory, the more dangerous it is, the safer it is.


After a few seconds of silence, Shiya didn't nod her head. Instead, she looked at professor McKen and asked, "Professor, what if my mental strength meets the requirements?"

Professor McCann frowned slightly when he heard the speech. After a while, he stretched his eyebrows and said, "if your mental strength can meet the requirements of the experiment, it is of course the best."

Shiya nodded and said, "I see. I'll hand over the work to Dina."

Professor McKen was stunned. He didn't expect Shi Ya to agree so easily. You know, this decision is equivalent to Shi Ya hand over the fruitful research to others

For a researcher, this is equivalent to sending out the "child" he has personally raised and bearing someone else's surname. Since then, the child has nothing to do with himself.

Shiya doesn't make trouble?

When Professor McCann couldn't guess Shiya's mind——

Shi yaleng looked at it and said, "there are conditions for me to send it out. I hope the laboratory can give me a one-time credit point compensation of 50 million. I will unconditionally transfer all the current research data to the laboratory."

"50 million?" before professor McKen spoke, Dina couldn't help screaming and said loudly, "why don't you grab it! Just a little creativity, just like a lion asking so much?"

"Shut up!" Professor McKen glared at Dina, then turned to Shiya and said, "50 million is really a little more. To tell you the truth, the laboratory has not obtained sponsorship recently, and the funds are a little tight. I can give you 20 million at most."

20 million?

Dina opened her eyes wide and her face was a little worried, but she knew she didn't have the right to speak now. She only glared at Shiya and shut up.

Shi Ya heard the speech and was silent for a few seconds, then nodded: "yes."

To be honest, 20 million is just a small sum of money for Macon laboratory. If the "biological machine armor" theory proposed by Shiya can be studied, its value will be immeasurable. Professor McKen looked at Shiya with a smile on his serious face and said, "you can think about it. It's the best. I'm very happy and relieved."

When Shiya, a person with low mental strength and low physique, wanted to join the laboratory, McCann classroom didn't take it seriously. However, seeing that she had a solid foundation, had ideas and didn't want a high salary, she recruited her and was entitled to work for the researchers in the laboratory. But unexpectedly, Shiya was very talented in addition to her low mental strength.

This is a treasure.

If Shiya can make concessions... She can still stay in the laboratory in the future. Although professor McKen is selfish, he also appreciates talents. Like Shi Ya, it doesn't cost much to keep her anyway. Naturally, he doesn't want to extrapolate her. Therefore, Professor McKen said: "although the person in charge of the research of biological mecha has been changed to Dina, after all, you are the person who puts forward the idea. In the future, work together with Dina to put the idea into practice as soon as possible."

With a cold, expressionless face, Shi Ya said, "Professor, I don't have the temperament with Dina. Please forgive me for being unable to work with her. Therefore, I'll submit my resignation orally to you now, and the written resignation will be sent later for your approval."

As soon as Dina heard it, a light flashed in her eyes.

Professor McCann frowned and didn't answer immediately.

Shi Ya said: "after I leave the laboratory, I will sign an agreement with you to ensure that I will not disclose the assumptions and relevant data about the 'biological' mecha to anyone or any third party in the future. Please rest assured."

McCann classroom heard the speech, loosened his frown and said, "I'm not worried about this. I'm just very sorry that you will choose to leave."

Shi Ya said: "I'm also sorry, but my future focus will be on improving my mental power. I won't study mecha for a long time."

When she said this, Professor McCann understood in an instant.

This is——


I vowed to work hard to improve my mental strength.

Young people, no matter how indifferent they look, they will still be a little competitive. Professor McKen thought about it, nodded with a very heavy expression and said, "yes. I approve."

Shi Ya said, "thank you."


After the contact was hung up and the elated Dina also left, Shi Ya sank her face and said nothing.

Shiya knows very well that the main reason why professor McKen promised himself and let him leave is, of course, that he doesn't think he needs him to stay or force him to stay

The idea of the new mecha proposed by Shi Ya is only an idea, and no major breakthrough has been made... This is one reason. Another reason is that Professor McKen doesn't think that Shi Ya, a person with spiritual ability of class C, can be equal to many highly skilled talents in his laboratory. Therefore, it's more appropriate to hand over the practice of this idea to his own people. Is Shi Ya here, It doesn't matter anymore.
