Mithril, snow jade, cup gold... After all these materials were strictly configured in proportion, the female assistant Joana did not dare to neglect at all. She sent all the materials to Mickey Dodge's personal research room. After confirming that the materials were correct, Mickey dodge nodded, and Joana took the door and left quietly.


Jonah sent a message to the other assistants and told everyone to stand by and wait for master Mickey at any time.

So is Joana.

She has a small office next to Mickey Dodge's research room. Yes, it's an office, not a research room.

As Mickey Dodge's chief assistant, she has no spare time and conditions to conduct independent research on Horcrux manufacturing, because she must wait for the master's call at any time. This office was approved by master Mickey dodge to facilitate Joana's work.

When Jonah returned to the office and finished her work, and then prepared to make a natural drink to alleviate mental injury for other assistants in the laboratory, her eyes inadvertently caught a glimpse of the light brain on her wrist.

In fact, Joana also bought the array diagram viewing ticket of the green glaze master.


Yes, she bought 100. At that time, she just wanted to buy one, but somehow, looking at the price of those 10 credit points, Joanna was surprised and even raised a sense of Absurdity - the Horcrux array diagram. Did she sell only 10 credit points?

Is there such a good thing in this world?

Joana's hesitation took only 0.1 seconds and quickly placed 100 orders.

1... 100?

Staring at the amount she bought, Joana thought she might be crazy. Subsequently, her state of mind gradually calmed down.

Joana thought about it. Anyway, even if it was just a joke played by master Qingqi for everyone, she was willing to accept it.

The news about the shop sales array of master qingglaze was revealed by a new assistant in the laboratory. It was a young man full of hope and enthusiasm, but Joanna saw many such people. In a few years, his enthusiasm and hope will be wiped out.


Perhaps, like myself, there is only a glimmer of hope left. Relying on this idea of hope, we continue to live a dark and confused life ahead.

Jonah pursed her mouth, her eyes stayed on the light brain for a few seconds, and her fingers touched the light brain.

The next second, as if she had been scalded, Jonah quickly withdrew her hand.


Joana tried to immerse herself in her work and put all her thoughts behind her.

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.


What lingered in her head was always the gilded ticket. Jonah bit her lip and almost bit out blood. Then her heart crossed and opened her light brain.

Master Mickey Dodge is making a custom Horcrux recently. The method has been improved for a long time and failed many times. Recently, he finally has some eyebrows. Whenever he is immersed in making a Horcrux, or one day, or three days, or half a month... He basically doesn't need an assistant. Only then can the assistants in the laboratory steal a moment of leisure.

Jonah prayed, then entered the star network, went to her shopping room, and took out one of the 100 gilded tickets.

Jonah looked at it, her fingers trembling slightly.

In the office, she prepared a miniature high-frequency vibrator for herself. Once she fainted, the vibrator would wake her up immediately.

Thinking of this, Joana clenched her teeth, her fingers trembled and opened the authority.

Joana suddenly got dark in front of her eyes. What came into her eyes was a virtual space. It was empty all around. There was no light at all.


Is this a virtual space for storing array diagrams?

Joana was a little nervous and flustered at first, but it was wonderful that after quietly observing this viewing space, her inner panic soon disappeared. Joana calmed down, looked at it more patiently, more carefully and cherished. How could it be black?

What about the array diagram?

Have you been cheated? There is no array diagram here, just a dark space?

Jonah thought so, and her head began to swell faintly.


I can't bear my mental strength. This slightly familiar swelling pain made Joana's doubt disappear.

you 're right.

This pain comes from the oppression of mental power by the array chart.

Joana is familiar with it because she has seen the array diagram painted by master Mickey dodge several times. When she first saw it, Joana's mental strength was painful for several days before she recovered.

Since it is the location of the array chart, what about the array chart?

Joana sank down and observed carefully. What made her a little confused was the sense of oppression from the array diagram and the spiritual power of the Horcrux master, which caused great pressure on her body and spirit. She tried her best to support her. Her forehead and palm were all sweating, her lips were white, and there was no blood on her face

Although it was so difficult, Joana could still support it, because she found that the array diagram and the spiritual power of the Horcrux contained in it had caused great oppression to her, but did not cause real harm to her.

1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds

Joana can't remember the time, maybe for a moment, maybe a few minutes have passed. Just when she felt more and more pressure, more and more unbearable, and was about to completely faint, suddenly, the bell in the office suddenly rang——

Jingling bell~

too bad!

It's master Mickey dodge!

At the moment when her mood fluctuated violently, Joana was black and fell on her desk.

It's over.

Before she fainted, Jonah thought.

Then, the high-frequency vibrator set in advance in the office triggered the start-up procedure after Joana's head banged on the table.


The harsh and sharp voice filled up the small space of Joana's office and woke up the fainting Joana in a moment.

Jonah looked up at the alarm clock on her desk. Less than two seconds later, the call from master Mickey dodge continued to ring.

Jonah rubbed her eyebrows and answered the phone: "master Mickey, I'm here."

Mickey Dodge's voice was slightly unhappy and said, "Joana, you delayed connecting for 3 seconds. The bonus this month is halved. Remember this lesson."

Joana looked dark: "yes."

Mickey dodge said, "prepare me a new material and increase the proportion of snow jade by 30%


without doubt.

Jonah didn't show any emotion and nodded, "yes."


Jonah ordered other assistants to prepare everything master Mickey needed as quickly as possible, and then sent it to Mickey Dodge's research room.

Jonah looked straight ahead, put the materials away, and withdrew quietly.


She returned to the office and recalled the mysterious array diagram of master qingglaze. It was dark and empty. She was sure she didn't see it.

Is your mental strength not enough?

Joana thought to herself, out of the corner of her eyes, glanced at the work schedule on her desk, and what to do next... Joana was suddenly surprised: by the way, why is her mental state so healthy?

Oppressed by the array diagram and then forcibly awakened, your mental strength will inevitably suffer heavy losses. Why don't you feel uncomfortable?

Jonah's eyes stopped at the light brain on her wrist.