With the flickering fire, rod, who got out of trouble, returned to the Corps that broke through with the hero York.


Seeing rod's safe return, the remaining Legion members were shocked. After losing those great demons due to successive losses, only vampires and corpse Witch King were left in the Legion. Originally, some dull morale rose again at this moment.

Next to the hero's remains in the center of the regiment, the commander looked at the returning rod and breathed a sigh of relief.

Back in the Legion galloping towards the end of the continent, York seemed to be looking for something and looked around, while rod came to the commander.

On the battlefield, when he was besieged by mauriel, all the Legion members fell into deep panic and even fell into a trap together, farezer still maintained absolute reason and made the most correct decision, that is to let the other Legion members break out with the remains of heroes.

Although the price of that decision seemed to be to leave Rhode who was trapped, Rhode had to admit that it was farezer's breakthrough order that made him feel relieved to hand over the shackles of war to the bloody mage and restrict Molly and his party.

"You did a good job." As he spoke, rod seemed to find something, and looked at farezer differently.

From the commander, he felt the power of the legendary special skills, which was very rare. Even rod himself had few legendary special skills.

"Thank the host for his praise. That's what I should do." Farezer bowed his head slightly and said in a low voice.

Just as rod was about to ask about his special skills, the violent vibration from the rear attracted rod's attention.

As soon as the fire flashed, a big demon with injuries and blood flowing under his feet appeared, he couldn't help complaining to the commander.

"Those hell bimon, they chased all the way! Commander, you think of a way... Er, master..." just halfway through his words, he saw rod around farezer, and looked stunned and guilty.

The existence of peeping eyes made rod immediately see through the guilt in the heart of the great devil. When he was trapped, he let those great demons know these situations through the power of blood resonance. Most of the great demons rushed to help at the first time and were trapped with themselves. A few of the great demons listened to the commander's orders and remained in place. Just like Carl in front of him, that's why he felt guilty.

According to Carl's experience in hell, if the master is in trouble and the devil under his command doesn't care, the only end waiting for the devil is death.

Seeing this, rod waved his hand and didn't mean to investigate. He looked at farezer to see what the commander with legendary special skills would do.

Aware of rod's meaning, farezer stepped forward, There was a thoughtful look on his face: "Normally, the barbarians who control the hell bimon become one of us under the eyes of their masters. No one can control the hell bimon, and they are in chaos as I expected, which makes us find a chance to break through. But now they catch up, which only shows that someone is secretly controlling those places Prison bimon. "

Rod noticed that after listening to farezer's explanation, the great devil Carl seemed to shine in his eyes. He looked at farezer with deep respect. Before that, this would never happen. The great devil would not sincerely surrender to creatures with lower strength than himself.

Not only that, other Legion members also put down their actions and listened carefully when farezer explained. Even if farezer didn't do anything special, at this moment, the whole legion seemed to be closely united because of his explanation.


From these visions, rod judged the types of legendary special skills on farezer, and the feedback from the peeping eye also confirmed rod's idea.

The existence of leadership, especially the leadership of the commander, can greatly improve the morale of other members. In addition, there are various additional effects. The top leadership can directly increase the basic attributes and damage of Legion members. It is a very practical special skill.

Rod himself will not spend skill points on this special skill, but it is a blessing to see his commander have such special skills.

Naturally, farezer didn't know what rod was thinking. He quickly ordered:

"Find out the person who gave orders to hell bimon. Without the command of that person, even if hell bimon's strength is strong, it's also a group of fools who can only run amok! Vampires, it's your turn to disturb them with bats."

After receiving farezer's order, the nearby Legion members immediately took action. A large group of seemingly ordinary Legion members suddenly burst into bursts of black fog. From the black fog, there were a large group of blood sucking bats with scarlet eyes.

Under the scanning of rod's Scarlet eyes, the number of vampires in the Legion has already exceeded the number of big demons. Rod doesn't even need to transform. Just scanning his eyes is enough to turn low-powered creatures into vampires and expand the number of Legion members.

In the rear, the earth shook more and more loudly. Rod looked back and could vaguely see monsters as huge as mountains and flowing with magma. Those monsters were waving their invincible claws and attacking and killing the members of the legion with towering power.

Waiting for those hell bimon are the vampire bats that block out the sky and the sun. Perhaps it is difficult for a single vampire bat to cause any damage. Even a large group of vampire bats cannot defeat the defense harder than lava on hell bimon, but it is enough to interfere with the enemy's command and make hell bimon fall into chaos.

As early as in the previous battle, farezer found that those hell bimon did not want to easily step on the package of vampire bats. Naturally, it was not that they were afraid of the harm of vampire bats, but because a large number of vampire bats would seriously interfere with their perception.

Other Legion members may have doubts about farezer's orders, but the existence of legendary leadership makes them not question farezer's orders at all, but implement them meticulously. Only rod nodded secretly after noticing farezer's orders.

Although colger's hell is stronger than Meng's power, there is an irreparable deep defect. Even rod failed to notice it at the first time. He found this only after farezer ordered it.