Moon Star International Airport.

He Nu walked into the airport with a huge hammer on his back. After security inspection, he successfully boarded the flight back to Akya. Akya is located in the center of the sixth galaxy, less than 10 light-years away from the administrative star of the sixth galaxy, aquabluestar. With the development of aviation technology, it only takes less than 2 hours to fly.

Akya is a planet rich in land and water resources, with excellent climate and environment, especially suitable for the growth of natural crops and the development of animal husbandry. Therefore, most of the residents here are farmers on the planet.


Planting needs talent, enough patience and care, continuous scientific research, experiment, experiment

In short, this is definitely not an easy task.

Although the local residents of Akya are farmers and own some land on Akya, there are still very few talents who can cultivate and breed.

Young people with excellent planting talent will be selected to enter Akya Agricultural Comprehensive University for systematic training and study from an early age. As for young people with poor planting talent, most of them choose other majors, or simply go to the water blue star of the next administrative planet.

These young people with other talents will naturally stay on aquabluestar or other planets after they have achieved success, because there are not many job opportunities on Akya agricultural star.

But he Nu is different. He Nu is a young man who loves his family, loves his country and loves his planet. When he Nu was very young, there was a star animal movement on Akya planet. At that time, a group of tiger and sheep beasts not only ruined a large area of corn land, but also killed many residents of the planet. This is a great tragedy.

He Nu's father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother and sister... All his relatives died in the star beast change again.

He Nu was supposed to be buried in the mouth of tiger, sheep and beast, but at that moment, a team of mecha soldiers from the sky saved his life.

This group of mecha soldiers he Nu is very familiar with. It is a garrison on the route near the alliance and belongs to the sixth corps of general Baiji. This group of soldiers often cruise back and forth between the space station and Akya

At the beginning of the star beast change, he Nu's parents... All the relatives, while resisting the invincible enemy, prayed that the garrison would come quickly.


Until they closed their eyes, they couldn't wait for the garrison to arrive.

He Nu did not resent the garrison soldiers.

It's not their fault. It's not that they deliberately delayed time and came to rescue, but that there are only so many garrisons. The changes of stars and animals broke out together on the whole Akya planet. They need rescue everywhere and garrison everywhere

He Nu only hates himself. Why can't he stop these tigers, sheep and beasts? If my parents, brothers and sisters... Or my neighbors' uncles and aunts... If there was a mecha fighter who could drive more than 4 stars, his relatives and friends... Would not die. Maybe they would still die, but it would definitely not be the end of total destruction.


He Nu has been biting his teeth since that time and vowed to learn his fighting skills and protect his home by himself.

He nu - he is willing to stay on his planet, love it and protect it until he can't move anymore.


He Nu's fighting talent is very excellent, and his planting talent is also very excellent... Many universities on other planets threw olive branches at him, but he Nu refused them all.

He's staying on Akya.

However, there is only one university on the planet of Akya, that is, Akya agricultural comprehensive university.

Planting, animal husbandry, breeding... Is one of the best agricultural universities in the league. However, his name of mecha combat department is not known, and even he can't recruit students every year.

Later, after careful thinking by the school management, Akya Agricultural University simply ruthlessly separated the combat department and established an independent university.

In addition, Akya agricultural comprehensive university has also given a lot of care to the new military college. For example, the original teaching address has been separated free of charge, and some voluntary management have been assigned to build the new school wholeheartedly.

In addition, the administration of Akya also paid special attention to the newly established combat school and gave a lot of care. We all know that only with our own combat power can we resist the ferocious and raging star beasts.

As the first batch of students of akyaxing military college, he Nu is also an excellent student and the best of all students. He Nu feels deeply responsible!

The planet has a total population of 1 billion, and the young people of school age account for 40%. He Nu knows that if he wants to expand his school and let more young people and more students join the akyaxing military academy, he doesn't need to bother to recruit students from outside, but only need to let the local lost students with great fighting talent come back.

We only need those students who go to aqua blue star, moon star, Nami star... And those who are about to go to other places to come back and build their own military school together.


One day, their planet will be both prosperous and safe.


He crossbow half leaned against the marble table of the rest cabin and stared out of the glass window - the spacecraft has gradually started and moved away from the moon star. The moon star in the line of sight is getting smaller and smaller

Finally, it disappeared completely.


He Nu sighed in a low voice.

The next second, the disappointed color on he Nu's face disappeared in an instant!

"There's no need to be sad."

"There's no need to be sad."

"I've been ready to fail all the way, but -"

"If I fail, can I stop moving forward? No!"


"I will never stop." he Nu clenched his fist heavily. For one thing, Ji grapefruit, who looked very weak but actually had unfathomable strength, said very well. She said she would only do it now.

Do a good job in every minute and every second of the present without thinking about the future, because if you do a good job in today and every day in the future, you will have an unreachable future.

you 're right.

this is it.

It seems very difficult and complex, but it's very easy to split it into a small piece, a small point, a small day, an hour, a minute, a second... It's very easy to do.


I can do it myself.

"Seize the day!" he roared with a heavy fist in the crossbow.


The ship roared towards the established route and flew to Akya.