Chapter 115 - 17

Name:Invicinble Colorless Butler Author:
Back when Ziel and his party went looking for a place to have lunch, Princess Freya is more active when she is with them. An elegant and graceful Princess could no longer be seen from her at this time. She didn't care about that at all. She smiles and laughs more when she is with them and this makes her happy.

After finishing their lunch, they toured the city until the evening. They decided to end their activities outside and return to the castle.

"You guys can go back first, I still have a business to do." Ziel suddenly spoke to them after arriving in front of the castle.

"Where are you going, Ken? Isn't it dangerous to go out alone at night like this?" Clara asked worriedly.

"I won't be gone for long, my lady. Don't worry, I won't do anything dangerous." Ziel tries to convince her.

"Okay. But you have to be careful!" Clara finally nodded reluctantly.

"I also have to meet the principal and the other teachers. I can't accompany you inside." Kalya also said more or less the same thing as him.

Princess Freya and Princess Iris both stared suspiciously after hearing what Kalya said. They felt there was something strange about the two of them suddenly having a business. They walked into the castle after seeing Ziel and Kalya gone. Before entering the castle, Princess Freya suddenly stopped as she had just remembered something.

"Ah, sorry I just remembered that I have to meet my brother. Then I'll go first. Thanks for the time today." Princess Freya quickly left without waiting for their answer. She looks in a hurry and goes in the same direction as kalya.

"Clara, you can go first with the others. I left something to Princess Freya earlier. I forgot to ask her back, so I have to go after her!" Princess Iris followed the direction where Princess Freya had gone.

"That..." Clara wanted to ask her what thing she left with Princess Freya and since when they became that close, but Princess Iris was already far from her sight. They were dumbfounded by the sudden change in the attitude of the two girls. They could only sigh and walk to their rooms within the castle to get some rest.


Freya who was secretly following Kalya didn't know that she was also being followed by Princess Iris. She was too focused on observing Kalya's movements that she didn't notice the situation around her. Currently, she is using her camouflage ability to follow Kalya. She is confident that she will not be found by her, therefore she prefers to follow Kalya over Ziel who will surely know about her camouflage.

Princess Freya saw Kalya take out a black robe from her space storage and cover herself. After that, she walked towards the capital square.

"Where will she go?" Princess Freya mumbled and slowly followed her. She tried to keep her distance from her so as not to be noticed.

Meanwhile, Princess Iris who was following Princess Freya didn't dare to get too close to her. She also can camouflage using shadows. At night, her camouflage ability will have double effectiveness and is hard to find.

"Sure enough she followed her. I didn't expect her to do something like that. Eh, am I not the same as her?" She's talking to herself. When she realized she was doing the same with Princess Freya, she quickly shook her head.

"No, no, no! I'm just satisfying my curiosity!" Princess Iris tried to throw away what she was thinking. Then she saw Princess Freya suddenly stop. Princess Iris slowly approached her and looked in the direction Princess Freya was looking at. She saw Kalya meet someone in a black robe.

"Eh, isn't that Ken? They met secretly?" Princess Iris can recognize Ziel because of the slightly visible gray hair from his black robe.

Princess Freya who was hiding in front of Princess Iris was silent when she saw someone in a black robe come to meet Kalya. What annoyed her was that Kalya suddenly held the man's arm. She could tell that the black-robed person was Ziel.

"I felt right! They met! Is this a date!? I won't let their date go well!" Princess Freya was determined in her heart and continued to follow them until they sat on a park bench with lots of colorful lights that looked very romantic. When they sit on the bench, Kalya rests her head on Ziel's shoulder and looks like a couple.

"Argh! What is she doing!? That elf how dare she!" Princess Freya gritted her teeth and slowly approached them. Not far behind her, Princess Iris keeps following her. She has the same feelings as Princess Freya at this time. When they were focused on peeking at them, suddenly they were startled by a voice that sounded directly in their ears.

"How long are you two going to hide?"

The two of them trembled after hearing that voice.


"Are you going to come out on your own or am I going to force you out?" Ziel said again because the two people still didn't want to show themselves. It wasn't long before someone finally came out from behind the tree.

"Ahaha... I was caught. Coincidentally, I was strolling in the town square and saw you guys. Then I decided to follow you all the way here." Princess Freya awkwardly makes excuses. But Ziel ignored her words. He looked at the other tree behind Princess Freya.

Slowly someone came out of there. Princess Freya was shocked to see her because she didn't feel that anyone was following her at all. When that person took off the cover of her robes, she chuckled in embarrassment.

"I... I don't have any reason. I did follow Princess Freya." Princess Iris said honestly.

"I didn't expect you to follow me, what do you want from me?" Kalya is not surprised when she finds out that the two of them are following her.

"Of course I was curious as to what you were going to do! And it turned out to be true! You went on a secret date!" Princess Freya doesn't cover her goals at all.

"I have something I want to talk about. You can go back to the castle now." Ziel doesn't want to waste time with her.

"Just me? Why don't you ask her to leave too? Did you say it wrong?" Princess Freya felt like something was wrong with his words.

"No. You heard it right. I'm just asking you to leave." Ziel answered her nonchalantly.

"But why!? Why can she be here and I can't!? I've known you longer than her!" Princess Freya accidentally raised her voice. Luckily no one was around there.

"I don't believe you." Ziel answered her honestly. His words pierced Princess Freya's heart. Her body was shaking violently and she suddenly burst into tears. Princess Iris and Kalya felt sorry for her.

"Why can't you trust me when you can trust her!? Even though I've known you longer than her!" Princess Freya still doesn't accept what he said. Ziel didn't answer and just showed her the back of his hand. Magic seal appeared there. On the other hand, Princess Iris' forehead also gave off a magic seal with the same pattern.

Princess Freya was shocked to realize the true relationship between Ziel and Princess Iris. While Kalya who saw it could only smile bitterly.

"Do you understand why I can trust her more than you? Because she won't be able to betray me." He didn't want to show it. But if not, he will waste a lot of time on Princess Freya.

"So all this time..." Princess Freya couldn't believe that Princess Iris wanted to enter into a master and servant contract with him.

"If you understand then you can return to the castle." Ziel removed the magic seal on the back of his hand and no longer looked at Princess Freya.

"Then! Then I am also willing to enter into a master and servant contract with you!" Princess Freya said firmly like she didn't want to lose to Princess Iris. Kalya frowned with Princess Freya's stubbornness.

"What are you saying, Princess Freya!? I made a master and servant contract with him to suppress my dangerous mana. Do you understand!? You have no reason to do so!" Princess Iris screamed when she heard Princess Freya's statement.

"I have a stronger reason than you! So you don't have to interfere in my decision!" Princess Freya started arguing with Princess Iris.

"But..." Princess Iris still wanted to say something to her but Ziel cut her off first.

"Enough. I'll let you stay here. But stop thinking about making a master and servant contract with me. Do you understand?" Ziel said to her in a threatening tone.

"But... all right." Princess Freya still wanted to make the contract, but Ziel's cold gaze silenced her.

"Sit down you guys. I can't start anything if you keep standing like that." Ziel pointed at the park bench in front of him. Kalya rested her head on Ziel's shoulder again like she didn't care about them. It is like her special right to cling to and be spoiled for him.

"Hey! Do you have to be like that!?" Princess Freya was annoyed to see Freya who was spoiled like that. He seemed to be showing off their affection for her. Princess Iris also subconsciously felt the same way with her.

"You don't have to care about me. I can still hear what he's saying in this position." Kalya smiled slightly in response to Princess Freya.

Ziel quickly started the conversation before they could argue over an unimportant matter. He took out two world altar fragments from his space storage. The three girls were shocked when Ziel suddenly took out the thing. Unlike Kalya who had seen it in the Elven Kingdom, the two Princesses had only recently seen an object with such an aura.

"This was the thing the golems were looking for, to be precise the one who controls the golems. One of them I got in the Argaint Kingdom, the other in a pile of stones in a basket inside the building." Ziel started telling what he wanted to talk about.

"What's that? What's the point of them looking for that thing?" Princess Freya asked curiously and also represented the curiosity of the other two girls. Even though Kalya knew what it was, she never asked him about its use.

"World altar fragments. One fragment is enough to summon 4 heroes from another world. When all the fragments are collected. This thing can open doors to other worlds and allow us to cross them." Ziel explained it to them. Kalya and the two Princesses trembled after hearing his explanation. They did not expect the object in his hand to have such extraordinary power. They never even imagined it.

"Then the thing that the Rubelia Kingdom uses to summon heroes is..." Princess Freya tried to digest his explanation. Ziel nodded at her speculation.

"How did you know all that?" Princess Iris subconsciously asked out of curiosity about the source of Ziel's explanation.

"I can't answer that." Ziel refused flatly which made Princess Iris speechless.

"What do you mean that thing is very important to them and they will attack again?" Kalya understands the essence of the explanation that Ziel has given.

"Yes. I'm sure they will attack this kingdom. I'll take care of it, after that I plan to go to the Elven Kingdom. I hope the fragments are still there." Ziel conveys his plan to Kalya.

"I'll come with you!" Kalya firmly says her wish.

"You should know there might be a fight there when I pick up that thing, so I won't be able to avoid damage and casualties." Ziel wanted to talk about this with Kalya earlier, but he was interrupted by the two Princesses.

"Right now I don't care about that anymore. Those things don't matter to me anymore. As long as that person from the divine race isn't around, the Elven kingdom can rise and become independent again. I don't want the Elven Kingdom to continue to be a puppet kingdom, that's all." Kalya tells her decision. She gripped his hand tightly. Ziel nodded as he looked into her determined eyes.

"Wait! What does the Elven Kingdom have to do with you? I have no idea what you're talking about!" Princess Freya finally spoke after just silently listening to their conversation. Her question also represented a confused Princess Iris.

"I am the younger sister of the current Elven Queen. My name is Cattleya Venetia." Kalya answered honestly to Princess Freya's question.

"What!?" Princess Freya and Princess Iris shouted in unison.